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  • Chris Cardona gives new positions to two of his closest aides

    Economy Minister Chris Cardona’s closest aides have been given new appointments, the Times of Malta is informed. Dr Cardona appointed Mario Azzopardi, the head of his private secretariat under the previous Labour administration, as his advisor. Dana Farrugia, his private secretary, has also been nominated board member of Malta Enterprise, the government’s ...

  • BirdLife urges PM to take action on hunting season after shot protected bird found in St Edward’s

    BirdLife Malta is urging the Prime Minister to take a decision on the autumn hunting season after a protected bird, a buzzard, was shot down and found by two students at St. Edward’s College.The incident is similar to that of April 2015, where another protected bird was found, prompting the ...

  • Government says it implemented 70% of 2017 budget measures

    Principal permanent secretary Mario Cutajar announced today that out of all budget measures announced for 2017, 70 per cent have been implemented.He was addressing a press conference during which an extensive publication providing an account of all the 2017 budget measures and what stage of implementation they are in. The ...

  • Minister for Equality not considering introducing paid vacation leave for women seeking abortion

    Minister for Equality and European Affairs Helena Dalli this afternoon said that at this point she would not consider introducing paid vacation leave for women seeking to have an abortion abroad. Dalli, together with Minister for Health Chris Fearne were addressing a news conference following yesterday’s objection by PN on ...

  • TMID Editorial: Protecting our oceans and seas - Plastics, Pardo and pollution prevention

    It was on 1 November 1967, that Maltese diplomat Arvid Pardo delivered his historic speech to the United Nations General Assembly urging the nations of the world to draw up new regulations ensuring peace at sea, preventing further pollution and protecting ocean resources.His proposal that the seabed constitutes the common ...

  • Vodafone brings Malta a glimpse of the future by trialling 1 gigabit speeds

    Following the launch of Malta’s first 4G+ mobile network, Vodafone Malta now brings the country its first ever glimpse of the future by showcasing the foundations for 5G technology  and trialling breakthrough ‘gigabit speeds’ of 1,000 Mbps on its mobile network.This landmark speed, which is a whopping eight times the ...

  • Watch: Adrian Delia sworn in as Opposition Leader

    Nationalist Party leader Adrian Delia has been sworn in as Opposition Leader this evening by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.After the swearing in ceremony, Delia has said that, had he been Prime Minister today, he would take strong and necessary measures to ensure that the illegal hunting of protected birds no ...

  • Tools for success

    The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry together with Bank of Valletta plc held Start-Up Strong, Tools for Success, as part of SME Week Malta 2017 on Wednesday. The event was aimed at encouraging young people to take the startup route and become entrepreneurs. During the event the Malta Chamber ...

  • Passport buyers’ origins to remain ‘a secret’

    The origin of foreign millionaires buying a Maltese passport cannot be revealed as it may prejudice the government’s diplomatic relations with other counties, according to Identity Malta. Identity Malta’s decision not to release such information was supported by the Data Protection Commissioner, who was brought into the picture by the Times ...

  • A telecommunications merger - Benoît Durand

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, the bosses of Melita Ltd and Vodafone Malta have portrayed the proposed Melita acquisition of Vodafone Malta as a positive development for competition in the telecommunications industry in Malta. Unfortunately for Maltese consumers, this claim appears largely unfounded. For the reasons set out below, the Office for Competition within ...

  • What independence?

    The answer to Emily Barbara-Sant’s question (‘Conspicuous absence’, September 28) is simple: it is pointless celebrating an ‘independence’ that does not exist. The Maltese have no control over their courts (the European Court of Justice rules ok), no control over their borders (the EU rules ok), no control over their laws ...

  • Today's front pages

    The two stories on the front page of today's Times of Malta report on the Chief Justice's appeal for new law courts, and Identity Malta's explanation on why so few details of the 'passport buyers' was being released in the interests of diplomatic relations. The Malta Independent gives prominence to a ...

  • Talk on law, justice and the muses

    How to better understand and appreciate the concepts of law and justice through the muses and the arts will be the topic of a lecture by Mr Justice Silvio Meli to be held at the Malta Chamber of Advocates within the Law Courts in Valletta. The talk ‘Law, Justice and the ...

  • ‘This boat is my life’ – Owner of vessel held in Libya calls on government to intervene

    The owner of a vessel that has been held in Libya for over a week is calling on the government to intervene and save his livelihood.The vessel has been detained in Benghazi for nine days. Speaking to The Malta Independent, Albert Satariano, who purchased the vessel eight years ago after retiring, ...

  • 13 Bulgarian nationals arrested for pickpocketing as they were set to leave Malta

    Thirteen Bulgarian nationals were arrested as they were leaving a hotel on their way to the airport, and will be charged with pickpocketing, the police said.In a statement, the police said that at 12:30pm, four men and six women, all from Bulgaria, were arrested after police officers saw them exit ...

  • MIA share price reaches 20-month high

    The MSE Equity Price Index advanced by 0.36% to 4,682.499 points today. Trading activity was spread across four equities only whilst volumes dropped markedly to just €0.12 million from yesterday’s three-week high of €0.73 million. Positive sentiment continued to drive the share price of Malta International Airport plc higher as it ...

  • Old dairy plant to be retained as part of Xewkija business centre

    A new multi-purpose hub business centre was given planning permission by the Planning Board today. The business centre will replace the ex-Malta Dairy Milk processing plant in the industrial estate of Xewkija. While the old processing plant will be demolished, the administrative block of the old plant which is a protected Modernist ...

  • Infant biscuits withdrawn from market

    A brand of infant biscuits has been withdrawn from the market after they were found to contain high levels of acrylamide. The Environmental Health Directorate within the Superintendence of Public Health said that the product affected was the BISKids biscuits with apple concentrate by Belgian manufacturer Belkorn, 150g packets. The directorate ...

  • PA approves new business centre in Xewkija industrial area

    A new multi-purpose hub business centre in Xewkija received planning permission by the Planning Board on Thursday.The business centre will replace the ex-Malta Diary Milk Processing Plant in the industrial estate of Xewkija. While the old processing plant will be demolished, the administrative block of the old plant which is ...

  • UHM launches budget proposals, says planning, including that of surplus, 'should be long-term'

    The budget proposals put forward by Voice of the Workers (UHM)  should prioritise long-term planning, according to UHM leader Josef Vella, who stated that the current economic surplus in Malta is also a 'short-term' plan.Vella was addressing a news conference this morning where the proposals were launched."The economic surplus is ...

  • Illegal hunting: Government has final say on season closure, PM confirms

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat yesterday confirmed that the government has the final say on whether to close the hunting season, despite his earlier comments placing the onus on the Ornis committee. The crux of the matter, however, is whether he can take this decision without such a recommendation. In recent ...

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