• Business: Antarctic ice floe crack forces UK scientists to leave

    The British Antarctic Society is recalling scientists from its Halley VI polar research base in March after a fissure developed in the ice sheet.

  • Watch: UK to quit EU single market

      Brexit 'cannot mean membership of the single market' Final deal will be put to a vote in both houses of parliament May says Brexit must mean controls on migration into the UK  UK will pursue 'comprehensive free trade agreement' with EU May warns against attempts to punish UK by offering a 'punitive deal' Britain will ...

  • De Marco explains how medical issues kept him away

    PN deputy leader Mario de Marco explained today that he was away from the political scene for some time because of medical treatment but he has since been busy in party and parliamentary activities. In a Facebook post, Dr de Marco said he had noted comments and posts online lamenting that he ...

  • Pound sags amid 'hard Brexit' signals ahead of May speech

    The British pound fell to a three-month low on Monday amid reports Prime Minister Theresa May is about to set the U.K. on the road to a clean break with the European Union, pushing the country into uncertain economic territory.The currency fell below $1.20 before recovering slightly. It has lost ...

  • Agreement signed between MCAST and Vitals Global Healthcare for new nursing degree programme

    Vitals Global Healthcare and MCAST today signed an agreement establishing a nursing degree programme, in collaboration with Northumbria University. VGH officials said that the degree shall explicitly meet all of the requirements of the EU Directive for General Nursing; the Malta Council for Nurses and Midwives' Scope of Professional Practice; and ...

  • Updated (5): UK's May signals clean break with EU - No partial membership

    More than six months after Britain voted to leave the European Union, British Prime Minister Theresa May finally spelled out what it means: The U.K. will make a clean break from the EU and leave its single market of around 500 million people.In her most detailed remarks since the June 23 vote, ...

  • Editorial: Air Malta’s agony

    We have by now got used to the various statements by Minister Edward Zammit Lewis with regards to the hot potato dumped in his lap – Air Malta.Up till last Friday, when the government finally admitted what everyone had long known – that the deal with Alitalia is dead in ...

  • Theresa May ha illustrato la sua strategia sulla Brexit.

    Theresa May ha illustrato la sua strategia sulla Brexit. Articolando la sua visione in dodici punti principali May ha parlato di leggi, di mercato, di immigrazione, chiarendo che con i partner europei si cercherà sempre un rapporto privilegiato, ma che prima di ogni altra cosa ci sono gli interessi del ...

  • La premier britannica Theresa May esporrà il suo programma per la Brexit.

    La premier britannica Theresa May esporrà il suo programma per la Brexit. Alle 12.45 (ora italiana) Theresa May terrà un discorso in cui esporrà a grandi linee il programma per l’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea. Grandi le aspettative dei mezzi d’informazione britannici per l’intervento della premier. In alcune anticipazioni ...

  • La Germania risponde alle dichiarazioni di Donald Trump.

    La Germania risponde alle dichiarazioni di Donald Trump. In un’intervista pubblicata sul quotidiano tedesco Bild e su quello britannico The Times, Donald Trump ha criticato la politica di Angela Merkel sui rifugiati, ha definito la Nato un’istituzione obsoleta e ha “minacciato” alti tassi d’importazione negli Stati Uniti per le auto ...

  • EU top negotiator wants ‘special’ Brexit deal with UK finance sector: Report

    The European Union’s chief Brexit negotiator has told colleagues that they need to strike a “special” deal with Britain’s finance sector in order to keep credit flowing to the continent, the Guardian reported on Jan. 13

  • Costa, Payet absent but Chelsea, West Ham still both win 3-0

    Top-scorer Diego Costa wasn't missed by English Premier League leader Chelsea.Dimitri Payet's absence wasn't felt by West Ham.Both teams won their games 3-0 despite missing their talisman on Saturday, but uncertainties linger about the future of the duo in English football.West Ham, which beat Crystal Palace, went public with Payet's ...

  • Malta now the eighth-cheapest European holiday for the British

    Malta is the eighth-cheapest European holiday for the British, according to the popular and recently published Post Office Travel Money report.The foreign currency seller compared the cost of tourist staples such as a three-course meal, a cup of coffee, sun cream and insect repellent in 44 resorts or cities across ...

  • Siblings who hacked Renzi had Maltese company connections

    A brother-and-sister team, Giulio and Francesca Maria Occhionero, suspected of conducting an ambitious, years-long hacking campaign targeting thousands of accounts belonging to some of Italy’s leading political and business figures, have been linked to Malta.The motive behind the sprawling campaign, which carried Masonic overtones, remains a mystery, but those in ...

  • EU needs special rules to protect it from British financial risk - Barnier

    The European Union's Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Saturday that the EU would need "special vigilance" in letting British financial firms access the bloc because of the large risk London could pose to the EU's financial stability. Responding to a report in the Guardian which said he had told EU ...

  • Nine masterpieces from the national collection on display at Palazzo Barberini in Rome

    Masterpieces from the national collection that will be on display in the community art museum, il-MUŻA, are currently featuring prominently in Rome in a major exhibition entitled, ‘Mediterraneo in Chiaroscuro – Ribera, Stomer e Preti da Malta a Roma’.These include works by Jusepe de Ribera, Matthias Stom and Francesco de ...

  • Lawmakers urge British PM May to clarify Brexit intentions

    A committee of British lawmakers is urging Prime Minister Theresa May to clarify her intentions on Brexit — particularly whether she intends to keep Britain in the European Union's large single market.The House of Commons' Exiting the EU committee urged May to publish her plan soon and to give lawmakers ...

  • Malabu Oil $466m Bribe Scandal: Why We Kick Against UK, Italy Involvement In Probe – Ijaw Youths

    Ijaw Youths in the nine states of the Niger Delta region on Friday offered reasons why they kicked against the continued probe of the Malibu Oil deal by the foreign countries of United Kingdom and Italy, describing the probe as a sustained persecution of Ijaw indigenes. The Ijaw Youths, under ...

  • Farsons' old brewhouse set for restoration

    Farsons' old brewhouse in Mrieħel will soon be restored following the Planning Authority's unanimous approval for the €10 million project. The rehabilitation project covers the restoration and conversion of some 7,000 square metres of industrial space, which will include a visitor centre experience with supporting food and beverage and other retail outlets, ...

  • Amazon rebrands London tube station, and MPs are not happy

    Some UK lawmakers criticised an advertising campaign by Amazon.com yesterday which involved changing the name signs at London's Westminster underground station, where parliament is located, to 'Webminster', branding it "insulting". Amazon paid underground operator Transport for London (TfL) 390,000 pounds to change the signage at the station underneath the Houses of ...

  • As talks loom, 'hard Brexit' option raises fear of tariffs

    Is it cod or haddock?That's the sort of question that will matter to Britain if it leaves the European Union's tariff-free single market and ends up operating under rules overseen by the World Trade Organization.A complete divorce, often referred to as "hard Brexit," would see the EU impose tariffs on ...