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There are three sides to every argument. Yours. The other guy’s. And the right side.
— Mordecai Richler

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  • Court does not believe man’s ‘pistol to the head’ story, jails him for filing false report

    A man today was jailed for 17 months after a court refused to believe his story that he was held with a pistol to his head and locked in a mobile toilet by a man who was chasing after his money. In 2008 Olaf Cini had filed a police report ...

  • June 2016: New PL deputy leader elected, Alfred Mifsud renounces to top CBM post

    These are the main news items reported in June2 JuneThe Malaysian company that was building the Delimara LNG tanker, Bumi Armada, confirmed that the vessel would not be delivered until the third quarter of the year, marking another missed deadline.Two men escaped from Mount Carmel Hospital, prompting an investigation. One ...

  • Zimbabwe: U.S.$89 Million Zambezi Budget Gets Nod

    [The Herald] Chinhoyi -Zimbabwe and Zambia have approved the Zambezi River Authority budget of $89 million for 2017. The nod was given during the 34th Session of the Council of Ministers' (COM) meeting in Victoria Falls last Thursday.The countries' respective ministers of finance and energy under the ambit of the ...

  • Looking beyond violent extremism to build peace in Mali

    Source: International Alert Country: MaliNew project will rebuild trust between communities and improve their relationship with security forces. In doing so Int'l Alert will support both groups in tackling violence, including extremism. International Alert has launched a new policy brief on violent extremism in Mali with a roundtable event in Bamako attended ...

  • Donald Trump nomina un economista critico verso la Cina come responsabile del commercio

    Donald Trump nomina un economista critico verso la Cina come responsabile del commercio. Peter Navarro, l’economista che ha criticato le politiche economiche della Cina verso gli Stati Uniti, sarà a capo del Consiglio nazionale commerciale della Casa Bianca, l’istituzione responsabile delle politiche commerciali del paese. Navarro, che ha scritto diversi ...

  • «La réduction de l’offre sera plus importante en janvier»

    Le ministre s’est dit persuadé que les pays hors Opep respecteront leur engagement de réduire leur production de 558 000 barils/jour à partir de janvier 2017. Malgré quelques indicateurs contrariants, telles que la prévision d’une hausse de la production de certains pays non OPEP ces dernières semaines, le ministre de l’Energie ...

  • L’Opep redoute un effet pervers

    L’anticipation de prix de pétrole plus élevés en 2017, dans le sillage du récent accord de réduction de production conclu par l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (Opep), devrait pousser les pays non Opep, n’ayant pas paraphé l’accord en question, à augmenter leur production dans les prochains mois. La récente ...

  • UN General Assembly demands immediate end to hostilities in Syria

    Source: UN General Assembly Country: Syrian Arab RepublicIn a resolution adopted today as speakers decried the Security Council’s continued impotence, the GA also demands unconditional humanitarian access and action by all warring parties to protect civilians.GA/11871 GENERAL ASSEMBLY PLENARY SEVENTY-FIRST SESSION, 58TH & 59TH MEETINGS (AM & PM) Exposing deep ...

  • OCHA allocates US$58 million to support 3 million people with life-saving assistance in Yemen

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: YemenThe Humanitarian Pooled Fund will finance 31 projects in the sectors of nutrition, food, water, sanitation, and health, targeting the most vulnerable people in 15 priority governorates. Sana’a, December 8, 2016 – The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs ...

  • EU's Brexit negotiator puts time pressure on Britain

    Britain hasn't got two years to negotiate its divorce from the European Union after all.The EU's chief negotiator on Brexit warned Tuesday that the country will have less than 18 months once talks begin and that it won't be allowed to pick and choose what parts of the EU it ...

  • Referendum: regolarmente chiuse le operazioni di voto per gli italiani all’estero

    Giovedì 1° dicembre, alle ore 16 locali in tutto il mondo, si sono regolarmente chiuse le operazioni di voto per gli italiani all’estero. La prima Sede a chiudere è stata Wellington, quando in Italia erano le 5 del mattino di ieri. L’ultima Vancouver, alle 1 del mattino di oggi, ora ...

  • Exportiamo Incontra

    Italia e Canada, una partnership destinata a durare

    Per le economie di Italia e Canada le prospettive future sono quelle di una crescente integrazione e di un avvicinamento progressivo che sarà probabilmente accelerato dalla recente (e anche un po' sofferta) introduzione del CETA. Di questo è di molto altro abbiamo parlato con il Direttore dell'Ufficio ICE di Montreal, ...

  • Uniting for peace in Syria: Global civil society appeal to UN Member States

    Source: Association for Aid and Relief Japan, Concern Worldwide, ActionAid, Human Appeal International, Amnesty International, GOAL, International Court of Justice, War Child UK, Norwegian Church Aid, Norwegian Refugee Council, CARE, Christian Aid, Mercy Corps, Human Rights Watch, People in Need, Solidarités International, Physicians for Human Rights, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, ...

  • Negli Stati Uniti nuove nomine per il presidente eletto Donald Trump.

    Negli Stati Uniti nuove nomine per il presidente eletto Donald Trump. Il 29 novembre Trump ha scelto come ministro della salute Tom Price, un forte critico della riforma sanitaria di Obama, e come ministra dei trasporti Elaine Chao, ministra del lavoro sotto l’amministrazione Bush. Ma la nomina più attesa è ...

  • Donald Trump annuncia che gli Stati Uniti usciranno dal trattato di libero scambio (Tpp)

    Donald Trump annuncia che gli Stati Uniti usciranno dal trattato di libero scambio (Tpp). In un videomessaggio il presidente eletto ha annunciato le priorità del suo governo, tra cui quella di abbandonare il Trattato transpacifico, firmato nel febbraio del 2016 da 12 paesi dell’Asia, dell’America e dell’Oceania, che rappresentano il ...

  • Marketing Internazionale

    CETA, quali vantaggi per UE e Made in Italy?

    Il CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) è un trattato negoziato di recente tra l’UE e il Canada che, una volta applicato, offrirà alle imprese europee grandi opportunità commerciali in Canada oltre che generare una ricaduta positiva in termine di occupazione nel "Vecchio Continente". I negoziati sono durati circa sette anni, ...

  • Entrepreneuriat : L’Algérie au 73e rang mondial

    L’Algérie est classée au 73e rang mondial sur 137 pays en matière de promotion de l’entrepreneuriat, selon le Global Entrepreneurship Index 2017, publié hier par le Global Entrepreneurship & Development Institute (GEDI). Avec un score de 24,7 points sur 100, l’Algérie a amélioré son classement en gagnant deux places. Dans ...

  • México revisa salud de bancos y casas de bolsa tras victoria de Donald Trump

  • Trump could kick 30,000 Kenyans out in January

    An estimated 30,000 Kenyan illegal immigrants are now at imminent risk of being deported from the USA back to Kenya.On Sunday Donald Trump said that he wants to deport three million illegal immigrants "immediately" he becomes President in January. There are around 11 million illegal immigrants in the USA who ...

  • Mark Pawley, man identified as owner of VGH, defends choice of Ram Tumuluri as director

    Mark Pawley, the man who Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH) officials have identified as the ultimate beneficial owner of the company and is also the CEO of Oxley Capital Group, has come out in strong defence of VGH Director Ram Tumuluri, after local media reports about his past dealings in Canada ...

  • Indices

    Relations FMI-administration trump Le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) a indiqué, jeudi, avoir hâte de travailler avec la prochaine Administration américaine, mais sans se prononcer sur les politiques avancées par le président américain élu Donald Trump. «Le FMI a hâte de travailler avec la prochaine Administration américaine pour aider à résoudre les ...

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