• Joseph Muscat is the worst thing to happen to Malta since the plague - Salvu Mallia

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is a "parasite" who only wants to "please Labour Party members and its inner circles" according the newly announced PN Candidate Salvu Mallia.Speaking in Victoria, Gozo the PN candidate for second and twelfth districts said that Dr Muscat was "the worst thing to happen to Malta ...

  • Icelanders vote for stability as Pirates fall short of expectations

    Icelanders opted for stability in a general election, results showed today, with the anti-establishment Pirate Party falling short of expectations and the junior partner in the outgoing government emerging on top. With voters still angered by the 2008 financial crisis and the naming of several government figures in an offshore tax ...

  • Iceland backs traditional party over Pirates

    Voters fear for economy and seek stability in wake of Panama Papers scandal

  • Editorial: Malta is the only EU country not in the anti-Isis coalition

    A full, three-hour long debate in the House on Thursday about the Budget vote for the Foreign Ministry did not tackle, except fleetingly, the elephant in the Chamber: Malta is the only EU country not in the anti-Isis coalition.According to the US State Department, the participants in the coalition are ...

  • John Rizzo to step down as head of the Civil Protection Department - Minister Carmelo Abela

    Head of the Civil Protection Department John Rizzo is set to step down according to an announcement made by Home Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela in parliament this afternoon.He is currently out on leave before retiring.Mr Rizzo was appointed in the role after his resignation as the Commissioner of Police following ...

  • Updated (2): PM not present for Opposition Leader’s speech on OPM budget estimates

    Opposition leader Simon Busuttil expressed his disappointment that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was not present this morning at the parliamentary sitting to discuss the budget measures that relate to the Office of the Prime Minister.“There are still a scourge of workers whose wages need to be addressed. There are 70,000 ...

  • Tonio Fenech asks government to investigate why airport was closed for hours after plane crash

    PN MP Tonio Fenech fired questions in Parliament relating to the effective closure of the airport for four hours after the plane crash which occurred in Malta earlier this week.He said that the crash itself occurred on the road next to the airport, and asked government to investigate the reason ...

  • Opposition walks out of Parliament as minister Konrad Mizzi takes the floor

    The Opposition walked out of Parliament this afternoon as Minsiter-without-portfolio Konrad Mizzi took the floor to speak in the debate on the financial estimates of the Office of the Prime Minister, which include the energy portfolio. PN Whip David Agius said the Opposition was walking out because it did not ...

  • El 89% de los teléfonos celulares que funcionan en Panamá es prepago

    En el país funcionan 6 millones 946 mil 636 líneas de teléfono celular, de las cuales 6 millones 237 mil 195 son en formato prepago.

  • Mapfre participó en el Panamá Motor Show

    Mapfre Panamá, una de la empresas líderes del mercado asegurador, estuvo presente en el Panamá Motor Show 2016, feria automovilística organizada por la Asociación de Distribuidores de Automóviles de Panamá (ADAP) ofreciendo una serie de beneficios, tarifas y coberturas especiales para quienes adquieran una póliza de autos.

  • PM hides behind ‘theatrics, personal attacks and lies’ – Simon Busuttil

    The Prime Minister hid behind "theatrics, personal attacks and lies" when replying to the issues raised by the Leader of the Opposition regarding this year's budget, Dr.Busuttil said in a press conference. This, according to Dr.Busuttil, proved that the budget had no substance calling Dr Muscat a "salesman of a ...

  • Watch: ‘Today, the price of oil is much cheaper than it was in the previous legislature’ – Busuttil

    Opposition leader Simon Busuttil explained that his statements about reducing the price of electricity completely changed prior to the last election to now due to three factors: the BWSC station, the interconnector and the international price of oil.In mass meetings prior to the last general election, Dr Busuttil said that ...

  • Simon Busuttil would launch inquiry into Panama Papers if elected Prime Minister

    Leader of the Opposition Dr Simon Busuttil this evening  said that if he is elected Prime Minister he will ask for an independent inquiry on the Panama Papers scandel. He said this during the 2017 Budget reaction. He also pledged that a Nationalist government will remove the LNG tanker from ...

  • UN expert urges next UN chief to crack down on Malta… and other 'tax havens'

    A United Nations human rights expert has urged the next UN secretary-general to make the elimination of tax havens a priority to ensure that corporations, billionaires and ‘kleptocrats’ pay their fair share of taxes.Speaking on Friday, American law professor Alfred de Zayas also urged Antonio Guterres, who will succeed Ban ...

  • Updated: Busuttil once again pledges to ignore Electrogas contract if elected

    Opposition leader Simon Busuttil this morning once again pledged to "ignore" the government's power purchase agreement with Electrogas if elected to power, describing the contract as daylight robbery.His comments come in the wake of an article published today in The Malta Independent in Sunday which reported how the Electrogas rate ...

  • Updated: The time has come to talk about the adequacy of the minimum wage – Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today that the time has come for employers, unions, government and civil society to start talking about the adequacy of the minimum wage, whether it still serves its aims.He stressed that there would need to be consensus between the people and employers."The time has come ...

  • Today's newspapers in review

    These are the main stories reported in today's Maltese newspapers: Times of Malta says the possibility of imposing of a congestion tax to limit emissions and mitigate traffic in critically congested zones has been floated in amaster plan published by the transport watchdog. The secondary story says that the deadline of a public tender issued by the Ministry ...

  • Updated: Vitals Global Healthcare contracts tabled in Parliament; 60 pages missing - PN

    Health Minister Chris Fearne has tabled the Vitals Global Healthcare contracts in Parliament tonight, which include a services concessions agreement, a Labour supply agreement and a health services delivery agreement.The deal covers the operation of Karin Grech Rehabilitation Hospital, St. Luke's Hospital and the Gozo General Hospital.Vitals was the preferred bidder ...

  • 'Malta should be investing in education, technology and infrastructure to retain its edge'

    Eighty-seven per cent of foreign director investors surveyed by EY find Malta attractive and this percentage continues to rise, with factors such as corporate taxation, Malta’s stability and the transparency of the political, legal and regulatory environment and, lastly, Malta’s social climate continuing to reign as top pulling factors.The three ...

  • Canal planifica megadesarrollo

  • Malta's newspapers in review

    The following are the top stories in the Maltese newspapers this Sunday. The Sunday Times of Malta reports that Air Malta may end up with a smaller fleet of aircraft if talks with Alitalia fail.  It also reports that the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Keith Schembri, is expected to be asked to ...