• Syria peace talks in Astana postponed: Kazakhstan foreign ministry

    Russia, Turkey and Iran have postponed a planned round of talks on Syria in Kazakhstan, which Moscow had proposed to hold on June 12-13, the Kazakh Foreign Ministry said on June 8.

  • Turkey, Iran need close discussions amid ‘worrying’ developments in region: Iranian FM

    Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said on June 7 that Ankara and Tehran need to have a close exchange of ideas on the latest worrying developments in the region

  • Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE sever ties to Qatar over "terrorism"

    Updated 11am:  Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain severed their ties with Qatar today, accusing it of supporting terrorism, opening up the worst rift in years among some of the most powerful states in the Arab world. Later today, the Libyan easter-based government also severed diplomatic ties with Qatar. Qatar ...

  • Senate Panel Approves Stiff Iran Sanctions and Says Russia Is Next

    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee linked the penalties to Iran’s continued support for terrorism. The full Senate could vote on the measure as early as next month.

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Cosa cambia dopo le elezioni presidenziali iraniane?

    Hassan Rouhani, è stato ufficialmente eletto alle elezioni presidenziali in Iran per la seconda volta: il Presidente della Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran ha ottenuto il 57% delle preferenze (23 milioni voti) staccando Ebrahim Raisi, il principale sfidante di Rouhani, che ha raccolto appena il 38% dei suffragi. Rouhani ha 68 anni e ...

  • 'We can use peace': Trump and Pope Francis meet

    President Donald Trump and Pope Francis, two leaders with contrasting styles and differing worldviews, met at the Vatican City on Wednesday, setting aside their previous clashes to broadcast a tone of peace for an audience around the globe.Trump, midway through his grueling nine-day maiden international journey, called upon the pontiff ...

  • Korea's Import of Iranian Crude Oil Soars 105% Last Year

    Korea's oil-refining and petrochemical industries, which achieved record-breaking results in the first quarter of this year with more than 4 trillion won operating profits, are rushing to import crude oil from Iran.   Compared to that produced in other Middle East countries, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Iranian crude oil is ...

  • In Jerusalem, Trump blasts Iran as 'state sponsor of terrorism'

    Trump's public remarks at a meeting in Jerusalem with President Reuven Rivlin targeted Iran and global terrorism.

  • Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia

    US President Donald Trump arrived in Saudi Arabia, the first stop on his maiden international trip since taking office in January. Top regional ally Saudi Arabia has said the trip will conclude political and commercial agreements and will help bolster the joint fight against Islamist militants. Saudi and pan-Arab news channels showed ...

  • Turkey-Russia-Iran meet in Ankara for ‘de-escalation zones’ in Syria

    Delegations from Turkey, Russia and Iran met in Ankara on May 18 for discussions to declare “de-escalation zones” in rebel-held areas of Syria, another round of talks will be held in Iran on May 21, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu has stated.

  • 7 milliards de dollars de perte pour l’Algérie en 2016

    L’Algérie avait exporté en 2015 pour un total de 26 milliards de dollars contre 19 milliards de dollars en 2016. La courbe descendante des prix du pétrole a fait perdre aux pays exportateurs de l’or noir et membres de l’Opep 15% de leurs revenus en 2016. Dans un rapport publié ...

  • Export Development Bank of Iran restoring ties with foreign banks

  • The consequences of the mass return of Afghan refugees from Pakistan

    Source: Afghanistan Analysts Network Country: Afghanistan, PakistanMost of the 600,000 Afghans who returned from Pakistan last year chose to settle in the province of Nangrahar. This has put considerable strain on both health and education services. Author: Fazal Muzhary Most of the 600,000 Afghans who returned from Pakistan last year chose to settle ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    Cosa esportare in Iran?

    L’Iran è un mercato con un elevato potenziale di crescita (82 milioni di abitanti) e che apprezza i prodotti del Made in Italy. Ma quali sono le categorie merceologiche che è consigliabile esportare a Teheran e dintorni? Scoprilo nel nostro approfondimento. Per le aziende italiane che desiderano internazionalizzarsi ed esportare i ...

  • 16 Ott HORECA Iran

    La fiera internazionale "Horeca" si volgerà dal 16 al 19 ottobre a Teheran. Horeca Iran è il primo e unico Salone Internazionale commerciale del Paese specializzato per i prodotti e servizi per hotel, ristoranti, caffetterie, quali attrezzature e forniture, fervizi e tecnologie e franchising. Ospitato presso il Teheran International Permanent Fairground il ...

  • Russia, Iran, Turkey set up Syria de-escalation zones for at least six months: Memorandum

    Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed in a memorandum signed on May 4 to establish four separate de-escalation zones in Syria for at least six months, according to a text detailing the agreement published by the Russian foreign ministry on May 6.

  • Russian-backed safe zones plan a bid to divide Syria - opponents

    A deal hammered out by Russia, Turkey and Iran to set up "de-escalation zones" in mostly opposition-held parts of Syria has gone into effect. The plan is the latest international attempt to reduce violence in the war-torn country and the first to envisage armed foreign monitors on the ground in Syria. The ...

  • Huawei, Chinese Technology Giant, Is Focus of Widening U.S. Investigation

    American officials are looking at whether Huawei, a maker of smartphones and cellular equipment, broke trade controls on Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria.

  • 24 Ago FOODEX Tabriz

    Il salone internazionale con focus sul settore food si svolgerà dal 24 al 27 agosto 2017 a Tabriz in Iran. Foodex è una delle fiere più grande nel settore food, beverage, packaging e alimentare in Iran. Per maggiori informaioni scrivere al seguente indirizzo mail info@tabrizfair.ir o chiamare il numero +98 (411) 6373851-8.


    Il salone internazionale "Drinks Tabriz" con focus sul settore food & beverage e packaging si svolgerà dal 24 al 27 settembre 2017 a Tabriz in Iran. Drinks Tabriz è una fiera professionale nel settore beverage in Medio Oriente. A questa fiera saranno presenti oltre 300 aziende provenienti da Medio Oriente, Asia ...

  • Humanitarian community prepares for a new wave of returning Afghans

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Afghanistan, PakistanAs the Afghan winter draws to a close, aid agencies expect an increase in the number of returning Afghans. UNHCR and IOM estimate that between 864,000 and 1.5 million people could return in 2017. HIGHLIGHTS • Humanitarian community prepares for a new ...