• Nexia BT publishes reply to Pana Committee questions

    Nexia BT accountants Brian Tonna and Karl Cini could only answer six of 20 questions posed to them by MEPs investigating the Panama Papers data leak, citing their legal obligations to client confidentiality and anti-money laundering rules.  Answering the questions posed by MEPs, the accountants wrote, would cause them to breach regulations and could ...

  • PM Muscat 'lied' about Konrad Mizzi's audit for months - PN

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat lied last October when he said that an audit of his minister Konrad Mizzi's offshore company and trust was a "work in progress", the Nationalist Party said this afternoon.  The audit opinion released by Dr Mizzi on Monday was dated September 21, 2016 - more than two ...

  • Third Panama company belonged to someone more important that Mizzi, Schembri - Busuttil

    The third Panama company belonged to someone who was far more important than Minister Konrad Mizzi and OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri because the name of its owner was not mentioned in writing, PN leader Simon Busuttil said this evening. Speaking on TVM’s programme Dissett, Dr Busuttil said that e-mails ...

  • Updated (2): Government working on introduction of gay marriage; Labour using LGBT community - PN

    Civil Liberties Minister Helena Dalli revealed that her ministry is working on revisions to the marriage equality act, stating that while civil union awards homosexual couples the same rights as marriage under a different name, the government is working on “changing that”.Dr Dalli’s comments were made during an activity organised ...

  • Konrad Mizzi’s elusive audit had been ready since 21 September

    The elusive audit that Konrad Mizzi had commissioned back in February 2016 has been ready for the last five months, a fact Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Dr Mizzi have kept up their sleeves despite the continued barrage of media questions about the promised audit’s status.The audit, published by Dr ...

  • Nexia BT refuses to answer many PANA committee questions, citing legal issues

    Nexia BT answered only a few of the written questions submitted by the EU Parliament’s PANA Committee, citing legal issues which prohibit it from providing the information requested.The Malta Independent obtained a copy of the answers given by Nexia BT to the PANA committee, which met last Monday in Malta ...

  • FMI: Panamá tendrá el mayor PIB per cápita de Latinoamérica en 2018

  • Keith Schembri declines invitation to appear before PANA Committee, publishes accounts

    The Prime Minister's chief of staff Keith Schembri has declined to appear before the PANA Committee.He said that he is not en elected official, and holds a position of trust.It is also evident, he said, "that there are those who are driven by insincere motivation and who do not truly ...

  • Mizzi audit presented to PANA committee; says no bank accounts held by trust, company; PN reacts

    As expected and amply predicted, the results of an independent audit into Konrad Mizzi’s trust and company structure was published tonight, an hour after the minister handed it to the PANA committee investigating the Panama Papers scandal.The audit firm, according to the Department of Information, issued its opinion that the ...

  • PANA Committee chairman says Mizzi’s situation not clear, ‘but it looks like money laundering'

    PANA Committee Chairman Werner Langen said this evening that Minister Konrad Mizzi's situation regarding his Panama company "looks like money laundering", however stressed that things are not clear at the moment.In comments to The Malta Independent after a day-long of meetings as part of an investigation in the Panama Papers ...

  • Updated (3): Journalists, minister Scicluna meet PANA committee

    The European Parliament’s Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion, known as PANA, is holding a string of meetings in Malta today to interview, among others, No Portfolio Minister Konrad Mizzi following revelations that he had secretly opened a company in Panama.Dr Mizzi was the only serving minister ...

  • ‘In a normal country, PM would be gone’ – Simon Busuttil, PN government to repeal new media law

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil said that in normal countries, the Prime Minister, along with Minister Konrad Mizzi and the PM’s chief of staff Keith Schembri would be gone following the Panama Papers scandal. He said this during a national demonstration, with thousands in attendance, for democracy and liberty, organised by ...

  • Watch: Journalists discuss financial services, Mizzi, Schembri and authorities with PANA Committee

    Journalists Matthew Vella and Daphne Caruana Galizia have just finished their discussion with members of the EU Parliament's Pana Committee, who are currently in Malta, and said that while discussions began on Minister Konrad Mizzi and OPM Chief of Staff Keith Schembri, the scope then expanded.Daphne Caruana Galizia said that the starting ...

  • Editorial: The march of the unbelievers

    The huge multitude that flocked to Valletta on Sunday can be described as the march of the unbelievers.They do not believe in whatever Joseph Muscat says.They do not believe in anything that the key figures of the Muscat administration say.They do not believe anything can be done except a defeat ...

  • ICIJ's Panama Papers investigation wins George Polk Award

    The Panama Papers investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has been honoured with a George Polk Award for financial journalism, the Polk awards' sponsor, Long Island University, has announced.The Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney-client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. ...

  • Beppe Fenech Adami inquiry to be submitted Monday, same day as PANA committee meeting, OPM confirms

    Judge JD Camilleri will be submitting the board of inquiry’s report on the CapitalOne investigation tomorrow (Monday) following the four-week extension the board had been granted, a spokesperson from the Office of the Prime Minister has told The Malta Independent on Sunday. The spokesperson did not give an exact date as ...

  • Busuttil cites reasons why Brian Tonna admitting ownership of Egrant is ‘complete lie’, PL reacts

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil today questioned why the journalist who quoted Brian Tonna from Nexia BT as saying he owns the elusive third Panama based company Egrant Inc did not refer to an article penned one year earlier, in which Mr Tonna said he could not divulge client details due ...

  • Updated: PANA Committee Greens quiz Nexia BT on identity of Egrant, replies expected by Monday

    The Greens party at the European Parliament (EP) has contributed a set of questions to the inquiry committee on money laundering, tax avoidance and evasion, including questions to Nexia BT about who the ultimate beneficial owner of Egrant is.Nexia BT has given assurance that the extensive questions, which can be ...

  • Editorial: Brian Tonna and Karl Cini are warned

    Next Monday, the PANA Committee is due to arrive in Malta and begin investigating the Panama Papers allegations with regards to Malta and Maltese persons.As revealed in the Malta Business Weekly yesterday, the committee last week visited the UK and after Malta it will visit Luxembourg and the United States.It ...

  • Editorial - PANA Committee: Mizzi, Schembri no-show will send very bad message indeed

    All in all, just about everyone in Malta who has been invited to speak with the European Parliament’s PANA Committee when it comes to town next week has accepted the invitation – from the finance minister to the police commissioner and from the Financial Intelligence Analysis Authority to the Malta ...

  • Simon Busuttil tears up Electrogas contracts in criticism of the amount of redactions

    Today's fiery Parliamentary debate over a PN motion relating to government contracts related to the Delimara power station saw both sides take quite an aggressive stance, with Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil, who was the last to speak, tearing up the contracts because the redacted parts were the most important, and members ...