• Updated: 'Moonlight' wins best picture at botched Academy Awards

    Oscar winner, take two.Barry Jenkins' "Moonlight" — not, as it turned out, "La La Land" — won best picture at the Academy Awards in a historic Oscar upset and an unprecedented fiasco that saw one winner swapped for another while the "La La Land" producers were in mid-speech.Presenters Warren Beatty ...

  • Poorer countries host most of the world's forcibly displaced

    Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees Country: Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Germany, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, World, YemenMost of the 3.2 million people who were ...

  • Song and dance, protest and politics to mingle at Oscars

    The 89th Academy Awards show promises to be equal parts pomp and politics.The only thing expected to take the stage more often than the frothy front-runner "La La Land" at Sunday's ceremony is protest (and probably some punchlines) over the policies of President Donald Trump. For largely liberal Hollywood, his ...

  • Contrattualistica Internazionale

    Il contratto d'agenzia e di licenza in Iran

    Dopo aver approfondito il tema del contratto di distribuzione e di franchising in Iran oggi esamineremo altre due forme contrattuali utilizzate nello Stato asiatico: il contratto d'agenzia ed il contratto di licenza. Innanzitutto si ricorda che in Iran non ci sono norme speciali in materia di contratti di agenzia, di distribuzione, ...

  • US suspends enforcement of travel ban, Department of Justice moves to appeal

    The government on Saturday suspended enforcement of President Donald Trump's refugee and immigration ban and filed notice it would appeal a judge's order, plunging the new administration into a crisis that has challenged Trump's authority â€" and ability to fulfill campaign promises.The stand-down, a day after a federal judge in Washington state temporarily blocked ...

  • White House predicts courts will reinstate travel ban

    Rebuffed in its bid for a quick reversal, the White House said Sunday it expected the courts to reaffirm President Donald Trump's executive power and reinstate a ban on refugees and travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States.The case promised to extend into Monday at least, when fresh ...

  • 23 Mag Iran Food, Bev & Packing Tec

    Il salone internazionale con focus sul settore Food & Beverage si svolgerà dal 23 al 26 maggio 2017 a Teheran presso Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds.

  • 23 Mag Iran food + hospitality

    Il salone internazionale con focus sul settore Food e Hospitality si svolgerà dal 23 al 26 maggio 2017 a Teheran presso Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds.

  • Special Report: How undercover US spies posing as heroin dealers lured the Akasha's into the police cells

    One evening last November, a handful of policemen in Kenya's sweltering port city of Mombasa were handpicked to help in the final stages of a US-led drugs sting that spanned three continents. The target was a mansion in the wealthy beach suburb of Nyali. The policemen were banned from using ...

  • British PM May: 'We’re committed to a two-state solution'

    Netanyahu stresses settlements not obstacle to peace • Leaders also address Iran, trade issues

  • Diplomazia Economica Italiana 06 febbraio: ultime news dal mondo

    Iran: punta su rilancio turismo con investimenti in infrastrutture L’Iran punta con decisione sul rilancio del turismo: in occasione della 17ma conferenza della Federazione Mondiale delle Associazioni delle Guide Turistiche a Teheran, il Presidente Rouhani ha infatti confermato la determinazione a...

  • Russia, Turkey, Iran discuss Syria cease-fire implementation in Astana

    Experts from Russia, Turkey, Iran and the United Nations held a technical meeting in Kazakhstan’s capital, Astana, to discuss in detail the implementation of the Syrian cease-fire agreement, Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry said Feb. 6.

  • Netanyahu meets May as UK eyes bolstered Israel ties post-Brexit

    The two world leaders met in London on Monday afternoon; topics discussed include Iran, the peace process, and trade relations between Israel and the UK.

  • 09 Mag IREXPO Real Estate & Investment Exhibition 2017

    Il salone internazionale con focus sul settore Real estate si svolgerà dal 9 al 12 maggio 2017 a Tabriz. 

  • 15 Mag Iran Rail Expo 2017

    Il salone internazionale con focus sul settore ferroviario si svolgerà dal 15 al 18 maggio 2017 a Teheran.

  • 28 Feb IIMTE Iranian International Machine Tools Exhibition 2017

    Il salone internazionale con focus sul settore macchine industriali si svolgerà dal 28 febbraio al 3 marzo 2017 a Teheran.

  • Business: Oil prices rise as investors pour fresh cash into crude futures

    Oil prices rose on Monday, with traders shifting money into crude futures as the dollar weakened, and as concerns rose that new US sanctions against Iran could be extended to affect crude supplies.

  • Iran lifts entry ban on American wrestlers

    Iran has lifted a ban on American wrestlers from entering the country for a World Cup competition. The development was the sequel to a court ruling in the U.S. which suspended a travel ban imposed by President Donald Trump. Iranian foreign ministry spokesman, Bahram Ghasemi, confirmed the new decision to ...

  • Judge blocks Trump travel ban, White House to appeal

    A Seattle federal judge on Friday put a nationwide block on US President Donald Trump's week-old executive order that had temporarily barred refugees and nationals from seven countries from entering the United States. The judge's temporary restraining order represents a major setback for Trump's action, though the White House said late Friday that it believed the ...

  • US judge temporarily blocks Trump's travel ban nationwide

    A U.S. judge on Friday imposed a nationwide hold on President Donald Trump's ban on travelers and immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries, siding with two states that had challenged the executive order that has launched legal battles across the country.U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle ruled that Washington ...

  • ‘If enemies do wrong, missiles will come down on them,’ Iran threatens

    Iran's missiles will come down on the country's enemies if they do wrong, a senior commander in Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard was quoted as saying in a Saturday report from semi-official Tasnim news agency.Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, chief of the Guard's airspace division, said: "If the enemy does not walk ...