• FIAU unable to comment on Maltese link in Russian Laundromat money laundering scandal

    The Financial Intelligence and Analysis Unit is precluded by law from commenting on whether it is investigating the Maltese link in the Russian Laundromat scandal, which saw around €3 million in allegedly laundered Russian funds having been transferred to Malta.Four Maltese companies received close to USD3 million in laundered Russian ...

  • Election: The great election guessing game

    The question everyone has been asking publically, behind closed doors or to themselves is when, exactly, the next general election will be held.  And truth be told, the answer is not an easy one and quite possibly the only sure bet is that the man who holds the prerogative to ...

  • July snap election not excluded

    Reliable sources within the government have cautioned this newsroom that the prospect of a snap election in July should not be discounted too easily by the media, which seems to be focusing on one in November.Amongst the signals that a July snap election could be in the offing is the ...

  • Maltese journalist wins Pulitzer Prize as part of Panama Papers team

    A Maltese journalist, Matthew Caruana Galizia, is part of a team working for the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) on the Panama Papers who has been awarded the Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.The announcement was made yesterday by Columbia University.The Pulitzer Prize Board lauded the year-long investigation for “using a ...

  • Editorial: Konrad Mizzi - Audit answers please

    We may appear to be somewhat pedantic about Konrad Mizzi’s second audit that has not been published and which the minister and his ministry have been reticent answering questions about it. But the thing is that when a politician promises something he or she needs to be held to that ...

  • Where’s that other audit, Konrad Mizzi?

    Although many might believe that the question of the audit of Minister Konrad Mizzi is a closed chapter, there is still the outstanding issue of the audit the minister asked the tax commissioner to carry out on his financial affairs.And when asked for a status update on that second audit ...

  • Election in November or March: what works best for Muscat and Busuttil?

    We have all heard the rumours emanating from Labour Party headquarters and Castille that we might have an early election, maybe as early as November. One newspaper even carried a recent front page article quoting sources within the Labour Party saying they are calibrating their electoral machines to be at ...

  • Inversión extranjera directa en Panamá suma $5 mil 209 millones

  • Malta wants EU to slow down drive against tax avoidance, paper shows

    Malta's presidency of the European Union said today the bloc should slow down its drive against corporate tax avoidance because it might hurt Europe's economy by increasing legal uncertainty. Following recent revelations, such as the Panama Papers, of tax evasion and reduction by big corporations and wealthy individuals, the European Commission ...

  • Indignant Pana committee chairman says request for Keith Schembri to testify was unanimous

    The chairman of the European Parliament's Pana committee investigating the Panama Papers scandal, Werner Langen, had reacted with indignation after government spokesman Kurt Farrugia said his request for Keith Schembri to appear before the committee made him part of a PN campaign to divert attention.  “The government spokesman of Malta accuses ...

  • OPM spokesperson accuses PANA Chairman of being part of PN campaign to divert attention

    Government Head of Communications Kurt Farrugia, speaking in his official capacity, has accused the Chairman of the PANA Committee, Werner Langen, of being part of the PN’s campaign to divert attention “from the mess they are in”.Last Saturday, Mr Langen wrote to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat urging him to use ...

  • PANA chairman ‘surprised’ by Kurt Farrugia’s ‘on the record’ statement to The Malta Independent

    PANA chairman Werner Langen expressed surprise at the audacity shown by the official spokesman of a government holding the EU presidency, saying he failed to understand how his letter to request Keith Schembri to attend a PANA committee hearing can be described as an attempt to join a Nationalist Party ...

  • 'PM should at the very least tell us who the Gozo drugs case ministers are' - Busuttil

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil said tonight that the Prime Minister surely knows who the ministers involved in the Gozo drugs case are and, as a minimum, should name them.The case revolves around a statement given to the police during a drug investigation in 2013, which was changed following a meeting ...

  • Panama Papers a year later: Where are they now?

    It was a year ago that the Panama Papers were released by the International Consortium of Investigate Journalists, rocking the world with revelations involving prominent businessmen and politicians.The 11.5 million documents detail financial information regarding more than 200,000 offshore entities, and led to the arrest of Jurgen Mossack and Ramon ...

  • Konrad Mizzi insists wind farm project in Montenegro in ‘construction phase’

    Wind farm project in the hills of Montenegro is ongoing and is currently going through its construction phase, Minister Konrad Mizzi claimed.The Minister without portfolio was replying to questions by the Malta Independent following a report which explains how the multi-million euro project which Enemalta took over, is clouded in ...

  • Wind farm project in Montenegro taken over by Enemalta ‘clouded by corruption’

    The multi-million euro wind farm project in the hills of Montenegro that was taken over by Enemalta has faced some serious allegations of corruption, which has led companies previously involved in the project to cut their losses and leave.Research carried out by The Malta Independent on Sunday revealed that the ...

  • Editorial: This is all getting more than a little embarrassing

    All these antics between two leading government functionaries who are still embroiled in the Panama Papers scandal and the European parliamentary committee tasked with investigating the implications of the Panama Papers and others matters related to money laundering and tax evasion, are more than a little embarrassing for the nation.From ...

  • Konrad Mizzi situation casts shadow over Malta's EU presidency - EPP chairman

    EPP Chairman Manfred Weber has said that the question surrounding the “Energy Minister” casts a shadow over the Maltese Presidency.Mr Weber was being interviewed by The Malta Independent ahead of this week’s EPP Congress being held in Malta. The EPP is a political party group in the European Parliament. PN ...

  • 'The moment we give up our integrity we will lose everything' – Simon Busuttil at EPP congress

    PN Leader Simon Busuttil said today that the moment politicians give up their integrity, they will lose everything.Dr Busuttil was delivering the opening address at the EPP congress being held at the Hilton Malta.“I address you as the PN leader, the party in opposition. I address you as the same ...

  • Inauguración del pabellón de Costa Rica en Expocomer

    En 2016, Costa Rica exportó a Panamá 578 millones de dólares, destacando el envío de preparación para bebidas gaseosas, artículos de plástico para el envasado, medicamentos, antisueros, pinturas y barnices, alimentos para animales y productos de panadería fina. Este año participó nuevamente de la trigésima quinta versión de Expocomer, organizada ...

  • Konrad Mizzi’s Panamanian company still open, despite pledge

    The much-maligned Panamanian company owned by Minister Konrad Mizzi is still open, despite the minister’s pledge to close it down once the audit into his financial affairs was completed.The company, Hearnville Inc., has not been closed down and is still an active entity according to information from the Panamanian Registry ...