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There are three sides to every argument. Yours. The other guy’s. And the right side.
— Mordecai Richler
  • L'Europe tire les leçons du CETA

    Les ministres du Commerce de l'Union européenne, réunis vendredi à Bruxelles, ont tiré les leçons de l'accord commercial entre l'UE et le Canada (CETA), dont la signature a été brièvement retardée quand les entités francophones belges ont exigé des réponses à leurs préoccupations, et ont reconnu qu'il fallait plus d'efforts ...

  • Zimbabwe strengthens accountability mechanisms to improve drought response

    Source: UN Country Team in Zimbabwe Country: ZimbabweGovernment and humanitarian partners are scaling up their drought response efforts ahead of the coming peak lean season, when the number of food insecure people in rural areas is expected to top 4 million.Harare, 4 November 2016 – At a provincial multi-stakeholder meeting held ...

  • Canadá dice estar dispuesto a renegociar TLC con Trump

  • Cina, per Confindustria è "catastrofico" se diventa economia di mercato

    (Teleborsa) - "La Commissione Europea ha compiuto l'ennesimo autogol a scapito delle imprese dopo la grottesca vicenda della firma del CETA (trattato commerciale UE-Canada) che ha inferto...

  • EBRD, Canada’s EDC and US’s OPIC finance hospital in northwest Turkey

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Export Development Canada (EDC) and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. government’s development finance institution, are set to co-finance the development of a 375.75 million euro high-tech hospital in Kocaeli

  • Dans l’attente de fortes mesures de redressement

    Jamais élevée au rang des priorités gouvernementales, désertée par les lecteurs et très mal servie par des éditeurs fraîchement débarqués dans la profession et des auteurs en constante régression numérique, l’industrie du livre n’arrive pas à trouver ses marques en Algérie. Le problème ne date malheureusement pas d’aujourd’hui, puisqu’il fait ...

  • Grenadines Homes plans affordable flats with Coral Apartment

    Maureen Ihua-Maduenyi Grenadines Homes Limited has revealed plans to build affordable flats in the Victoria Island area of Lagos State. The company’s General Manager, Sales and Marketing, Francesca Dyeah, said the idea was to woo more investors to the area despite the recession. Dyeah said the 17-floor development, which would ...

  • Haiti needs support to restore and rebuild health services after Hurricane Matthew

    Source: World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization Country: HaitiOf the 74 cholera and acute diarrhea treatment facilities in Haiti, 34 are fully functional, while 40 sustained various levels of damage.Port-au-Prince, Nov. 3, 2016 (PAHO/WHO)—Haiti needs support to restore and rebuild its health services at various levels, ranging from cholera treatment ...

  • Canada, rallenta la crescita dell'economia

    (Teleborsa) - Se l'economia degli Stati Uniti sorprende in positivo, rallenta la crescita del Canada. Il Prodotto Interno lordo del Paese è cresciuto ad agosto dello...

  • EU, Canada sign free trade deal but battle not over

    The European Union and Canada signed a free trade agreement today that aims to generate jobs and growth though it must still clear some 40 national and regional parliaments in Europe in the coming years to enter fully into force. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed the treaty along with the ...

  • The Asian contribution to Kenya’s politics and economic development

    I was called to Bar here in London just over 55 years ago. June 16, 1959, to be precise by Lincoln’s Inn. A few weeks later I returned to Kenya. The big law firms then were all European and before independence it was their stated policy not to accept Asian ...

  • Ceta: la délégation canadienne ne vient pas à Bruxelles

    La délégation canadienne ne se déplacera pas mercredi soir vers l'Europe pour signer le traité commercial entre l'UE et le Canada, a confirmé le porte-parole de la ministre canadienne du commerce Chrystia Freeland.

  • Experts welcome Management FasTrack to shelf

    A management and development expert, Oladapo Akinloye, attracted many people to Laterna Ventures, Victoria Island, Lagos recently, when he unveiled his book titled Management FasTrack.  Some of the guests were the Managing Director, Geocycle Projects, Lafarge Plc, Mrs. Adepeju Adebajo; Human Resources Partner, Mrs. Mosun Enilolobo; Mrs. Ngozi Adebiyi and  ...

  • Schlumberger parie sur la fin des excédents

    Le PDG du groupe de services pétroliers Schlumberger, Paal Kibsgaard, s’est montré optimiste, vendredi, quant à un rééquilibrage prochain du marché pétrolier, lors d’une conférence téléphonique ayant suivi la publication des résultats du groupe. L’offre et la demande de pétrole brut sont désormais plus ou moins équilibrées, a estimé M. Kibsgaard, ...

  • EBRD, Canada’s EDC and OPIC of US finance İzmir hospital in Turkey

    The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Export Development Canada (EDC) and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. government’s development finance institution, are co-financing the development of a 769.6-million-euro high-tech hospital in İzmir

  • Paul Magnette sur le CETA: “Nous ne sommes pas contre un accord avec le Canada” (VIDEOS)

    Le Canada a débranché la prise des négociations du CETA cet après-midi vers 16 h. Visiblement émue, piquée au vif, la ministre canadienne du Commerce Chrystia Freeland évoquait “la fin et l’échec des négociations avec la Wallonie” . De fin, il n’en est pas encore question.

  • Canada walks out as EU trade talks founder

    Canada walked out of talks today meant to save a massive trade deal with the European Union, unable to break a deadlock with a small Belgian region that has been defying multinational efforts to have the pact signed next week.Fighting back tears, Canadian International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland said it ...

  • Evidence required to understand causes for non-successful European small industries - Sant

    Former Prime Minister Alfred Sant said that it was very interesting to hear about successful stories by European Small and Medium Sized Industries, however, in order to know how the funding to SMEs works, it would be just as important to collect information about non successful stories including firms/enterprises that ...

  • L'UE donne à la Belgique jusqu'à vendredi pour dire oui au Ceta

    La Commissaire européenne au Commerce Cecilia Malmström a donné à la Belgique jusqu'au sommet européen des 28 dirigeants de l'UE à Bruxelles vendredi pour donner son feu vert au Ceta, traité de libre-échange avec le Canada, lors d'une conférence de presse mardi.

  • Former Mtarfa hospital to become international school

    The government is to issue a call for the conversion of the former Mtarfa military hospital into an international private school, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said in the Budget speech today. He also said that the government will build new primary schools in St Paul's Bay, Marsascala and Victoria and set ...

  • LIVE: Budget 2017 presentation - a strong economy, a social budget

    The Malta Independent will be following the presentation of the budget with a minute by minute account of what Finance Minister Edward Scicluna will be saying in Parliament. 7.35pm: Students stipends will be revised pro rata.7.34pm: Government will build three schools in St Paul's Bay, Marsascala and Victoria.7.33pm: Government will work ...