• Panama Papers have had historic global effects, and the impacts keep coming - ICIJ

    At least 150 inquiries, audits or investigations into Panama Papers revelations have been announced in 79 countries around the world since the scandal was revealed earlier this year, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists said today.In a story published on its website, the ICIJ said an estimated $135 billion was ...

  • Nace una nueva marca nacional: I Love Panama

    Durante noviembre, mes de la patria, se hizo el lanzamiento de la marca I Love Panama, en el emblemático teatro Amador del Casco Antiguo. La idea, que surgió hace más de dos años, se fue desarrollando y viendo la oportunidad en el mercado de la moda panameña y del mundo. ...

  • Medical Association of Malta denies it refused to meet Vitals Global Healthcare

    Medical Association of Malta President Gordon Caruana Dingli said that Vitals Global Healthcare’s statement, which said that MAM and the UHM had continuously refused to meet VGH officials to discuss the projects, is not correct.The MAM president told The Malta Independent: “We deal with government and not VGH as our ...

  • IFAD gives $20.5 million boost for sustainable agriculture in Nicaragua's Dry Corridor

    Source: International Fund for Agricultural Development Country: NicaraguaThe Dry Corridor Rural Family Sustainable Development Project (NICAVIDA) will benefit 30,000 families and will focus, in particular, on women and young people.Rome, 29 November 2016 – The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Nicaragua have signed a financial agreement to boost sustainable ...

  • European decisions may not be in Malta's interests - Alfred Sant

    Decisions taken by the European Union in the next two and a half years may not be in Malta’s interests. Malta will be affected directly if the EU becomes a military union due to the island’s geographical position on the borders of the EU. Malta’s Constitution prohibits Malta to join ...

  • Robust funding critical to ending the pandemic of violence against women and girls

    Source: UN Women Country: WorldUrging governments and international actors to back up agreed international commitments, this year’s “Orange the World” initiative will focus on raising money to end violence against women and girls.UNiTE campaign’s “Orange the World” initiative urges raising money to end violence against women and girls during ...

  • iSurvey: Most of respondents who place full trust in Muscat think environment is not safeguarded

    Out of those respondents who place full trust in Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, 45.4% believe that the environment is not presently being safeguarded, but a staggering 88.5% believe that the government is not corrupt.These results come from the November edition – the sixth of its kind – of the iSurvey ...

  • Editorial: Come January, Mizzi and the Panama Papers will become a European issue

    One can understand the European Commission’s reluctance to step on the toes of member states and one can also understand the fact that diplomacy has its many shades and tones. One can also understand that what is discussed in the corridors of power in Brussels is not always intended for, ...

  • Satabank confirms suspension of outward USD payments related to correspondent banking

    Satabank has confirmed that the “temporary” suspension of outward payments in US DollarS was related to the correspondent bank issue. American banks have been limiting their networks to the United States and cutting down on channels to the EU in a bid to render themselves only liable to intra-US transactions. ...

  • European Commission turns a blind eye, claims Mizzi’s Panama company is only a national issue

    The European Commission is turning a blind eye to Minister without Portfolio Konrad Mizzi’s presence in Brussels on official visits following the Panama Papers revelations that he had a company in the secretive jurisdiction of Panama.The most recent of meetings took place just this week, when Dr Mizzi travelled to ...

  • Ministers’ performance: Bartolo takes top spot, Mizzi plummets but is still ahead of Muscat

    Minister without Portfolio Konrad Mizzi has been given his lowest ranking since The Malta Independent on Sunday began commissioning its iSurvey, but has still maintained a lead over Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. He has also managed to remain in the top five out of a 23-member Cabinet. Respondents were asked ...

  • 'Panama Papers' sigue golpeando la imagen de Panamá

    Aunque el mandatario parece restarle importancia al caso, el país miembro de la Unión Europea consideró "impreciso" el alcance de la firma por Panamá de la convención para el intercambio automático de datos fiscales.

  • Zero tolerance needed against tax secrecy, says former Panamanian government adviser

    Former Panamanian Government advisor Joseph Stiglitz told the EU Parliamentary Committee looking into Money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion (Pana) has suggested that secrecy in tax affairs should be treated like a disease which needs to be isolated.There needs to be a "comprehensive global approach" against secret tax structures, ...

  • France investigating 500 taxpayers after Panama Papers leaks

    The French government is investigating the tax records of about 560 taxpayers based on leaked documents from a Panamian law firm.The budget office of the Finance Ministry said Thursday its experts have studied the leaked information and are now digging deeper into 560 specific cases. It didn't identify any of ...

  • iSurvey: economic feel good factor translates into lack of concerns

    When asked what issue is presently of greatest concern, ‘nothing, there are no concerns’ was given the highest proportion of mentions, the November edition of the iSurvey commissioned by The Malta Independent shows. Respondents were asked: What issue is of greatest concern to you right now? No answers were provided ...

  • Whole Cabinet flies to Brussels; Malta's role as bridge builders 'key' for EU presidency - PM

    The whole Cabinet has flown to Brussels for different events mostly linked with preparations leading up to Malta taking over the presidency of the European Union in January.The Cabinet is led by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who started his appointments in the Belgian capital with meetings with the President of ...

  • Ending the kinds of abuses revealed in Panama Papers requires ‘global solution’

    Ending the kinds of offshore abuses revealed by the Panama Papers scandal requires a global solution led by the United States and Europe, a report released today by Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and Swiss anti-corruption expert Mark Pieth says.The 25-page report, “Overcoming the Shadow Economy,” argues that, as “economic ...

  • Libel case against PM: Ann Fenech defends herself against 'lady in Panama' allegations

    PN Council President Ann Fenech has denied allegations and insinuations made by the PL over her involvement in Panama companies, through a libel case heard in court today.She instituted the libel case against Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, as head of the PL, and Daniel Micallef, PL President, on two statements ...

  • iSurvey: Majority want Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri sacked

    An absolute majority believe that Minister without Portofolio Konrad Mizzi and the Prime Minister’s chief of staff Keith Schembri should have been sacked over the Panama Papers revelations, the November edition of the iSurvey commissioned by The Malta Independent on Sunday shows. The Panama Papers scandal refers to the discovery ...

  • iSurvey: PL heading toward electoral victory amid corruption perception

    Should an election be held today, the Labour Party (PL) would win the election by a comfortable 7.7 percentage points, a survey commissioned by The Malta Independent on Sunday shows. Respondents were simply asked: Should an election be held today, who would you vote for?After removing the ‘don’t knows’ and ...

  • iSurvey: Trust in Joseph Muscat on the rise, Simon Busuttil dips slightly

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat remains the most trusted political leader, the November edition of the iSurvey commissioned by The Malta Independent on Sunday shows. As in the previous editions of the iSurvey, respondents were asked to state how much they trusted each party leader on a scale of one to ...