• Continuano gli scontri in Ucraina, le Nazioni Unite chiedono un ritorno immediato al cessate il fuoco.

    Continuano gli scontri in Ucraina, le Nazioni Unite chiedono un ritorno immediato al cessate il fuoco. L’ambasciatore ucraino presso l’Onu Volodymr Yelchenko ha attribuito alla Russia e ai separatisti filorussi la responsabilità degli scontri che dal 29 gennaio hanno provocato almeno 19 morti e lasciato migliaia di civili senza gas, luce ...

  • Everything you wanted to know about @realdonaldtrump’s Twitter habit

    Another day, another tweet, another incident. This time Donald Trump, the prolific and seemingly indiscriminate tweeter who just happens to be leader of the free world has damaged diplomatic relations with Australia by raging against a refugee resettlement deal that had been struck in the dying days of the Obama ...

  • Editorial: EU Malta council - Playing with her cuffs

    At the last European Council, the first one she attended, UK Prime Minister Theresa May was left, according to Adam Boulton, all alone and she spent her time playing with her cuffs.Will she do the same at the European Council that is being held today in Malta?So many things have ...

  • Current situation ‘completely, morally unsustainable’, what to expect from informal migrant talks

    Doing nothing about the current economic migrant crisis between Libya and Europe is not an option, sources close to the EU Council said today, adding that instability/uncertainty within the Libyan government is not an argument for doing nothing.“I think we are all aware of the difficulties in Libya, but that ...

  • ‘May enters lion’s den’, to deliver Trump’s message about migration – British media

    British media reporting the EU summit being held in Malta had their own colourful ways of describing the the arrival of British Prime Minister Theresa May.  “May enters lion’s den as Juncker warns 'you never know what will happen!'  was the headline on the Daily Express. The British media is also ...

  • Il governo britannico ha presentato il piano per l’uscita dall’Unione europea.

    Il governo britannico ha presentato il piano per l’uscita dall’Unione europea. Il 2 febbraio il ministro per la Brexit, David Davis, ha reso noto il libro bianco, un documento di 77 pagine che conferma la volontà di Londra di abbandonare l’unione, il mercato comune e la corte di giustizia europei. ...

  • Thousands of civilians risk losing access to basic necessities as fighting escalates in Eastern Ukraine

    Source: UN Security Council Country: Ukraine, WorldThe recent dangerous uptick in fighting seen in eastern Ukraine has left hundreds of thousands of civilians at risk of losing all access to water, heat and electricity, the Security Council heard on 2 February.SC/12704 SECURITY COUNCIL 7876TH MEETING (PM) Members hear from political, humanitarian affairs chiefs, head ...

  • Israelis are doing a thriving but discreet business with the Arab world

    When an Israeli with Saudi business ties was disinvited as a speaker to a London conference because a Saudi was to be present, the Israeli pointed out that the two are friends, Bloomberg business news reported.

  • UK government plans for Brexit negotiations set out in white paper

    Brexit Secretary David Davis has set out the British government's negotiating strategy for the UK's withdrawal from the EU in a keenly-awaited white paper. Launching the 77-page document in a statement to the House of Commons, Mr Davis said the paper confirmed Prime Minister Theresa May's vision of "an independent and ...

  • UK lawmakers support bill to trigger EU exit talks

    Britain moved closer to leaving the European Union Wednesday as lawmakers backed a bill authorizing divorce proceedings and kept alive the government's plan to trigger Brexit talks within weeks.The House of Commons decisively backed the bill by 498 votes to 114, sending it on for committee scrutiny. The result was ...

  • Updated: UK Brexit plan seeks close EU ties, but details still short

    Britain is leaving the European Union's single market but wants a "frictionless" new trade relationship with the bloc, the government said Thursday in the most detailed account yet of its EU exit plans.In a bid to ease uncertainty around the U.K.'s exit from the European Union — and appease opposition ...

  • Attesa la pubblicazione del libro bianco sulla Brexit dopo il via libera dei deputati britannici.

    Attesa la pubblicazione del libro bianco sulla Brexit dopo il via libera dei deputati britannici. La sera del 1 febbraio la camera dei comuni ha approvato con 498 voti a favore e 114 contrari la legge proposta dal governo di Londra per avviare la procedura di uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione ...

  • Il parlamento britannico vota la legge per dare il via alla Brexit.

    Il parlamento britannico vota la legge per dare il via alla Brexit. Intorno alle 20, ora italiana, comincia la votazione sulla legge proposta del governo britannico per avviare le procedure per l’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea. Ci si attende una larga approvazione, anche se una parte dei laburisti ha ...

  • Theresa May annuncia la pubblicazione del libro bianco della Brexit.

    Theresa May annuncia la pubblicazione del libro bianco della Brexit. Durante il dibattito alla camera dei comuni sulla legge per la Brexit, la premier britannica ha annunciato che domani il governo pubblicherà un libro bianco per indicare le linee dell’esecutivo nel processo che porterà all’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea. ...

  • David and Victoria Beckham pay £22,000 in tax, per day

    David and Victoria Beckham pay the taxman the equivalent of nearly £22,000 a day after their global business empire notched up more than £47 million in sales. The firm owned by the ex-England captain and his fashion designer and former Spice Girl wife made pre-tax profits of £39.5 million on sales ...

  • Updated: UK lawmakers voting on bill to trigger EU exit talks

    Britain's House of Commons plans to vote Wednesday on a bill authorizing Prime Minister Theresa May to start exit talks with the European Union — the first major test of whether lawmakers will try to impede the Conservative government's Brexit plans.The vote comes after two days of debate in which ...

  • Libyan airlines using loophole in EU law to revive flights to Malta

    A Libyan airline is allegedly making use of a legal loophole, circumventing an EU ban, to “revive the Malta-Benghazi link."Air Libya has reportedly managed to get round the ban by leasing an aircraft registered in a European country, which is allowed to fly in the EU.Currently, all Libyan airlines are ...

  • PM lauds 2016 tourism results, hopeful Air Malta will find 'the right' strategic partner

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today he was hopeful that Air Malta would find a strategic partner “in the time to come.”  Dr Muscat was speaking at an event during which the Malta Tourism Association gave a detailed breakdown of tourist arrivals and expenditure during 2016. Around 1.98 million tourists ...

  • Updated: FA Cup to have 2 non-league teams in last 16 for 1st time

    The FA Cup threw up its latest heartwarming story line on Sunday when Sutton United beat second-tier Leeds 1-0 to ensure there would be two non-league teams in the fifth round for the first time.Adding a touch more magic on a historic day for the 146-year-old competition was the background ...

  • Nationalist Party proposes Regional Council for Gozo

    Speaking at a General Convention on Gozo, PN leader Simon Busuttil proposed a Regional Council for Gozo which, as he explained, would be keeping the Minister for Gozo to implement the promises made by the party in a specific electoral programme for Gozo.One of the previous speakers at the Convention ...

  • PM calls success over previous years an 'economic miracle', says Malta 'fixed its own roof'

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has called Malta’s recent economic success under the Labour administration an “economic miracle”. He said this in relation to how this government has focused efforts on creating a strong economy that can withstand external shocks, rather than wasting time on concentrating solely on the possible fallout ...