• Logistica, Dogane e Supply Chain

    Come esportare in Iran: i sei aspetti da non sottovalutare

    In un mondo sempre più globalizzato, il concetto di “vendere all’estero” si è evoluto nelle forme e nel tempo: dalla semplice esportazione si è passati alla realizzazione di impianti chiavi in mano, al trasferimento di tecnologie produttive o alla realizzazione di reti commerciali. Esportare beni e servizi in un mercato estero ...

  • 21 Lug ELECOMP

    La fiera "ELECOMP" con focus sul settore e-commerce e computer si terrà dal 21 al 24 luglio a Teheran in Iran.

  • Is it ethical to purchase human organs?

    Organ transplantation saves lives. People with end-stage kidney disease who receive a transplant tend to live much longer than those who undergo dialysis. A kidney from a living donor will last from 12 to 20 years, on average, compared to eight to 12 years for a kidney from a deceased ...

  • Putin and Trump agree Syria ceasefire - Lavrov

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump agreed on a ceasefire in southwestern Syria during talks at the G20 summit, Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today. The truce, agreed during talks held in a "constructive atmosphere", would start on July 9, Lavrov told reporters. US Secretary of State ...

  • Updated: Grins and handshakes as Trump encounters Putin for first time

    With broad grins and a warm handshake, President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin warmed up for their historic encounter on Friday under the shadow of U.S. outrage about Russian election-meddling and nagging questions about potential Trump campaign collusion.Ahead of a formal, sit-down meeting, Trump and Putin were seen ...

  • Herat events highlight impact of armed conflict on Afghan children

    Source: UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan Country: AfghanistanAs children across Afghanistan have become increasingly vulnerable, a series of UN-backed events in Herat province aims at raising awareness about dangers such as unexploded ordnance.HERAT - Raising awareness about the dangers to children in armed conflict was the focus of a series of ...

  • Investigators allege Saudi funding of extremism in UK

    Foreign funding for Islamist extremism in Britain mostly originates from Saudi Arabia, a think-tank report said on Wednesday in claims that were branded as “categorically false” by the Saudi embassy. “While entities from across the Gulf and Iran have been guilty of advancing extremism, those in Saudi Arabia are undoubtedly ...

  • Impresa e cultura FS in Iran con concerto del Maestro Muti a Teheran

    (Teleborsa) - Il Gruppo FS Italiane tra i primi gruppi industriali protagonisti della ripresa dei rapporti commerciali tra Iran e occidente. Il valore complessivo dell'operazione di export credit per...

  • Saudi agrees to Iran consulates during hajj: Ministry

    Iran will be allowed to set up temporary consulates in Saudi Arabia during the hajj pilgrimage despite the absence of diplomatic ties between the two rivals, the foreign ministry in Tehran said on July 4

  • Iran - “Le vie dell’Amicizia”, con la guida del Maestro Riccardo Muti

    Il progetto “Le vie dell’Amicizia”, organizzato dalla Fondazione Ravenna Manifestazioni sin dal 1997 con la guida del Maestro Riccardo Muti, ha il pregio di diffondere il meglio della musica italiana, di promuovere le migliori orchestre ed i giovani talenti italiani all’estero e, al contempo,...

  • Arab nations extend deadline in Qatar crisis by 48 hours

    Arab nations extended a deadline early Monday for Qatar to respond to their list of demands in a diplomatic crisis roiling the Gulf, saying Kuwait's emir requested the delay as part of his efforts to mediate the dispute.Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain cut off ties with ...

  • Israel to Russia: We're concerned your tensions with the US might endanger our border

    Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein talks to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about Syria, Iran, captives in Gaza.

  • US sets new visa rules for 6 mainly Muslim nations, refugees

    The Trump administration on Wednesday set new criteria for visa applicants from six mainly Muslim nations and all refugees that require a "close" family or business tie to the United States. The move came after the Supreme Court partially restored President Donald Trump's executive order that was widely criticized as ...

  • Trump travel ban partly reinstated; court arguments set for autumn

    The Supreme Court is letting a limited version of President Donald Trump's ban on travel from six mostly Muslim countries take effect, a victory for Trump in the biggest legal controversy of his young presidency.The justices will hear full arguments in the October in the case that has stirred heated emotions across ...

  • In Iran is gamen booming business

    Iran heeft een kleine gamemarkt, maar de potentie is enorm. Een internationale conferentie moet de export op gang brengen.

  • Airbus concedes defeat to Boeing in Paris order race

    Airbus conceded defeat to rival Boeing in the race for new business at the Paris Airshow today, as a late haul of almost 100 aircraft failed to close a gap opened up by the launch of the American firm's new 737 model. The European planemaker said it won 326 net new ...

  • World needs to pre-empt devastating drought impacts through better preparedness

    Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: Namibia, Somalia, WorldSeminar at FAO aims to catalyse renewed international push to tackle impacts of drought, which drive not only hunger, but also cause economic losses up to $8 billion annually.Seminar at FAO seeks to rekindle international cooperation, wider use of ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Esportare in Iran: le 4 fiere da non perdere nell'estate 2017

    Quali sono le quattro manifestazioni fieristiche più interessanti per le PMI italiane che si svolgeranno in Iran nel corso dell'estate 2017? Scopriamolo insieme. Fra le diverse modalità di comunicazione a disposizione delle imprese, una delle più importanti è la partecipazione a fiere internazionali. Se in passato le fiere erano viste come un’occasione ...

  • 29 Giu L'Iran dopo le lezioni: quali prospettive per le imprese italiane

    L'evento di "L'Iran dopo le lezioni: quali prospettive per le imprese italiane" si terrà il 29 giugno presso la sede di Assolombarda Confindustria Milano Monza e Brianza a Milano. Le elezioni dello scorso 19 maggio hanno confermato Hassan Rouhani presidente della Repubblica iraniana. Già artefice dell’accordo che ha portato alla progressiva eliminazione delle ...

  • Iran sends planes of food to Qatar amid concerns of shortages

    Iran has sent four cargo planes of food to Qatar and plans to provide 100 tonnes of fruit and vegetable every day, Iranian officials said, amid concerns of shortages after Qatar's biggest suppliers severed ties with the import-dependent country. Qatar has been in talks with Iran and Turkey to secure food ...

  • Iran minister rejects Trump’s condolences for attacks as “repugnant”

    Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has rejected Donald Trump’s condolences for deadly attacks in Tehran, calling the U.S. president’s words repugnant.