• Fantasy Sports operator chooses Malta as its base of operations in Europe

    Draft Kings, a fantasy sports operator originating from the USA, has chosen Malta as its base of operations for Europe.A legal notice published recently split games of chance from skills based games, such as fantasy football, and the company acquired their new license through this split.Draft Kings CEO Jason Robins, ...

  • Deutsche Bank multata per 630 milioni di dollari da Stati Uniti e Regno Unito.

    Deutsche Bank multata per 630 milioni di dollari da Stati Uniti e Regno Unito. Le autorità di controllo bancarie statunitensi e britanniche hanno imposto all’istituto tedesco una multa di 630 milioni di dollari per aver permesso il riciclaggio di denaro tra i suoi uffici di Mosca, Londra e New York. ...

  • Il parlamento britannico comincia il dibattito sulla legge per la Brexit.

    Il parlamento britannico comincia il dibattito sulla legge per la Brexit. Alle 12.40, ora di Greenwich, il parlamento britannico comincerà il dibattito per l’approvazione dell’European Union bill, la legge proposta dal governo per avviare le procedure dell’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Ue. Il dibattito durerà fino alla mezzanotte del 31 gennaio, ...

  • Former IEBC bosses to get diplomatic jobs

    The nine former IEBC commissioners ejected from office under a cloud could land lucrative ambassadorial postings. This would be a yet another gift — part of the deal — to Issack Hassan's team who got packages estimated at Sh330 million each for their early exit. There was a national consensus ...

  • Trump defends travel ban as Obama backs protests

    Business giants kick 1.3m sign petition in UK against president Former United States President Barack Obama yesterday gave his backing to the global protests against the travel ban by President Donald Trump. Citizens of seven mainly-Muslim countries have been banned from entering the United States for 90 days while refugees ...

  • Conflict in Taiz maiming and killing children and other civilians

    Source: Médecins Sans Frontières Country: YemenMSF report looks at impact of the war on Taiz, and the collapse of health services in the divided city where, in the last six months of 2016, a quarter of those injured were women and children. Conflict in Taiz, Yemen is indiscriminately maiming and killing children ...

  • About 350,000 children at risk in western Mosul as offensive enters more dangerous phase

    Source: Save the Children Country: IraqChildren are trapped in siege-like conditions under ISIS control in western Mosul and risk summary execution by militants if they try to flee, as Iraqi and coalition forces look set to advance deeper into the city.Medic in Mosul speaks of deadly escape from ISIS-held areas - ...

  • Theresa May ha incontrato il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ad Ankara

    Theresa May ha incontrato il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ad Ankara. La premier britannica è arrivata nella capitale turca il 28 gennaio dagli Stati Uniti, dove ha incontrato il presidente Donald Trump. Il presidente turco ha annunciato che mira ad aumentare il volume degli scambi tra Turchia e Regno ...

  • FA Cup: Wolves shock Liverpool, Son saves Spurs from upset

    Liverpool's season continues to implode after second-tier side Wolverhampton Wanderers inflicted the latest setback in the FA Cup on Saturday.Wolves won 2-1 at Anfield to cap a week of misery for Juergen Klopp. The English Premier League title challenge faltered further by losing to Swansea, and the League Cup run ...

  • UK, Turkey sign defense deal and push for further trade ties

    British Prime Minister Theresa May signed a defense equipment deal with Turkey on an official visit to Ankara on Jan. 28, as the two countries promised to ramp up trade partnerships ahead of Brexit

  • United Kingdom announces additional £10 million for drought hit Somalia

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Somalia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThis support will be delivered through three UN agencies (WFP, UNICEF and FAO) and will go into providing food security, supporting nutrition and basic health services.Britain’s Secretary of State for International Development, the ...

  • Theresa May ha incontrato il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ad Ankara

    Theresa May ha incontrato il presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ad Ankara. La premier britannica è arrivata nella capitale turca dagli Stati Uniti, dove ha incontrato il presidente Donald Trump. Il presidente turco ha annunciato che mira ad aumentare il volume degli scambi tra Turchia e Regno Unito da 15.6 ...

  • Air Malta registers eight-fold increase in interline revenue with Alitalia in one month

    The code-share signed recently between Air Malta and Alitalia has resulted in an eightfold increase in interline revenue between the two airlines last December, Air Malta said in a statement.Other interline partnerships registering growth were KLM, British Airways and Brussels Airlines that showed on average of 35% growth over the ...

  • UK economy still going strong - but is this the high point?

    British consumers spurred faster-than-expected economic growth in the last three months of 2016, but experts warn a slowdown may be on the way as the country's plans to leave the European Union curtail spending and investment.The economy grew 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter from the previous three months, according ...

  • Theresa May a Washington da Donald Trump

    Theresa May a Washington da Donald Trump. La premier britannica è stata la prima tra i leader stranieri a incontrare ufficialmente il 45° presidente degli Stati Uniti. Tra i temi discussi, l’ipotesi di un accordo commerciale tra Regno Unito e Stati Uniti, i rapporti con la Russia e un programma ...

  • Uproar as White House misspells UK prime minister’s name

    A typographical error in a White House press office memo had the British media jesting on Friday that President Donald Trump might think he is meeting a glamour model after Prime Minister Theresa May’s name was misspelt. May, will become the first foreign leader to meet Trump as U.S. president. ...

  • MPs to get Sh11m and extra pay for two months

    Kenyan MPs — already the world's second-highest paid lawmakers — will receive a taxpayers' gift of Sh11 million each and 'earn' Sh1.09 million salary for two months with no work. These princely payments have been authorised as the doctors' strike enters its second month. After years of medical school, public ...

  • Il governo britannico ha presentato al parlamento la legge sulla Brexit.

    Il governo britannico ha presentato al parlamento la legge sulla Brexit. Comunicando gli impegni del parlamento britannico per le prossime due settimane, il presidente della camera dei comuni David Lidington ha spiegato che il 31 gennaio e il 1 febbraio si aprirà il dibattito sulla legge che autorizza il governo ...

  • Passengers filmed chanting anti-semitic songs on their way to City-Spurs match

    Anti-Semitic songs chanted by passengers on a tram ahead of the Manchester City’s Premier League meeting with Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday have been widely condemned by the Jewish community. Video footage on a tram ahead of the match appears to show supporters heading to the match singing ‘you’re getting gassed in ...

  • 12-hour wait at Mater Dei emergency department an anomaly, says CEO Ivan Falzon

    The Accident and Emergency Department at Mater Dei experienced severely long waiting hours over the weekend, specifically Friday, with a number of patients waiting over eight hours to receive initial assessment with a physician and over twelve hours to be admitted into a ward The Malta Independent can reveal. During ...

  • Design

    Con Artemest l'artigianato italiano di lusso fa il giro del mondo

    Artemest, sito di e-commerce Made in Italy, può essere considerato il modo più facile e veloce di venire in contatto con le 'botteghe' (affermate o sconosciute) che custodiscono l’antica sapienza italiana del fare artigianale. Il portale organizzato per categorie merceologiche offre un ampio catalogo delle produzioni legate al vasto mondo della ...