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Today, Africa has emerged from this dark path. Our Armageddon has passed
— Haile Selassie I
  • Ethiopia's Version of Developmental State

    [Ethiopian Herald] Following the oil shock of 1973 and the consecutive economic problems, Keynesian economics fell out of favor at the end of the 1970s. Then, as an advocate of fundamental form of free market, neoliberalism has prevailed in the world for the past three decades. First it took hold ...

  • Inside Climate Resilient Green Economy Strategy

    [Ethiopian Herald] The green economy plan of Ethiopia, masterminded by the late prime minister Meles Zenawi apparently is devised based on four pillars: Improving crop and livestock production practices for higher food security and farmer income while reducing emissions protecting and re-establishing forests for their economic and ecosystem services, including ...

  • UN relief chief urges immediate funding as "deplorable, man-made catastrophe" escalates in Yemen

    Source: UN Security Council Country: YemenDespite his best efforts In the last two years, he had been unable to make any significant improvement in the war-torn country, Stephen O'Brien told the Security Council.SC/12961 SECURITY COUNCIL 8027TH MEETING (AM) Iran-backed Rebels Blocking Aid Delivery, Deputy Prime Minister Stresses, Pledging Airport Reopening ...

  • IDA Targets to Commit U.S.$4.6 Billion to Ethiopia

    [Addis Fortune] The International Development Association (IDA), a wing of the World Bank, has allocated a 4.6 billion dollar loan to Ethiopia for 2018. The Association's priority areas will be water supply, sanitation, education, trade, logistics and development of woman entrepreneurship.

  • Inflated Profit Puts Lion Insurance in Loss Trap, Again

    [Addis Fortune] The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) has discovered that the account of Lion Insurance Company was overstated by 13 million Br in 2015/16 owing to the understatement of the Firm's legal provision during the same period, resulting in a loss in the just-ended budget year.

  • Government Affirms Keenness to Success of AJOC Meeting in Ethiopia

    [SNA] Khartoum -The State Minister at the Ministry of Foreign affairs, ambassador Atta Al Manan Bakheit on Thursday received the tripartite delegation from the UN, AU and the African Union High level Implementation PANEL, currently touring Sudan and S. Sudan, in preparation for the meetings of the Executive Director of ...

  • Another 180 migrants forced from boat, a day after 50 Somalis, Ethiopians were drowned off Yemen

    Source: International Organization for Migration Country: Ethiopia, Somalia, YemenShortly after the tragedy, staff from IOM found the shallow graves of 29 migrants on a beach in Shabwa, a Yemeni governorate along the Arabian Sea, during a routine patrol.Aden – Up to 180 migrants are reported to have been forced from a ...

  • Country Coins It With Gemstones

    [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia has earned 7.8 million dollars from the export of 2,031kg of the newly discovered precious gemstones of sapphire and emerald.

  • Innovation Calls for Helping Hand to Thrive

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia needs new package of incentives and support schemes that go beyond giving recognition and awards to encourage innovators, practically reinforce their great ideas thrive and help nation cope up with the insanely competitive world of science and technology, particularly information technology.

  • Turkish construction giant mulls growth in Africa

    Turkish construction giant Yapı Merkezi hopes a $3 billion modern railway-line project it is building in Ethiopia and Tanzania will showcase its skills and make it a “trusted development partner” in Africa.

  • Ethiopia, Morocco - a New Chapter of Cooperation

    [Ethiopian Herald] The very old friendship and cooperative relationship between Ethiopia and Morocco is moving to new levels of practical cooperation, from the political to the economic sphere of partnership. The practical application of the new cooperative partnership between the two countries can be exemplified in many ways. Here, The ...

  • Ethiopia Sees Growing Trend of Business to Business Meetings With Other Countries

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia has hosted over 40 business to business meetings with companies arriving from about 35 countries during the last two years, according to Addis Ababa Chamer of Commerece and Sectoral Associations.

  • Glorious Ethio-Turkish Relations

    [Ethiopian Herald] The Ethio-Turkish relationship is flourishing to a new dimension in the areas of investment, trade, development cooperation, humanitarian assistance and cooperation in the international arena. The Ethiopian Herald has had a short stay with the Turkish Ambassador to Ethiopia Fatih ULUSOY concerning these issues.

  • Unearthing Ethiopia's Industrialists

    [Ethiopian Herald] For a country like Ethiopia - with an economy that is largely dependent on agriculture and a population with low purchasing power - small-scale industries should play a key role in it's path towards industrialization.

  • Time for Ethiopia to Enhance Regional Economic Integration

    [Addis Fortune] International trade never used to be an issue, at least, not one borne out of apathy or misrepresentation. Ancient civilisations seldom traded with outsiders, but rarely because they did not want to.

  • Meat Processing Plant Flourishes Near Ziway

    [Addis Fortune] Frigorifico Boran Foods Plc, a subsidiary of Allana Group, has finally received an authentication certificate from the Ministry of Livestock Development & Fisheries to export processed meat from its recently built abattoir plant at Adami Tulu, 170km from Addis Abeba.

  • One-third of 100,000 refugee and migrant children arrived in Europe alone in 2016

    Source: UN Children's Fund, REACH Initiative Country: Afghanistan, Algeria, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Libya, Niger, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, WorldMost of the children in Italy were lone boys from West and Horn of Africa who made the decision to migrate individually, while 91% of children in Greece arrived with their family. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...

  • One-third of 100,000 refugee and migrant children arrived in Europe alone in 2016

    Source: UN Children's Fund, REACH Initiative Country: Afghanistan, Algeria, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Libya, Niger, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, WorldMost of the children in Italy were lone boys from West and Horn of Africa who made the decision to migrate individually, while 91% of children in Greece arrived with their family. Over 100,000 ...

  • Alarmed By Growing Defiance Govt Scraps Presumptive Tax for Small Businesses

    [Addis Standard] Following days of defiance by small business owners in Oromia regional state and in the capital Addis Abeba against the newly introduced presumptive tax system, Kebede Chane, Director General of the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ECRA), said the government was now scraping its implementation.

  • Food security likely to deteriorate further in Somali Region

    Source: Famine Early Warning System Network Country: EthiopiaSevere drought over the past year has resulted in very large livestock losses in the region, food insecurity is worsening to extreme levels following interruptions in humanitarian assistance. Severe food insecurity in Somali Region likely to deteriorate further given lack of food aid In Ethiopia’s Somali ...

  • Ethiopia's Commitment Towards Education, Development

    [Ethiopian Herald] Needless to say that education has its own rewards in terms of creating a better future for individuals and society at large. With improved education, so many other areas, like health, economy, personal attitude and the like are shaped greatly. In short, education has the power to make ...