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Today, Africa has emerged from this dark path. Our Armageddon has passed
— Haile Selassie I
  • Sher On Hot Plate, Heavy Tax, Labour Dispute

    [Addis Fortune] Sher Ethiopia Plc, one of the largest commercial farms engaged in the production and export of horticultural products, and the Oromia Regional Revenues Authority clutched each other at the neck over a 400 million Br tax settlement issue.

  • Currying Relations

    [Addis Fortune] President Ram Nath Kovind came to Addis Abeba for a state visit that lasted two days, making it the first of its kind in almost a century, the last time an Indian president made a trip to the East African nation. Kovind's visit is meant to strengthen bilateral ...

  • State Flowers Horticulturalists With More Incentives

    [Addis Fortune] The investment board, chaired by Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn, lowered the equity contribution of local horticulture investors to 15pc from 25pc, to get a loan from the Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE).

  • Global Green Growth Week 2017 - Unlocking Africa's Green Growth Potential

    [IPS] The Global Green Growth Institute in partnership with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia will hold Global Green Growth Week 2017 on October 17-20, 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  • Chambers Vs Economic Take Off

    [Ethiopian Herald] The six decades and plus years of existence of trade chamber in Ethiopia has put its positive impacts on the business community as well as other State and City trade chambers and sectoral associations. However, the cumulative effects of these important trade networks in the creation of informed ...

  • Ethiopia Ends UNSC Presidency Successfully - Ministry

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia has successfully completed its entrusted mandate of presiding over the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as non-permanent member showing remarkable leadership in the subsequent sessions, says Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • World Bank Assents U.S.$1.3 Billion Finance to Ethiopia

    [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia and World Bank have signed a 1.3 billion dollar grant and loan agreement to enhance equitable services and reduce food insecurity. The agreement was signed by Abraham Tekeste (PhD), minister of Finance & Economic Cooperation (MoFEC) and Carolyn Turk, World Bank's country director for Ethiopia, Sudan, and ...

  • Brighter Futures for Prospective Lawyers

    [Addis Fortune] DLA Piper, a global law firm that legally represented the government of Ethiopia and the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi in avoiding sanctions, granted its first-ever scholarships to six Ethiopians.

  • Global humanitarian needs have never been higher, says UN relief chief

    Source: UN News Service Country: Bangladesh, Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, WorldUN-coordinated response plans remain severely underfunded as the number of those needing humanitarian assistance is at its highest since the end of the Second World War.2 October 2017 – The number of those needing humanitarian assistance is at its ...

  • UN chief urges full access for aid, safe return of displaced Rohingya, end to military operations

    Source: UN Security Council Country: Bangladesh, Myanmar“The situation has spiralled into the world’s fastest-developing refugee emergency and a humanitarian and human rights nightmare,” said António Guterres.SC/13012 Security Council 8060th Meeting (PM) National Security Adviser Refutes Ethnic Cleansing Claims as Unfounded; Bangladesh Representative Says Record Influx of Refugees ‘Untenable’ Amid an escalating crisis in northern Rakhine ...

  • Severe food insecurity in southern Somali Region due to prolonged drought

    Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: EthiopiaThe situation in the country has sharply deteriorated in recent months, with the estimated number of food insecure people increasing to 8.5 million. Highlights: • Prevailing severe dry weather conditions since October 2016 affected rangelands and crops in southeastern Ethiopia, resulting in serious ...

  • Ethiopia launches 15-year National Adaptation Plan to address climate change

    Source: Government of Ethiopia Country: EthiopiaThe plan, which will cost about $6 billion annually, focuses on agriculture, forestry, health, transport, power, industry, water, and urban sectors that are identified as most vulnerable.Addis Ababa - September 25, 2017 - Ethiopia has launched a fifteen-year National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH) that will cost about ...

  • Ethiopia launches 15-year National Adaptation Plan to address climate change

    Source: Government of Ethiopia Country: EthiopiaThe plan, which will cost about $6 billion annually, focuses on agriculture, forestry, health, transport, power, industry, water, and urban sectors that are identified as most vulnerable.Addis Ababa - September 25, 2017 - Ethiopia has launched a fifteen-year National Adaptation Plan (NAP-ETH) that will cost about ...

  • Hydromet Services for Climate Resilient Economy

    [Ethiopian Herald] As an advocate of climate resilient green economy and a country with prolonged experience of natural disasters such as drought, Ethiopia more than ever needs effective and state-of-the-art hydromet system.

  • A Clear Path to Horn's Economic Integration

    [Ethiopian Herald] Following the formation of a Preferential Trade Area (PTA) among some Eastern and Southern African countries including Ethiopia in 1981, the idea of economic integration was conceived in these regions. PTA's formation was aimed at establishing a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in a very short time. Despite the ...

  • All Eyes On Domestic Financial Sources

    [Ethiopian Herald] Despite improvements in the Ethiopia's tax-to-GDP ratio over the past years, it is still below the average of most Sub-Saharan countries.

  • Dall’Etiopia al Trentino con il sogno di un’economia diversa

    Scappata dall’Etiopia per fuggire dalla repressione del governo contro gli studenti e l’opposizione, Agitu Idea Gudeta è arrivata in Italia nel 2010. In Trentino ha recuperato alcuni pascoli abbandonati e ha creato un allevamento di capre, appartenenti a razze in via di estinzione. Sarà al festival sabato 30 settembre. Leggi

  • High-Level Committee Finds Zero Irregularity Yet NPL Soars

    [Addis Fortune] An effort by a high-level committee to investigate a violation of law led to a surge in non-performing loan (NPL) ratio of the Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) bore no fruit, sources close to the case disclosed to Fortune.

  • France Swears 2 Billion Br to Finance Controversial Abattoir

    [Addis Fortune] The French Development Agency (AFD) pledges close to two billion Birr financing to modernise and relocate Addis Abeba Abattoirs Enterprise on 20ha land within nine kilometres radius from the runway of Bole International Airport- the largest international airport in the country.

  • Trade Ministers Meet in Ethiopia

    [] Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies and his Deputy Bulelani Magwanishe are today attending the informal meeting of African Union Ministers of Trade on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) in Ethiopia.

  • Foreign Policy - a Centerpiece for Nation's Peace, Development

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia's current Foreign Policy has been the cornerstone in bringing peace and stability as well as economic development to the country by redefining poverty, rather than countries, as a threat for its survival, Ministry of Foreign Affairs says.