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  • A new partnership, sweeping changes with a radical shift in approach at Air Malta

    When comparing the recent launch of the 'Go Light' product and the announcement concerning collective agreements with the uncertain situation surrounding Air Malta eight months ago, there seems to have been a radical change in approach by the company and the government, why?Air Malta is not an ordinary company owned ...

  • Councillors want action against car hire firm ‘occupying’ public car park

    Two Gudja councillors are up in arms over what they claim is an illegal occupation of public parking spots by a rental car company. In a stern letter to Transport Malta, councillors Mark Anthony Sammut and Stefan Caruana called on the authority to clamp down on the abuse. The letter, published by ...

  • Malta's credit rating raised... again

    Credit agency Standard & Poor's has raised its classification of Malta's economy from stable to positive, a decision lauded by Finance Minister Edward Scicluna. The move comes a year after S&P improved Malta's rating from BBB+ to A-. The agency is forecasting that over the next three years Malta's economy will maintain ...

  • Tender for Gozo port park-and-ride service

    The government has paved the way for the introduction of a park-and-ride service for the Mġarr, Gozo port. The plan to provide the service during peak hours was one of the first initiatives undertaken by the new Gozo ministry, it said in a statement. Parking shortages were posing a problem for Gozitan ...

  • Women athletes featured 10 times less than men on sports sites

    Men feature as much as 10 times more than their female peers in sports media coverage, according to the preliminary findings of a European project. Spread over two years until the end of next year, Women in Sports aims to increase awareness about insufficient and inappropriate coverage of women’s sport and ...

  • Edward Scicluna calls PN pre-budget document negative; expects surplus by end of year

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has labelled the PN pre-budget document negative in this morning's press conference, whilst also saying that he can almost guarantee a surplus by the end of the year.Directly remarking on Mario de Marco's evaluation, which spoke about the problem of poverty said to be "growing in ...

  • TMID Editorial: Rental market - Real social conscience over profit and gain

    The Malta Developer Association's 'social conscience' proposals have immediately come under fire and this came as no surprise.In a meeting with Parliamentary Secretary Roderick Galdes, who is responsible for social housing, MDA put forward a number of proposals which, the association said, are aimed at making more affordable housing available ...

  • Alternattiva Demokratika calls for increased hunting infringement penalties

    AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo has called for an increase in penalties for hunting infringements.During a Buskett visit organised by Birdlife Malta, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo thanked Birdlife for their work for the conservation of wild birds and biodiversity."Public awareness for more nature protection has increased exponentially over the years," he ...

  • Athletes must be well-prepared

    Success in international competitions has been rare and far between for Maltese sportsmen. This primarily because our choice of talent is what it is, given the size of the country, and also because of limited resources, which, in turn, conditions training. In fact, sports administrators are continuously seeking foreign assistance ...

  • MSE Equity Total Return Index up 1.7%

    The MSE Equity Total Return Index strongly rebounded from last week’s decline as the index rallied by 1.7 per cent at 9,015.856 points. Malta International Airport plc, HSBC Bank Malta plc and International Hotel Investments plc were the major contributors towards this gain. A total of 17 equities were active ...

  • ‘A sharing economy’ - Nationalist Party presents pre-budget document

    The Nationalist Party today stressed that while the economy has performed well over the last years, there was a lot that could be done in order to see the entire population benefit.PN spokesperson for finance Mario De Marco presented the party's  pre-budget document in a press conference held inside the ...

  • Standard & Poor’s maintains Malta’s sovereign credit rating, but raises outlook to positive

    Standard & Poor's has maintained Malta's sovereign credit rating at A-, but has raised the outlook to positive from stable.S&P says that the outlook on Malta was revised to positive on strong growth prospects. They said that the outlook revision reflects their expectation that Malta's economy will continue its strong ...

  • Health warning issued on four varieties of chocolate bars

    In accordance with the Food Safety Act and Regulation (EC) No. 178 of 2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council and EU Recommendation 2013/647/EU, the Environmental Health Directorate within the Superintendence of Public Health wishes to inform the public that from information received through the Rapid Alert System for ...

  • Malta and Poland sign mutual visa representation agreement

    Malta and Poland signed an agreement on mutual visa representation. The signing ceremony was held today at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw, and entered into force on the same day. Malta was represented by Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela and Poland Minister of ...

  • ‘More people should be encouraged to take up first aid training’ - St John Rescue Corps Commissioner

    More people should be encouraged to take up first aid training, Commissioner of the St John Rescue Corps Andrew Grech told The Malta Independent."There's a lot of interest in first aid, as people keep coming for first aid training. But it's always positive to have a push for this and ...

  • ‘Konrad Mizzi has my support on Air Malta’ – former tourism minister

    Edward Zammit Lewis has defended his successor’s decision to reform Air Malta before finding a strategic partner, describing it “a different way of looking at a complex issue”. The former tourism minister insisted the restructuring being undertaken by Konrad Mizzi was a continuation of the process begun in the previous four ...

  • Celebrating 15 years of legal service

    On September 27, Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates invited Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, together with a representation of government officials, clients and collaborators, and colleagues to its head office in Valletta to commemorate 15 successful years of legal service. Founded in 2002, Chetcuti Cauchi experienced rapid growth, being the first firm to practise ...

  • First Maltese blockchain app and the use of crypto currencies in iGaming

    Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri announced that the government is working to create a sandbox that allows for the use of crypto currency in the iGaming industry.At the launch of a blockchain application intended for the property market and developed by a private company, ...

  • Updated (4): PBS board threatens to resign if John Bundy is not removed

    The Public Broadcasting Services board has threatened to resign if CEO John Bundy is not removed, The Malta Independent is informed.The Board recently moved a motion of no confidence in the CEO, however as of yesterday afternoon, Bundy had not received any communication regarding thisThey PBS board yesterday wrote a ...

  • Prime Minister holds meeting with Milan Chamber of Commerce

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat held a meeting with Chamber of Commerce for Milan, Monza and Brianza.A number of businesses from the Lombardy region were present, and opportunities in Malta as a business destination were discussed, a government statement read.The Prime Minister said that Malta has one of the highest economic ...

  • Valletta mayor presents President with draft bill to combat food waste

    A draft bill aimed at tackling food waste has been presented to President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca for her support. The draft bill, presented by Valletta Mayor Alexiei Dingli, proposes that food about to expire in supermarkets be sent to volunteer organisations and NGOs who serve food to those less ...

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