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  • An early 1970s season at the Schreiber SG

    In the 1970s, football in Malta went into decline. After the glorious years of the 1960s the game started to lose its sparkle and the attendances began to dwindle. In the first couple of seasons of the 1970s, however, the interest in the local game was still high and including in the ...

  • Air Malta must keep flying

    In a leader last month, this newspaper expressed the opinion that, in the ongoing efforts to save Air Malta, appeasing suppliers and unions should not come in the equation. It made the comment after sources close to the national carrier said the airline had “to fly below the radar of the ...

  • Today's front pages

    Good morning. Happy Independence Day. The following are the top stories in Malta's newspapers today. Times of Malta leads with yesterday's PN meeting on the Granaries, quoting PN leader Adrian Delia as saying he is not afraid of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.  The Malta Independent says pilots see Air Malta's latest pay offer ...

  • METS: growth pillar for Medserv

    Medserv convened a meeting with financial analysts last week to provide additional details on the interim financial results published on August 23 and also to update the market on the current business pipeline as well as opportunities in the months and years ahead. Following the diversification strategy adopted in recent years, ...

  • Something’s gotta give

    Air Malta and the government have now put what they consider to be the best offer they can possibly make, without breaking the airline's back once and for all, on the table for its employees. But by the sounds of it, not all employees are immediately jumping aboard the new ...

  • Pilots see new offer as ‘unsatisfactory’ as Air Malta puts the ball in unions’ court

    Sources close to the Air Malta pilots union have poured cold water on the government's latest offer to employees, made just yesterday, saying that it was "not satisfactory".Speaking to this newspaper yesterday evening following discussions between the airline, its unions and the government, where a new deal of a 20% ...

  • ‘Election campaign begins on January 1’ – Adrian Delia

    PN leader Adrian Delia today expressed confidence the Nationalist could win the next general election, saying the party’s election campaign would begin on January 1. Addressing his first mass meeting in his new role during the PN’s Independence Day celebrations, Dr Delia said the PN would give the country back to ...

  • MIA share price reaches new 2017 high

    The equity price index extended yesterday’s decline of 0.72% by a further 0.03% to a fresh four-month low of 4,610.230 points. The lower share prices of GO (-2.1%) and BOV (-0.5%) outweighed the gains in MIA (+0.5%), RS2 (+2.1%) and MaltaPost (+4.2%). Meanwhile, HSBC and PG traded unchanged. Over 60% of ...

  • Marlene Farrugia: The PN has sunk deeper in the quagmire, DeliaPN will snuff out any life left to it

    The PN has sunk deeper in the quagmire which claimed it a number of years ago, and "DeliaPN" will snuff out any life left to it, Marlene Farrugia, outgoing leader of the Democratic Party said today. The PD is the PN's coalition partner in Forza Nazzjonali and its two MPs were ...

  • MTA's UK office wins travel trade award for second consecutive year

    For the second year running,the Malta Tourism Authority's London Office has won the Travel Trade Gazette Award for the UK’s Tourist Board of the Year. This award is regarded as the most prestigious in the UK travel industry and the highlight of the industry’s calendar. It is held each year at ...

  • Insurance entity Starr Companies to operate EU business from Malta

    Starr Companies, a US international insurance entity, will be implementing its commercial activities for the EU from Malta, the government said. It said this investment was sealed during a visit by the Prime Minister to the company’s offices in New York. Dr Muscat met the company officials for the first time last ...

  • Local bee population increasingly threatened by growing number of alien Oriental Hornets

    A constant growth in the number of Oriental Hornets, an alien insect species found around the country,  is posing an increasingly bigger threat to Malta's bee population, according to Mario Sant, a committee member of the Malta Beekepers Association.Speaking to The Malta Independent, Sant explained that as time goes by, ...

  • Scicluna hints at regulating rental market by monitoring contracts between landlords, tenants

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna hinted at the regulation of rental markets, not through control, but through the monitoring of contracts and dealings between tenants and landlords in order to ensure that the rights of both are being honoured."When we speak about regulation we are not talking about control. We are ...

  • Malta Association of Retirement Scheme Practitioners speaks about tax incentives on pension schemes

    Malta Association of Retirement Scheme Practitioners (MARSP) commented on tax incentives to promote the take up of pension schemesAfter a long wait, disrupted by the election, the Malta Government has published the rules for tax incentives for employers to contribute into pension schemes, MARSP said.Describing the measure, they said that ...

  • Kate Adie: Keynote speaker at EY Malta’s annual attractiveness event

    The well-known BBC Chief News Correspondent Kate Adie is one of the keynote speakers at EY Malta's Annual Attractiveness Event to be held on 25 October at the InterContinental Arena Conference Centre.Widely regarded as Malta's largest business and investment forum, the annual event is expected to attract over 700 public ...

  • Austria says nine employees of Malta-based firm were executed by Islamist militants in 2015

    The Austrian government said today it had evidence that nine oilfield workers employed by an Austrian firm based in Qormi who were abducted by Islamist militants in Libya in 2015 had been executed the same year.The employees of the Malta-based Value Added Oil Services Ltd (VAOS) were of various nationalities: ...

  • Pattern of silence: Parliamentary Secretary and OPM dodge hunting questions

    With six protected birds shot since the start of the hunting season, a potential reduction in punishment on illegal hunting activity, and a discussions concerning a hunters' petition which attempts to block any future referenda on the pastime gathering momentum, The Parliamentary Secretary for Animal Rights, Fisheries and Agriculture Clint ...

  • Update: Air Malta workers offered 20% salary increase over five year period

    Air Malta has offered an 18%-20% salary increase to workers staggered over a five-year period in a bid to save the airline while also securing the future of all employees.The rise would see Air Malta's payroll costs increase by €16 million, and in order to fund it, revenue would need ...

  • Starr Group to relocate European operations to Malta following discussions with government

    The government has successfully negotiated with the Starr Group, one of the world's largest insurance groups which employs some 3,200 people, to relocate their European offices to Malta.Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, along with his chief of staff Keith Schembri, is currently in New York, where Muscat is due to address ...

  • Update: 'PL has created a soulless state' - Delia reiterates commitment to protect 'Maltese values'

    Newly elected  PN Leader Adrian Delia has said that the Labour Party has created a soulless state which is attacking Maltese values, in a politically charged and loud address at the party's Independence Day celebrations.Delia, who spoke passionately throughout his speech, called on Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to come out ...

  • New agency for foreign workers under consideration

    The government is considering setting up an independent agency to facilitate the administrative process for foreigners wishing to work in Malta. Government sources said the Cabinet is to discuss the possibility of a new body that will help process the paperwork for EU and third-country nationals planning to work on the ...

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