• Watch: Muscat describes Simon Busuttil, Marlene Farrugia 'most unstable couple' in Maltese politics

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat called PN Leader Simon Busuttil and PD Leader Marlene Farrugia “the most unstable couple in Maltese politics.”He was addressing a mass meeting at the Trade Fair grounds in Naxxar this afternoon. This week, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat released a number of proposals relating to business, healthcare, the ...

  • Finance Minister to defend Malta's financial services industry in meeting with German media

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna has left Malta for Berlin where he will address the German press following what the Department of Information said are "baseless and highly damaging fabricated allegations which have been circulated in the media in Germany with the clear intent of discrediting the Maltese financial services ...

  • Editorial: Mounting pressure - Good governance, justice and liberty

    Analysing the Prime Minister’s tense body language and his delivery over the past few weeks, ever since the Egrant Inc allegation rocked and shocked the nation, one can clearly notice that the man is under severe stress.  Not that his counterpart is showing any signs of relief, considering how high ...

  • Updated: After TMI story, Prime Minister asks regulators to contact Commerzbank AG

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today that he has asked the regulators to formally speak with Commerzbank, who will then give their position. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat yesterday, and again today, tried to dismiss a story published in The Malta Independent on Sunday, on how Commerzbank AG, a major international bank ...

  • Marlene Farrugia attends PBS debate with MLP flag, displays it in front of her throughout

    Leader of the Partit Demokratiku (PD) Marlene Farrugia attended a debate this evening on PBS between representatives of the two main parties (she forms part of the PNPD coalition) with a flag of the formerly branded Malta Labour Party, and placed it directly in front of her throughout the debate.She ...

  • iSurvey: Overwhelming 61.1% believe corruption is dominant in election campaign

    An overwhelming majority, at 61.1%, believe that corruption is the most important issue in this electoral campaign, the second out of five election special editions of the iSurvey shows.Respondents were asked: Do you think that corruption is the most important issue in this electoral campaign? Overall, 61.6% said yes, 33% ...

  • Comienza evaluación de Gafilat a Panamá

    "Son dos semanas muy intensas y Panamá ha estado trabajando durante el último año para esta visita", comentó el ministro de Economía y Finanzas, Dulcidio De la Guardia.

  • Lawyers’ group fears breakdown in rule of law

    A group of lawyers calling themselves “Advocates for the rule of law” have taken out full-page adverts in The Sunday Times of Malta drawing attention to the failure of some of the nation’s top institutional posts. The adverts have caught the public’s imagination. A representative of the group – which ...

  • 'Muscat was either an accomplice or was incompetent for not knowing what was going on’ – Busuttil

    PN Leader Simon Busuttil said, with regards to the ongoing allegations of corruption by those persons close to the Prime Minister, that Joseph Muscat was either too incompetent to know what was going on, or was an accomplice himself."Either way, his position is no longer in politics."Dr Busuttil was addressing ...

  • iSurvey: Trust - PM stronger after week one of campaign

    Following the first week of the campaign for the upcoming snap election, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s position as the most trusted leader has been strengthened, while a smaller proportion of people say they trust ‘neither’ leader.These results come through the second edition of The Malta Independent on Sunday’s electoral iSurvey. ...

  • Analysis: bad week for PL, PN catching up after slow start

    Fast and furious campaigningA snap election is by nature a fast one indeed. Had Prime Minister Joseph Muscat intended to go slow and parade his achievements of the past four years, he would have taken the time to announce the election after the 1st May celebrations rather than kick-starting the ...

  • Editorial: The untouchables

    It is only a matter of time before the chickens begin coming home to roost in the wake of the many corruption and money laundering scandals that are plaguing the country and its reputation. And, irrespective of whether the allegations that have led to the emergence of these scandals end up ...

  • Lawyers concerned about effects of Panama Papers on financial services

    Newly re-elected President of the Chamber of Advocates George Hyzler said that lawyers are concerned about the effect that the Panama Papers and other recent allegations, and the negative international coverage resulting from them, will have on the financial services sector in particular. Asked about the effects of such revelations on the ...

  • Major global bank no longer accepting ‘declarations issued by Maltese auditing firms’

    A major global bank, and the second largest in Germany – Commerzbank AG, is no longer accepting declarations issued by Maltese auditing firms, according to client correspondence seen by The Malta Independent on Sunday.An e-mail sent by Commerzbank to a German national residing in Malta makes it clear that the ...

  • Analysis: Election Roundup – Day 11: On what’s historical, polls and a rooster

    Everything seems to be historical in Malta. The leaders of both major political parties use the word often, and yesterday was no exception. Simon Busuttil used it when presenting the first ever election manifesto for Gozo, Joseph Muscat for the beginning of the first phase of the demolition of the ...

  • ‘Joseph Muscat is trying to buy voters with their own money’ – Simon Busuttil

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat is trying to buy voters with their own money, according to Nationalist Party Leader Simon Busuttil.Dr Busuttil was addressing a crowd in Zurrieq as part of the Party's electoral campaign 'I Choose Malta'.Refering to the housing pledges which were launched by the Nationalist Party this morning, ...

  • Watch: If Busuttil wants to protect Malta’s reputation, he should simply head to Bidnija - Muscat

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that if the Leader of the Opposition really wants to protect Malta's reputation, he should not go round the world, but simply head to Bidnija, a clear reference to journalist and blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia who resides in this locality.Dr Muscat was replying to questions ...

  • ‘I never spoke against my country, always in favour of it’ – PM on Malta’s reputation abroad

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, when asked about the negative light being shed on Malta due to the Panama papers, and the EU Parliament’s decision to hold a debate on Malta, said that he never spoke against Malta, but always in favour of this country.Yesterday, the European Parliament decided that it ...

  • Editorial: EU Presidency, what EU Presidency?

    It all started out with such high hopes, such promise.  Malta, the government said, would be placed at the heart of the European Union, it would push its national agenda, it would reunite a fragmenting bloc in the wake of Brexit and it would put miniscule Malta on the EU ...

  • Editorial: Muscat and Schembri's reputations are intertwined

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has, whether he likes it or not, tied his personal reputation to that of Keith Schembri.Keith Schembri is at the heart of the Panama Papers scandal, and has been right from the very beginning. The Panama Papers found that Keith Schembri had acquired a company in ...

  • Analysis: Assessing four years of Labour government

    JusticeAppointment of magistrates: Throughout these last four years, the Labour government that had promised to push for the involvement of more women in the judiciary has increased the number of female members to 20. This means that 43 per cent of the total number of judges and magistrates are now ...