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Today, Africa has emerged from this dark path. Our Armageddon has passed
— Haile Selassie I
  • Single Window along with the Trade Facilitation Agreement to boost effective trade in Africa

    The adoption of Single Window and electronic exchanges for handling import and export procedures and formalities are innovative ways to boost trade, efficiencies and increased revenue collection for governments, said participants at a meeting facilitated by the Pan African Chamber of Commerce and Industry on May 22 to May 23, ...

  • Ethiopian Roads Authority signs 17.4 billion birr road construction contract

    The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) signed a deal for road construction and upgrading projects that are all together worth 17.4 billion birr. The deal that was made between ERA and 13 local and five foreign contractors involves the upgrading and construction of roads in the Oromia, Amhara, SNNPR, Tigray as ...

  • Consolidate

    [Addis Fortune] With its multi-sectoral interventions, the large multinational digital-industrial company General Electric (GE) has introduced its country office to consolidate its businesses on May 18, 2017. Mulatu Teshome (PhD), president of Ethiopia (centre), Jay Ireland, president and CEO of GE Africa , and Daniel Hailu, CEO of GE Ethiopia ...

  • Sesame to undergo similar reform as coffee sector

    In a similar vein to coffee, sesame will go through reforms in an attempt to improve sales. Recently the government sat down with investors and came up with recommendations to improve coffee production. Now over the past few weeks solutions are being worked over to improve sesame exports through the ...

  • Ethiopia establishes legal guidelines for contract farming

    The Agricultural Production and Marketing Contracts proclamation has been drafted by the Agricultural Transformation Agency (ATA) to improve relations between traders and producers and establish legal contract farming in the country. Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA) raised concerns during a recent meeting held at the Prime Minister’s Office. According ...

  • Techno Brain Partners With Oracle

    [Addis Fortune] Techno Brain, one of the leading ICT Solutions providers, has partnered with Oracle, the second largest software making company in the world, since last week. This has helped Techno Brain to earn a Field Delivery Partner (FDP) status. Headquartered in Nairobi, Techno Brain has a presence in over ...

  • The Less Rewarding Trend of Insurance Regulations in Ethiopia

    [Addis Fortune] In Ethiopia, the modern insurance business has no deep-rooted history like in most countries of the world. According to many historians and scholars, the emergence of the modern insurance industry traces back to the pioneer, the former Bank of Abyssinia, established by Emperor Menelik II in 1905. Thus, ...

  • Govt Takes Plunge to Improve Traceability of Speciality Coffee Beans

    [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia, the world's fifth-largest coffee producer and home of Arabica, has overhauled the way it markets the commodity in an effort to increase export earnings and clamp down on a thriving domestic black market.

  • Zimbabwe: Africa Trade Insurance Boosts Trade, Investment

    [The Herald] THE Africa Trade Insurance says it facilitated nearly half a billion dollars worth of trade and investment for two of its newest members, Zimbabwe, which joined last year and Ethiopia, in 2016. The subscription based membership said it facilitated financing of trade and investments in Kenya valued at ...

  • What Deters the Passion for Science

    [Addis Fortune] On a beautiful Sunday morning, I had nothing to do other than hovering around the local bookshops in Addis Abeba. I was just hoping to find one or two of "the greatest science books of 2016," as listed by bookworms and influential persons around the world. To my ...

  • Legal Overseas Employment for Citizens' Right, Economic Contribution

    [Ethiopian Herald] Following Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Nayef issued a 90 days' amnesty period in March 29, 2017 for undocumented foreign nationals to leave the country, Ethiopia is working with all relevant bodies to the safe return of Ethiopian repatriates.

  • Nation Secures U.S.$190 Million for Health SDGs Performance

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia and World Bank yesterday signed financial agreement amounting to 190 million USD in the form of loan and grant to finance the implementation of the Health Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for Result Program.

  • Kenya subsidizes maize prices, Ethiopian exporters call for corn exports to be immediately opened up

    The government of Kenya has placed controls on maize distribution in collaboration with millers to put a halt to rising prices.  Experts urged the Ethiopian government to work with exporters and expand exports of surplus maize. Currently the Ethiopian government via the Ministry of Trade (MoT) allowed selected exporters, who ...

  • KEPCO looking into investment opportunities in Ethiopia’s power sector

    The Korean Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) stated that it is interested in working with the Ethiopian Government as well as private sector in the sector of power generation. According to Hwang Kwang-soo, Director General of the Export Cooperation Department at KEPCO, there are many opportunities. “We are very happy to ...

  • Ethiopians purchase the least amount of life insurance policies in Africa

    Nyala Insurance observes the 3rd Ethiopian Insurance Brokers’ Day  Ethiopians purchase the least amount of life insurance policies in Africa. A thematic paper presented by Yared Mola, Chief Executive of Nyala Insurance S.C. (NISCO), on Ethiopian Insurance Brokers’ Day, organized and hosted by NISCO for the 3rd time under the ...

  • Ethio-Algerian Business Forum aims to strengthen relations

    The Ethiopia-Algeria Business forum was held on May 15, 2017 at the Intercontinental Hotel with the collaboration of the Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ethiopia. The forum that aimed to strengthen trade and investment relations between the two countries focused ...

  • Ethiopia: The Medieval Town Demanding for Alternative Investments

    [Ethiopian Herald] Residents of Lalibela, a historical town and home to the oldest and magnificent UNESCO registered rock-hewen churches, plea for diversification of investment opportunities besides the relatively well-to-do tourism sector.

  • AFD Pledges to Finance Ethiopia's Dev't Activities

    [Ethiopian Herald] The French public financial institution, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), said it has been working to widen its cooperation and continue to provide finance for the priority areas of the Ethiopian government.

  • FSCS - Centers Right Places for Productivity Increment

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia is aspiring to transform its economy from an agriculture based one into industrial based economy. However, this transformation can not be achieved if the nation underplays the role of modern and technology-based agriculture. The success of agriculture-led industrial economic transformation will be acctualized if the nation's farming ...

  • Hailemariam Urges Chinese Companies to Increase Investment Engagement

    [Ethiopian Herald] Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn conferred in China with companies engaged in investments in Ethiopia urging for their increased engagement in huge potential sectors.

  • Maize Seed Adoption Program Surpasses Goal

    [Addis Fortune] The Advanced Maize Seed Adoption Program (AMSAP), a public-private partnership (PPP) between the US Agency for International Development (USAID), DuPont, and the Government of Ethiopia, surpassed its goal by 150pc to boost the production of maize among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia.