• 2016 in review: Panama Papers scandal turns popular sentiment against governments worldwide

    Globalization, the path that the world economy has largely followed for decades, took some hefty blows in 2016.The election of Donald Trump as U.S. president and Britain's decision to leave the European Union have raised questions over the future of tariff-free trade and companies' freedom to move production to lower-cost ...

  • A year in pictures: the tears of joy and despair

    Across much of Europe and Africa, 2016 was a year of tumult. There were seismic shifts in politics, with the falls of prime ministers David Cameron of Britain and Matteo Renzi of Italy, both of whom stepped down after losing referendums. Iceland's prime minister resigned, triggering early elections, after protests ...

  • PN says law on standards in public life a step forward, lists corruption cases under PL government

    The Nationalist Party today said that Parliament's approval on the second reading of the law regarding standards in public life is a positive step forward. The statement says that it was the PN Leader Simon Busuttil who, back in 2013, called for the setting up of a Commissioner for Standards.Despite ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Le due facce dell’America Latina: dall’Honduras al Cile

    Quello dei mercati esteri si configura come un orizzonte sempre più appetito dalle piccole e medie aziende italiane che, con il passare degli anni, stanno prendendo una certa confidenza con il commercio internazionale. Internazionalizzare, tuttavia, è un processo complesso che porta con sé una serie di scelte delicate prima fra tutte ...

  • Chris Cardona should resign for Dubai mini-bar booze binge, Simon Busuttil says

    Economy Minister and PL deputy leader Chris Cardona should resign for drinking up to €758 worth of alcohol funded by taxpayers during an official visit to Dubai, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil insisted today. Speaking during an interview on Radio 101, Dr Busuttil pointed out that what Dr Cardona’s spent on alcohol ...

  • BOV registers profit of €145.9 million for 2016, attributes Fitch downgrade to stricter controls

    During its Annual General Meeting, BOV announced that for the financial year end, it registered a profit of €145.9 million. Outgoing chairman John Cassar White and CEO Mario Mallia gave an overview of the BOV’s state of affairs as well as challenges it is facing and strategies employed.At the end ...

  • Falla técnica masiva dejó a cajeros automáticos de bancos en Panamá fuera de servicio durante dos horas

  • Updated: OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri to return to work 'very, very soon' - PM Muscat

    OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri will be returning to work very, very soon, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today.Replying to a question by The Malta Independent, Dr Muscat said that Mr Schembri is “alive and kicking”. He is undergoing treatment on a medical situation that is not as serious ...

  • Entrega de donación

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Panama, con el respaldo de Internacional de Seguros, hizo entrega de $19,845.43 a Fanlyc, monto que corresponde a las inscripciones recaudadas en la cuarta Carrera Caminata Familiar 5k 2016.

  • 'Barts Medical School will generate jobs and help put Gozo on the map, more so than ever'

    Professor Mark Brincat has told The Malta Independent on Sunday that an iconic institution like Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry will generate jobs and help put Gozo on the map more so than ever."I am saddened by the lack of realisation regarding the dearth of opportunities for Gozitans when it ...

  • Simon Busuttil criticises EU for not speaking out against corruption

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil today said that one of the biggest disappointments people feel about the European Union is that it has not spoken up enough about corruption. He said that “for this side of the House (the opposition/Nationalist Party side) it is not acceptable for a sitting minister to ...

  • ‘We welcome the EP Panama Papers committee, we have nothing to hide’ – PM

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that the government is welcoming the Panama Papers committee because it has “nothing to hide”.Dr Muscat said this in response to journalists’ questions during a joint press conference with European Parliament (EP) President Martin Schulz, during which Mr Schulz declared that the Panama Papers scandal ...

  • EU Green party VP says Panama Papers an embarrassment for Malta

     The EU Parliamentary Greens – EFA party Vice President Ska Keller held a press conference this evening, just ahead of her meeting with Prime Minster Joseph Muscat tomorrow, and said that the Panama Papers is an embarrassment for Malta.Mrs Keller is here with the EU Parliamentary delegation to discuss Malta’s ...

  • Updated (2): Bartolo position ‘no longer tenable’, PM too weak to take steps – PN

    The Nationalist Party today stepped up its calls for the resignation of Education Minister Evarist Bartolo, saying that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is too weak to take any steps against “who has been caught lying and hiding corruption”.The call was made during a press conference addressed by PN deputy leader ...

  • INDEPTH: Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few - Mark Anthony Sammut

    "Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few." Dr Mark Anthony Sammut said this while being interviewed by Rachel Attard, News Editor of The Malta Independent, on INDEPTH. He said that the electoral promise of Malta Taghna llkoll was a very important promise because when it satisfied a psychological need ...

  • INDEPTH: Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few - Mark Anthony Sammut

    "Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few." Dr Mark Anthony Sammut said this while being interviewed by Rachel Attard, News Editor of The Malta Independent, on INDEPTH. He said that the electoral promise of Malta Taghna llkoll was a very important promise because when it satisfied a psychological need ...

  • Editorial: We will not let sleeping dogs lie

    The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) this week highlighted the fact that journalists have faced consequences both in nations where media crackdowns are common and also in nations with reputations for high levels of press freedom for their reportage on the contents of the Panama Papers.The Maltese media, thankfully, ...

  • INDEPTH: Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few - Mark Anthony Sammut

    "Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few." Dr Mark Anthony Sammut said this while being interviewed by Rachel Attard, News Editor of The Malta Independent, on INDEPTH. He said that the electoral promise of Malta Taghna llkoll was a very important promise because when it satisfied a psychological need ...

  • Journalists hang tough in face of backlash against Panama Papers reporting

    Even as the Panama Papers disclosures have sparked at least 150 investigations in 79 countries around the world, they have also provoked pushback from individuals and governments displeased with revelations of the hidden economic holdings of the global elite. Politicians, business executives and thousands of their supporters have responded with ...

  • "Action on money laundering should not infringe taxation rights” - Roberta Metsola

    Speaking in the European Parliament, MEP Roberta Metsola underlined that action against money laundering must not be used as an excuse to extend EU competencies on taxation. “When it comes to money laundering, there is no doubt of the need and urgency to tackle it. But it is also clear that ...

  • INDEPTH: Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few - Mark Anthony Sammut

    "Malta does not belong to us anymore but to the few." Dr Mark Anthony Sammut said this while being interviewed by Rachel Attard, News Editor of The Malta Independent, on INDEPTH. He said that the electoral promise of Malta Taghna llkoll was a very important promise because when it satisfied a psychological need ...