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  • TMID Editorial: Redrawing the ODZ boundaries - An environmental minefield

    The next few days and weeks will be ripe full of Cabinet appointments and fresh mandates on the part of the government, and of elections and a subsequent changing of the guard within the ranks of the opposition.But once the dust settles and business as usual begins again, the government ...

  • Watch: Cabinet announced - Some ministers retained in former posts, others get new portfolios

    Konrad Mizzi has been made the Minister for Tourism taking over from Edward Zammit Lewis who failed to get elected to Parliament, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat revelead as he announced the cabinet for the upcoming legislature.The cabinet will be composed of 15 minister and 10 parliamentary secretaries; and will be ...

  • Muscat says he will not contest another election, Louis Grech to remain in Cabinet as consultant

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said he will not contest another election.Interviewed by Reno Bugeja on Dissett, the PM announced his intentions as a group of Labour supporters started to circulate a petition to urge him to stay on.Outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech will take on a role of adviser ...

  • TMID Editorial: New cabinet - The good, the bad and the ugly

    Joseph Muscat made a wise move by appointing all but two of the elected PL MPs to Cabinet - Silvio Grixti and Alex Muscat - in what is obviously a manoeuvre to eliminate any chances of future dissent within his ranks.But political cunning aside, let us quickly go over the ...

  • TMID Editorial: Unity from disunity

    The nation has just passed through what was a decisively and extremely divisive, bad-blooded and bitter electoral campaign. But from the disunion has been created there can perhaps be some unity to be found.We do not expect the opposition to be able to put behind or brush aside all the ...

  • TMID Editorial: Lessons learnt from this election

    Now that Joseph Muscat has been sworn in for his second term in office while on the other side of the political spectrum Simon Busuttil tendered in his resignation along with the rest of the leadership team, the nation can sit back and take stock of the situation. This includes ...

  • How candidates fared when compared to the 2013 election

    While last Saturday's snap elections have retained many familiar faces in Malta's political scene, some unanticipated movements have occurred, like Deputy PL Leader Chris Cardona just scraping by, and Minister Chris Fearne being elected on two separate districts. District oneIn 2013, former Deputy Prime Minister Louis Grech stole the show by ...

  • Watch: If you abstain, you will open door to PN - Muscat; Keith Schembri makes an appearance

    Embattled chief of staff Keith Schembri, absent during all of Labour's election campaign, made an appearance at the last activity being held by Labour this evening.He was seen on stage (photo above, Schembri is on PM's right) before Joseph Muscat addressed Labour supporters for one last time before Saturday's vote.Schembri ...

  • Watch: Let us unite as one family, a force of reason against corruption - Simon Busuttil

    Nationalist Party leader Simon Busuttil this evening addressed the last meeting of the PN 2017 election campaign, at the Floriana Granaries.Dr Busuttil spoke in front of tens of thousands of supporters, many dressed in blue, with the crowd covering the Fosos and spilling into the side roads. Referencing the Independence Day ...

  • Fact-checking Keith Schembri’s ‘no money-laundering evidence’ claims

    The prime minister's chief of staff Keith Schembri says there is no evidence he is a money-launderer but the government's own anti-money laundering agency (FIAU) appears to think otherwise. In a statement through the Department of Information, Mr Schembri, who is in the eye of the storm following revelations in the ...

  • Only five of 17 visits to China by Konrad Mizzi made public

    The revelations in the latest of reports complied by the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU), which were leaked to The Malta Independent, show that former Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi travelled to China 17 times in the span of two years in the run up of the privatisation of Enemalta. However, ...

  • Watch: Simon Busuttil pledges to deliver results by first 100 days in office

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil promised to deliver positive results for Gozo in the first 100 days of a Nationalist Party (PN) government.He was addressing a PN mass meeting in Rabat, Gozo.“I want to give you hope that after Saturday’s vote, we are ready to get to work from day one, ...

  • Tony Blair refuses to comment on corruption in Labour government he endorsed

    Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, who last Sunday endorsed Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in a pre-recorded video clip did not reply to questions sent by this newsroom whether he was aware of the corruption revelations and the Magisterial inquiries investigating the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff and Minister Konrad ...


    The four-week snap electoral campaign comes to an end today. People have had the opportunity to analyse and ponder on the stakes in this Saturday’s ballot contest. One dominant issue of concern remained on people’s minds throughout the campaign: corruption.Both parties have showered voters with attractive proposals, but there is ...

  • Maltese trust in the justice and legal system waning according to Eurobarometer

    Only 36% of Maltese trust in Justice and the legal system in Malta according to a special Eurobarometer, a 6% drop since last Autumn.49% of Maltese respondents do not trust the Maltese legal and justice system, while the rest of the respondents did not have an answer. On average, 52% ...

  • The Malta Business Weekly Editorial: Protecting Malta’s economy

    On Saturday, we are all called to vote in a general election that has assumed an even greater importance than that which a general election usually has.The election has been called four years into this legislature and a year early for reasons that have not been clarified by the Prime ...

  • Editorial: FIAU reports - How much more proof is needed?

    When the three independent newspapers said they had seen FIAU reports that had probed corruption allegations and concluded that there was a reasonable suspicion of money laundering by people close to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the same newspapers were attacked by the pro-Labour camp and accused of cooking up stories ...

  • Watch: Busuttil testifies before magistrate appointed for Schembri-Hillman inquiry

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil said today that he testified before Magistrate Josette Demicoli for one and a half hours regarding the allegations and the evidence of financial transactions made by PM’s chief of staff Keith Schembri to former managing director of Allied Newspapers Adrian Hillman.This series of allegations relate to ...

  • Watch: Let's light the torch of honesty and goodwill together, PN leader says

    PN Leader Simon Busuttil this evening said Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi had turned reality upside down. Addressing a mass meeting in Sliema, Dr Busuttil compared the FIAU reports scandal to a house burglary. “Imagine looking out of your window and seeing two burglars escaping with ...

  • Watch: Simon Busuttil urges investigation into whether Vitals has account with Pilatus Bank

    Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil said that it is no wonder the Prime Minsiter chose to replace former Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia with Dr Konrad Mizzi, when considering that plans changed for the Gozo General Hospital, which underwent a Public Private Partnership scheme.He said that the Prime Minister was disturbed when ...

  • Schembri passport kickbacks: FIAU report exposes the personal ‘loan’ lie

    The leaked Financial Intelligence Unit documents published by Opposition leader Simon Busuttil during Friday’s debate with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on Xarabank have shed a lot more light on the sordid accusations that the prime minister’s chief of staff is facing in the kickbacks from citizenship scandal.On 25 April, Dr ...

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