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  • INDEPTH: One cannot expect OHSA to monitor media 24/7 - CEO Mark Gauci

    Occupational Health and Safety Authority CEO Mark Gaudi said that one cannot expect the authority to have people monitoring what both the traditional and social media are saying with regard to possible infringements of health and safety at the workplace.Interviewed by The Malta Independent online editor Stephen Calleja on Indepth, ...

  • TMIS Editorial: New waste incinerator destined for Gozo, the north or the south?

    With the government set on embarking on a waste-to-energy project incorporating an incinerator, the €150 million question is where, exactly, the project will be located.Malta’s size being what it is such industrial projects are always bound to be placed in someone’s backyard. As such there are, broadly speaking, only three ...

  • Freeport introduces weekly rapid link to key South America ports

    Maltese importers and exporters are set to benefit from new trading opportunities to Brazil and Argentina following the introduction of a rapid weekly link by Malta Freeport Terminals. The Sirius Service, calling at six key ports in Brazil (Itajai, Itapoa, Itaguai, Rio Grande, Salvador and Santos) as well as Buenos ...

  • Glass ceiling for women in politics still intact – Founder of Women Political Leaders Global Forum

    “There are cracks for sure, but the glass ceiling (for women in top political positions) is still very much there," observes Silvana Koch-Mehrin. "There are very few countries in the world where there was a second woman elected or appointed to the post of Prime Minister or President. Many countries ...

  • BirdLife Malta CEO speaks out about why it never presented motion for hunting season closure

    A motion to discuss closing the hunting season has not been presented by BirdLife Malta to the Ornis Committee due to the committee’s ‘design’, resulting in the Prime Minister having a ‘clean sheet’ to keep it open despite the mounting number of illegalities.“If we were to present this motion, and ...

  • Price of soft drinks to increase as part of plastic bottle return scheme, PM announces

    The price of soft drinks will go up as part of a plastic bottle return scheme, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat announced today. Speaking about tomorrow’s budget during an activity in Ghaxaq, the PM said the scheme will encourage people to hold on to their plastic and deposit bottles against a ...

  • Government needs to address market failures in upcoming budget – Caritas Director

     Caritas Director Leonid McKay believes the government needs to address market failures especially in the rental market.The Malta Independent on Sunday contacted various key members in civil society to hear what they think the government should focus on in the upcoming budget. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has already spoken of ...

  • Paqpaqli Porsche driver files judicial letter against President over health, safety failures

    The British Porsche 918 Spyder driver who took part in the 2015 charity event Paqpaqli Ghall-Istrina which tragically saw 23 people injured has filed a judicial letter against the organising parties, including President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. Some of the victims of the incident, including a six-year-old girl and her mother, ...

  • Malta establishes relations with Cook Islands and Papua New Guinea

    Malta has established diplomatic relations with the Cook Islands and Papua New Guinea. Signing ceremonies to establish relations were held during bilateral meetings held on the fringes of the Our Ocean Conference, held this past week in Malta. Foreign Minister Carmelo Abela followed the signing ceremonies with discussions on how to take ...

  • Maltese professor made vice-president of international maritime law tribunal

    Updated 7.10pm - PN congratulates Prof. Attard Leading international maritime law professor David Attard has been elected vice-president of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. Prof. Attard will serve a three-year term in the post. He has been a member of the tribunal since 2011. In a statement announcing his ...

  • Framework agreement to promote cooperative activities in space signed with French agency

    A framework agreement related to the promotion of cooperative activities in space has been signed between the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and the French space agency Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales (CNES). The aim of this agreement is to establish a relationship aimed at improving the cooperation and development ...

  • Process to award rental subsidy to be hastened

    The process to award a rental subsidy to eligible people is to be hastened, reducing it from about four months to four weeks, the Parliamentary Secretary for Social Accommodation said. Read: Brochure reveals Malta's rental rates Roderick Galdes said he was conscious of the challenges and problems applicants with low income faced ...

  • Watch: 13 charged with pickpocketing

    Updated 2.20pm - Added video Five men and and eight women this morning pleaded not guilty to a series of thefts which took place in recent months. They were also charged with forming part of an organised crime ring. The 13 men and women, all Bulgarians and whose ages range between 21 and ...

  • TMI poll: Traffic is issue that needs to be tackled most in 2018 budget

    It is to be expected.Almost half the readers who have so far taken part in an online poll on The Malta Independent website have indicated traffic as the most pressing problem the government should address in the budget for 2018.The traffic situation has deteriorated badly in the last few years, ...

  • BirdLife CEO says belief that governments may win elections by helping hunters is ‘fallacy’

    Sultana has followed the Prime Minister’s comments with disbelief. While fielding questions from the press on Tuesday night, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that thanks to a change in the law during the previous legislature, he can only close the hunting season upon advice from the Ornis Committee.A follow-up story ...

  • Today's front pages

    The following are the top stories in national newspapers today. Times of Malta says the Ombudsman is questioning once again whether the employment of people from outside the public service on a ‘position of trust’ basis is in line with the Constitution. In another story, it quotes Prime Minister Joseph Muscat ...

  • Part of intangible heritage

    The Malta Band Clubs’ Association has just been awarded the prestigious European Citizen’s Prize for 2017 by the European Parliament. The Maltese members of the European Parliament had nominated it for the prize on the 70th anniversary of its formation in recognition of its promotion of cross-border musical cooperation in ...

  • INDEPTH: Trade unions were against health and safety issues, now recognise importance – OHSA chief

    Trade unions were against health and safety issues on the workplace, but have now understood their importance to safeguard workers, Occupational Health and Safety Authority chief executive officer Mark Gauci said.Interviewed by The Malta Independent online editor Stephen Calleja on Indepth, Gauci recalled a day when a prominent trade unionist ...

  • A federal Europe will silence voice of small EU states - Alfred Sant

    A major dilemma facing small member EU states like Malta, Cyprus, Ireland and Demark is that while it is in their interests that the EU strengthens controls on security and on  tax evasion, these same member states want to maintain their sovereignty to secure their soverignty on national governance involving ...

  • Ocean meeting in Malta raises over $7 billion for marine protection

    A global conference to better protect marine life has raised more than $7 billion and won commitments to protect huge swathes of the Earth's oceans.The European Union, which organized the Our Ocean conference in the Maltese capital of Valletta, its 28 member states and its EIB investment bank gave almost ...

  • Watch: University water fight turns messy

    Buckets of water were not enough to cool a few hot heads on campus this afternoon, as the University of Malta's annual water fight turned rowdy. The event - an annual tradition which pits law student association ELSA against its architecture equivalent SACES - is known for its high-spirited nature, with ...

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