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  • Labour’s first 100 days of the legislature in a nutshell

    Today Prime Minister Joseph Muscat celebrates his government’s first 100 days of the current legislature following his landslide electoral victory over the Nationalist Party on 3 June.The news has recently been all but dominated by the PN’s leadership campaign, which brought with it a fair amount of scandals, allegations and ...

  • TMID Editorial: Money laundering - Something must be done to stop the rot

    The revelations that Italian mafia clans had set up an extensive money laundering ring in Malta are not new nor but the shock and concern over the state of affairs never abates.  The latest instalment in this sorry tale is this week’s report by Europol’s Financial Intelligence Group, which makes ...

  • Panama Papers: PANA Committee ‘impeded massively’ in investigation - Giegold

    MEP Sven Giegold, Coordinator of the Greens/EFA group in the PANA committee, said that the PANA committee was “impeded massively” in its investigation on the Panama Papers.In comments posted by Alternattiva Demokratika chairman Arnold Cassola on Facebook, Giegold said this is so mostly because politicians refrained from attending meetings specifically ...

  • I DO Magazine: This moment forever

    The Couple: Katya & Shaun8 July 2016Katya Grech, 25, Sales and Revenue Executive at be.HOTEL and Shaun Grech, 27, Director at Incredible Web held their ceremony at Parish Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Mellieħa followed by a reception held at Palazzo Nobile, NaxxarKatya came to Malta for a ...

  • Watch: Party unity becomes main issue during second PN leadership debate

    PN leadership hopefuls Chris Said, Adrian Delia, Alex Perici Calascione, and Frank Portelli faced off in a debate today, which saw party unity take centre stage in their second and final debate before the first round of voting in the leadership elections, scheduled to take place on Saturday.This Saturday, PN ...

  • Ciudad de México acoge a miles de refugiados centroamericanos, fortaleciendo su integración

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, PanamaEn 2016, México reconoció a 3.078 personas como refugiados - un aumento del 206 por ciento con respecto al año anterior. EL ACNUR trabaja con instituciones y socios locales para fortalecer su integración.Mientras miles de personas huyen ...

  • Judge was annoyed by ‘attack’ on his impartiality

    A judge facing a challenge in a Panama Papers appeal expressed his annoyance at what he termed as an attack on his impartiality. Judge Antonio Mizzi was this week formally asked by the Opposition leader to recuse himself from a hearing to determine whether Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, together with his ...

  • European Commission ‘not informed’ of any Malta-Italy trade-off of migrants for oil rights

    The European Commission, through Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos, has informed that the EC “has not been informed of any agreement” between Malta and Italy.He was answering a European Parliamentary Question over persistent and recurring rumours that Malta and Italy had reached a secret pact that has ...

  • Appeals case on Panama Papers ruling behind closed doors; judge orders PM to attend next sitting

    A sitting before Mr Justice Antonio Mizzi on appeals filed by the Prime Minister, his chief of staff and the Tourism Minister against a court decision ordering a criminal investigation on matters related to the Panama Papers revelations was held behind closed doors today.Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil is requesting that ...

  • TMID Editorial: Politics - PN leadership election and other reflections

    The PN leadership race has become quite a cutthroat affair. Sources from within the PN say that practically all four contenders have their own groups of people inside Stamperija who are ‘working for them’ from behind the scenes, trying to curry favour with the kunsilliera and tesserati, who will be ...

  • Stricter disclosure rules see foreign NZ trusts plummet

    The number of foreign trusts in New Zealand, like those set up by Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri, plummeted after the introduction of stricter disclosure rules. The trust Dr Mizzi, the Tourism Minister, and Mr Schembri, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, set up in New Zealand, were used to shelter ...

  • Marlene Farrugia says ‘definite no’ to Labour return, ‘maybe’ to PN leadership in five years’ time

    Outgoing Democratic Party leader Marlene Farrugia yesterday said she will not return to the Labour Party to work with “people who sold their soul”, but she is not excluding giving the Nationalist Party leadership a shot in five years’ time, if the PN would be in search of a new ...

  • €16.8 million recovered from Panama Papers, Swiss Leaks

    Just over €16.8 million was recovered by the tax authorities after previously unknown foreign holdings by Maltese were laid bare in the Panama Papers and Swiss Leaks. Information supplied by the Tax Compliance Unit (TCU) shows that €6.3 million has been recovered from its investigations into the Panama Papers data, which ...

  • TMID Editorial: National airline - Saving Air Malta

    We are being told that our national airline, Air Malta, is breaking even. The unofficial narrative in yesterday’s Times of Malta goes that under the new Minister for Tourism Konrad Mizzi, Airmalta came out of the woods. This is being said irrespective of the fact that the airline has shrugged ...

  • TMID Editorial: Tourism - Heading in the right direction

    It is not very often that we praise Konrad Mizzi, whose name will for many years to come remain synonymous with the Panama Papers scandal.  But the popular minister is so far doing quite well in his new tourism portfolio. Mizzi yesterday announced the introduction of town managers, who will ...

  • Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca closes 39 international offices, sacks staff

    Mossack Fonseca, the law firm linked to the Panama Papers scandal, has had to close most of its international offices due to a slump in business, company officials said Wednesday. Jürgen Mossack, one of its founders, told a briefing that the firm had been forced to close 39 of its ...

  • Teen jumps out of plane emergency door at San Francisco

    A teenage boy traveling alone opened an emergency door after his plane landed, slid down the wing and jumped onto a tarmac at San Francisco before shocked passengers could do anything to stop him, witnesses said.The 17-year-old, a U.S. citizen, removed the door minutes after the Copa Airlines flight arrived ...

  • Chamber of Advocates says Busuttil should withdraw comments; PN to request judge's recusal

    The Chamber of Advocates this morning said the Opposition Leader should withdraw comments he made on a judge yesterday.Simon Busuttil was reported as saying that a judge – Antonio Mizzi – could not carry out his duties properly because his wife – Marlene Mizzi – is a Labour MEP. Mr ...

  • Pakistan high court disqualifies Prime Minister from serving over corruption allegations

    A five-judge panel of Pakistan's Supreme Court on Friday disqualified thrice-elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif from holding office over allegations of corruption against him and his family.The court in a unanimous decision said Sharif was disqualified for not remaining "truthful and honest" after considering evidence against him. It also ruled ...

  • TMIS Editorial: To appeal or not to appeal, there really should have been no question

    It truly beggars belief that members of government have appealed against the initiation of a new magisterial inquiry, lodged by the Opposition leader, to investigate whether money laundering laws were broken when what were once secret Panama companies had been opened by the Prime Minister’s chief of staff Keith Schembri ...

  • Road to clean governance is 'long and hard' – Simon Busuttil

    PN Leader Simon Busuttil this morning said that the road to clean governance is “long and hard” when commenting on the latest magisterial inquiry which involves the Panama Papers scandal was launched. Last week a magistrate accepted Busuttil’s request for an investigation on whether Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri, among ...

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