• 28 Gen Viaggio d'affari in Iran

    Promos, Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio di Milano, organizza un percorso di internazionalizzazione, articolato in incontri b2b con operatori locali e follow-up commerciale sui contatti incontrati che si terrà a Teheran dal 28 gennaio al 2 febbraio 2017. L'iniziativa è rivolta alle aziende operanti nel settore alimentare e delle tecnologie ...

  • Airbus delivers Iran’s first new jetliner in decades after nuclear deal

    The first of 100 Airbus planes that Iran purchased following its nuclear deal with world powers arrived in Tehran on Thursday, heralding a new chapter for the country’s aging and accident-prone fleet after years of sanctions. The Iran Air A321 jet touched down after a flight from Toulouse, France, where ...

  • 'Yes we did' - Obama bids farewell in nostalgic last speech

    President Barack Obama bid farewell to the nation Tuesday in an emotional speech that sought to comfort a country on edge over rapid economic changes, persistent security threats and the election of Donald Trump.Forceful at times and tearful at others, Obama's valedictory speech in his hometown of Chicago was a ...

  • Iran takes ownership of first jet under sanctions deal

    Airbus said on Jan. 8 Iran’s state airline IranAir had accepted its first new jet, marking a key step in opening up trade under a nuclear sanctions deal between Iran and major powers.

  • Business News: Iran sells 13 million reserve oil barrels after OPEC cuts

    Iran has sold more than 13 million barrels of oil that it had long held on tankers at sea, capitalising on an OPEC output cut deal from which it is exempted.

  • Business: Iran sells 13 million reserve oil barrels after OPEC cuts

    Iran has sold more than 13 million barrels of oil that it had long held on tankers at sea, capitalising on an OPEC output cut deal from which it is exempted.

  • Africa and Asia to receive emergency EU humanitarian assistance

    Source: European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Country: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Libya, Myanmar, Somalia, Syrian Arab RepublicTo respond to the urgent humanitarian needs in Somalia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Egypt and Libya, a total of €28.7 million have been allocated from the ...

  • Turkey’s energy sector still appealing despite setbacks: Energy Council head

    Foreign investment in Turkey remains strong in spite of many challenges including terrorist attacks, thanks to the normalization of bilateral relations with Russia and Israel and the lifting of sanctions on Iran, the president of the Energy Council of Foreign Investors said on Jan. 2

  • Il Turkmenistan sospende le esportazioni di gas verso l’Iran.

    Il Turkmenistan sospende le esportazioni di gas verso l’Iran. La decisione è stata presa il 1 gennaio, dopo giorni di scontri tra i due governi sul pagamento dei debiti arretrati di Teheran verso il governo di Aşgabat. Il Turkmenistan è il terzo partner commerciale dell’Iran dopo Cina e Turchia, ed ...

  • Security Council supports mediation efforts, calls for humanitarian access throughout Syria

    Source: UN Security Council Country: Syrian Arab RepublicThe Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution supporting efforts by the Russian Federation and Turkey to end nearly six years of bloodshed in Syria and jump-start a political process.SC/12663 Security Council 7855th Meeting (PM) The Security Council today unanimously adopted a resolution supporting efforts by the Russian ...

  • UN adopts resolution supporting efforts by Russia and Turkey to end violence in Syria

    The U.N. Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution supporting efforts by Russia and Turkey to end the nearly six-year conflict in Syria and jump-start peace negotiations.The resolution approved Saturday afternoon also calls for the "rapid, safe and unhindered" delivery of humanitarian aid throughout Syria. And it anticipates a meeting of the Syrian government ...

  • 24 Feb Iran International Renewable Energy, Lighting & Energy Saving Exhibition

    ICE-Agenzia, in collaborazione con ANIE, organizza a Teheran la collettiva italiana alla fiera dedicata alle Rinnovabili International Renewable Energy, Lighting and Energy Saving Exhibition. Nell’ambito del Programma Promozionale di iniziative internazionali per il 2017, andando incontro alle richieste della base associativa, l’Area Internazionalizzazione di ANIE ha previsto un particolare focus sul ...

  • 2016: and that’s a wrap!

    Wine, turkey, pudding and countless cakes later, safe to say this is the toughest article of the year, not merely because of the quiet market activity leading up to the New Year but due to the blood flow concentration my stomach requires following the Christmas festivities. With little activity in financial ...

  • Official says Iran will only pay half price for new Boeing jetliners

    Iran’s official IRNA news agency is reporting the deputy transport minister as saying that his county will only pay half of the announced price for 80 new Boeing planes, given the reductions in its purchasing options. According to the Sunday report, Asghar Fakhrieh Kashan says that despite an initial $16.8 ...

  • Turkey urges Iran for withdrawal of foreign militia from Syria

    Ankara has urged Tehran to effect the immediate withdrawal of Shiite militants from Syria amid the announcement of plans for a trilateral meet among Turkey, Russia and Iran in Astana in mid-February 2017

  • One sentence explaining everything

    Two statements, one after the other, came on the day the Russian Foreign Ministry announced the “Syria Summit” to be held together with Turkey and Iran.

  • Updated (2) - Watch (graphic): Invoking Syria, policeman kills Russian ambassador to Turkey

    A Turkish policeman fatally shot Russia's ambassador to Turkey on Monday in front of a shocked gathering at a photo exhibit and then, pacing near the body of his victim, appeared to condemn Russia's military role in Syria, shouting: "Don't forget Aleppo! Don't forget Syria!"The leaders of Turkey and Russia said the attack in ...

  • Updated (2): Turkey, Russia vow cooperation after ambassador's killing

    Russian investigators worked Tuesday to determine whether the assassination of their ambassador to Turkey was the work of a lone gunman or part of a wider conspiracy as the two countries, which have backed opposing sides in the Syrian war, said they would not let the killing disrupt efforts to ...

  • 18 Feb Percorso di internazionalizzazione in IRAN

    Cosmetica Italia informa che Promos, Azienda Speciale della Camera di Commercio di Milano, organizza un percorso di internazionalizzazione, articolato in incontri b2b con operatori locali e follow-up commerciale sui contatti incontrati che si terrà a Teheran dal 18 al 22 FEBBRAIO 2017. L’iniziativa è rivolta alla piccole e medie imprese operanti ...

  • Turkey talks to Russia, Iran over Aleppo deal

    Turkey continued diplomatic efforts to secure the evacuation of civilians from Aleppo late on Dec. 18, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan speaking to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu speaking to his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif

  • Iran’s Revolutionary Guard faces problems as economy opens

    Iran’s Revolutionary Guard faces a new enemy: the gradual opening of the country’s economy after the nuclear deal with world powers. Known for its hard-line fervor as an elite force created to defend Iran’s cleric-led system, the Guard also holds vast business interests — some public and others hidden across ...