• British PM May rejects call for Scottish independence vote

    British Prime Minister Theresa May has rejected a call from Scotland's leader for a referendum on Scottish independence before Britain leaves the European Union.May said Thursday that "now is not the time" to reopen Scotland's independence debate, though she did not rule out a referendum in the future. Britain is ...

  • 27 Mar Global Financial Centres Index 2017

    Z/YEN Milano Capitale Europea della Finanza presenta il Global Financial Centres Index. L'evento si svolgerà il 27 marzo 2017 a Milano.

  • Editorial: The first election in election year

    The citizens of the Netherlands today go and vote in a general election. This election is the first tricky election in a year that has quite a few tricky elections: after today, the next will be France’s presidential election in two rounds between April and May and of course Germany’s ...

  • Beating a tumour through healthy eating: Australian author found guilty of lying

    Australian author and blogger Belle Gibson, who lied about beating a normally deadly brain tumour through healthy eating, exploited public generosity by falsely claiming most of her income went to charities, a judge said Wednesday.Federal Court Justice Debra Mortimer ruled that Gibson's deceptive and misleading claims about her charitable donations ...

  • Dutch leader says Brexit puts Britain in deep trouble

    Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Tuesday questioned British optimism that departing the European Union will lead to a brighter future, saying the United Kingdom could be in for "potentially irreparable harm."In unusually frank terms toward a longstanding allied nation, Rutte said Britain's economic growth has remained good since last ...

  • Prime Minister Muscat holds bilateral meeting with UK PM Theresa May in light of Brexit

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat held a meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May. The meeting was held at Westminster Abbey, according to the DOI, and focused on the relations between the two countries in the light of Brexit and on the next step by the UK once it invokes Article ...

  • Brexit explained: What's next on the UK's road out of the EU

    Britain's Parliament has told Prime Minister Theresa May she can file for divorce from the European Union. She will send the formal letter by the end of March. Then comes the hard part — the arguments, the lawyers, the squabbles over money.Here's a look at the main issues and what ...

  • La camera dei lord approva la legge sulla Brexit senza emendamenti.

    La camera dei lord approva la legge sulla Brexit senza emendamenti. Con 274 voti favorevoli e 118 contrari anche la camera dei lord ha approvato la legge per l’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea senza rispedirla indietro alla camera dei comuni. A questo punto perché la legge diventi effettiva e ...

  • Business: KTN inks deal with BBC

    Standard Group's Kenya Television Network (KTN) has entered into an agreement with the UK's BBC Worldwide. Under the deal, KTN will licence content from the commercial arm of the British broadcaster.

  • La camera dei comuni verso il via libera alla Brexit.

    La camera dei comuni verso il via libera alla Brexit. L’aula ha respinto i due emendamenti proposti dalla camera dei lord che avrebbero ritardato il percorso della legge per attivare l’uscita del Regno Unito dall’Unione europea. La legge sarà quindi approvata nelle prossime ore e la premier Theresa May potrà ...

  • La camera dei comuni discute sulla legge che permetterà al Regno Unito di uscire dall’Unione europea.

    La camera dei comuni discute sulla legge che permetterà al Regno Unito di uscire dall’Unione europea. La legge, emendata dalla camera dei Lord, permetterà al governo britannico di attivare l’articolo 50 del trattato di Lisbona, avviando la procedura formale per l’uscita di Londra dall’Unione europea. La camera bassa probabilmente boccerà ...

  • What is democracy and what is it for?

    Demise of democracy As we move rapidly, almost ferociously, towards the general elections, it important to reflect on the values of elections and democracy. Kenya became democratic at Independence. Democracy did not last long. It was killed by conspiracies of Kenyatta and Moi. An essential purpose of suppressing democracy was ...

  • UK and Japan to collaborate on fintech promotion

  • UK calls for ‘fast end’ to Turkey-Netherlands stand-off

    The stand-off between Turkey and the Netherlands is “very regrettable” and should be sorted out “as fast as possible,” British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said on March 12.

  • Cardinal praises Malta’s Archbishop and Gozo Bishop over Amoris Laetitia guidelines

    Cardinal Vincent Nichols, the Archbishop of Westminster, has praised Maltese Archdiocese of Malta and the Diocese of Gozo’s approach to the Pope’s apostolic exhortation on the family, Amoris Laetitia, according to a report in the Catholic Herald.Malta’s two bishops last January released "criteria" on interpreting Chapter 8 of the Pope’s apostolic exhortation on ...

  • Attack on rhinoceros in Paris puts zoo security in spotlight

    The brazen killing of a rhinoceros at a wildlife park near Paris by assailants who removed a horn valued at nearly triple the price of gold has put zookeepers on notice that poaching could be spreading beyond the killing fields of Africa and Asia.Demand for the horns is skyrocketing in ...

  • Business News: Britain lifts travel ban on Lamu, Manda islands

    The UK government has lifted its travel ban on Lamu, but cautioned against use of road to access the place. In a statement on its website, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said it no longer advises against travel to Lamu and Manda Islands.

  • Business: Britain lifts travel ban on Lamu, Manda islands

    The UK government has lifted its travel ban on Lamu, but cautioned against use of road to access the place. In a statement on its website, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said it no longer advises against travel to Lamu and Manda Islands.

  • Cholera cases soar as Somalia spirals towards famine

    Source: Save the Children Country: SomaliaSave the Children's health and nutrition clinics are reporting ‘all the early warnings signs’ of an avoidable catastrophe, with deaths from cholera and acute watery diarrhoea rising sharply.The international community is repeating the failures that led to the deaths of over a quarter-of-a-million Somalis in 2011, ...

  • Stranded Nigerian and Gambian migrants return home from Libya

    Source: International Organization for Migration Country: Gambia, Libya, NigeriaIOM has helped 171 Nigerian migrants and 141 Gambians to return home. The agency provided pre-departure interviews, medical check-ups and material assistance, including clothes and shoes.Libya - On 7 March, IOM helped 171 stranded Nigerian migrants – 76 men and 95 women – ...

  • Investors bet on eurozone rate hike in early 2018

    LONDON - Investors expect the European Central Bank to raise interest rates by March 2018, money market prices show, with some banks forecasting multiple hikes in 2018 on expectations the central bank will wind down stimulus as the European economy improves.