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Today, Africa has emerged from this dark path. Our Armageddon has passed
— Haile Selassie I
  • World hunger is on the rise again thanks to conflict and disasters

    Source: World Health Organization, International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Country: Colombia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lebanon, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Uganda, World, YemenThis year’s "The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World" warns that the long-term ...

  • Exportiamo Incontra

    Etiopia: investire in un mercato da 100 milioni di abitanti

    C'è un Paese nell'Africa sub-sahariana che cresce molto più rapidamente rispetto a quelli limitrofi e che ha un ambizioso obiettivo diventare entro il 2025 un Paese a medio reddito. Stiamo parlando dell'Etiopia, una realtà che ha però bisogno di sciogliere una serie di nodi cruciali per poter liberare tutte le ...

  • Is Kenya Losing Its Air Freight Edge to Ethiopia?

    [East African] High costs and long cargo dwell times are hampering Kenya's competitiveness in the air cargo business in the region.

  • Ethiopia's New Transport Hope

    [Ethiopian Herald] Without a shadow of doubt, transport plays a major role in smoothing the progress of a given country for the most part in bolstering the economy of a given country and changing the lives of millions. In reality,the growing economy of our country necessitates high transport infrastructure seeing ...

  • Double Digit Inflation Flags Unhealthy Economy

    [Addis Fortune] The inflation rate in Ethiopia reached a 22-month high following a persistent rise of food costs, especially on cereal products, lifting the headline inflation to 10.4pc, signalling unhealthy macro economy in the country.

  • UN rights chief emphasizes effects of government inaction regarding human rights issues

    Source: UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Country: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Congo, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Israel, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Moldova, ...

  • Peace Accord Leads to Thriving Trade on Kenya-Ethiopia Border

    [Nation] Trade has been good for Timiro Hussein in Moyale Town after law and order returned a few years ago.

  • Peace accord leads to thriving trade on Kenya-Ethiopia border

    Kenyans and Ethiopians can now trade across the border.

  • Little progress in reducing global out-of-school rate over past decade

    Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Ethiopia, Iraq, Niger, Syrian Arab Republic, WorldWith 11.5 per cent of school-age children – or 123 million – missing out on learning today, the percentage of 6-15-year-olds who are out of school has barely decreased, UNICEF said.NEW YORK, 6 September 2017 – With 11.5 per cent ...

  • Misguided Mandate Trojan Horse to Illicit Antique Trade

    [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia is known for ample heritages that attract tourists from all over the globe. It is also known that Ethiopian heritages have been stolen at different times and taken abroad. These days, though not yet perfect, there are pragmatic approaches to reduce heritage trafficking before it seriously starts ...

  • Ethiopia Assumes Presidency of Council

    [Addis Fortune] Ethiopia assumes the presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on September 1, 2017. By this time, Ethiopia will consolidate the partnership between African Union (AU) and United Nations (UN) in the area of peace and security.

  • NGOs call for independent international inquiry on Yemen

    Source: Amnesty International, CIVICUS, World Organisation Against Torture, Society for Threatened Peoples, CARE, International Service for Human Rights, Saferworld, Human Rights Watch, Physicians for Human Rights, MADRE, Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, PAX Country: YemenSixty-two organizations state that an inquiry should be given the mandate to establish the facts ...

  • Ethiopia Reaffirms Open Door Policy for Somali Refugees

    [Shabelle] Ethiopia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has reaffirmed the country's open door policy for refugees, highlighting the efforts made by the government in the management of the regional refugee crisis. The East African country is currently home to more than 850,000 refugees from 21 countries, with Sudan, Somalia and Eritrea ...

  • USAID announces over $90 million in additional humanitarian assistance to Ethiopia

    Source: US Agency for International Development Country: Ethiopia, United States of AmericaWith concern expressed over deteriorating conditions from a second severe drought this year, USAID's 2017 contribution to the country comes to nearly $454 million.READOUT The below is attributable to Acting Spokesperson Clayton M. McCleskey: USAID Administrator Mark Green met today with Prime ...

  • Avoiding Road Deterioration Via Maintenance

    [Ethiopian Herald] Road has been the most dominate transport mode in Ethiopia for ages .It has been playing crucial role in facilitating import and export trade as well. Currently, the road length at national level is approximately about 110,000 Kms. Considering the economic value of the roads, timely maintenance is ...

  • How Ethiopia Synergizes Its Economic Opportunities With Gulf's Capital?

    [Ethiopian Herald] Ethiopia's trade and investment relation with Gulf countries/Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates/ has though shown progress since recent years, there is a huge imbalance compared with country's untapped economic opportunities and latter's enormous capital.

  • Ethiopia's Textile Industry On Rapid Revival

    [Ethiopian Herald] Textile sector is one of the priority areas of the second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) which mainly aims to increase the export by one billion dollar strengthening the finishing works of Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP I) and the sector also expected to increase more than ...

  • Adama Gets Pasta Processing Plant

    [Addis Fortune] Alvima Import, Export & Manufacturing plc has opened a new food processing plant which produces flour and pasta in Adama, 99km South West of Addis Abeba, with an overall investment of half a billion Birr.

  • China Extends 3.4 Billion Br for Water Dev't

    [Addis Fortune] The Chinese Export-Import Bank (EX-IM Bank) has granted 3.4 billion Br to Addis Abeba Water & Sewerage Authority (AAWSA) for the construction of Gerbi Water Dam project to be constructed in Sululta, 30kms away from the capital.

  • On the Road to Become Front-Runner in Green Economy

    [Ethiopian Herald] 'Unlike what the developed nations did, Ethiopia's development should come about without having significant impact on the environment and the planets natural resources' is the whole concept of the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE).

  • The Mastermind of Ethiopia's Successful Foreign Policy

    [Ethiopian Herald] The late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who played a key role in designing the 2002 Foreign Affairs and National Security Policy and Strategy (FANSPS) strongly believed that the major objective of the foreign policy, diplomacy and relations should be promoting economic development through cooperation, partnership, mutual respect and ...