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There are three sides to every argument. Yours. The other guy’s. And the right side.
— Mordecai Richler

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  • Marketing Internazionale

    Come esportare in Canada?

    Il Canada rappresenta uno dei mercati più interessanti per le aziende esportatrici italiane, specialmente in seguito alla recente firma del CETA con l’Unione Europea. Ecco quali sono i passi principali da compiere per esportare i prodotti italiani nel Paese nordamericano. I rapporti commerciali tra Roma ed Ottawa sono destinati a crescere ...

  • Uma portuguesa, duas angolanas e uma cabo-verdiana no desfile anual da Victoria's Secret

    A portuguesa Sara Sampaio, as angolanas Maria Borges e Amilna Estevão e a cabo-verdiana Alécia Morais estão entre as modelos que participam, na segunda-feira em Xangai, China, no desfile anual da marca norte-americana de 'lingerie' Victoria's Secret.

  • Improved early warning systems protect the most vulnerable

    Source: World Meteorological Organization Country: Burkina Faso, Cook Islands, Curaçao (The Netherlands), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Fiji, Kiribati, Mali, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niger, Niue (New Zealand), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sint Maarten (The Netherlands), Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, WorldVulnerable communities in Africa, the Pacific, and Caribbean are benefiting from improved ...

  • 01 Dic Québéc - Missione di incoming settore Aerospazio

    In occasione della visita a Roma di una delegazione imprenditoriale del Québéc, settore Aerospazio, la Regione Lazio, attraverso Lazio Innova, e in collaborazione con la Delegazione del Québéc promuove una giornata di incontro che si svolgerà il prossimo 1 dicembre presso l’Ambasciata del Canada a Roma. L’incontro prevede una sessione di ...

  • «La demande restera dominée par le pétrole et le gaz»

    L’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole (OPEP) mise sur une progression de la demande mondiale d’énergie à l’horizon 2040 estimant que malgré une progression constante des énergies renouvelables, le pétrole et le gaz devraient continuer à fournir plus de la moitié des besoins énergétiques mondiaux d’ici 2040. Les combustibles fossiles conserveront ...

  • Ottawa weighs NAFTA, WTO options as U.S. finds Canada dumped lumber, slaps duties

    The U.S. Department of Commerce on Thursday set final duties on Canadian softwood lumber after finding that imports were being unfairly subsidized and dumped in ...

  • Le Canada fait de la protection des droits humains "une priorité" (diplomate)

    Saly-Portudal (Mbour), 20 oct (APS) – La promotion et la protection des droits humains est "une priorité importante" pour le gouvernement du Canada qui respecte ainsi ses engagements internationaux datant de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme de 1948 a soutenu, jeudi, le chargé d'affaires à l'Ambassade de ce ...

  • Un livre rend hommage à l’art de bâtir du groupe Hasnaoui

    Un livre qui vient d’être publié aux éditions Casbah, rend hommage à la réussite entrepreneuriale du groupe Hasnaoui. Une cérémonie de présentation de cet ouvrage intitulé Les Hasnaoui, une entreprise citoyenne a été organisée, hier, à l’hôtel Méridien d’Oran. Après deux livres dédiés à Issad Rebrab et Amor Benamor, cet ...

  • Un million de quintaux sera destocké

    L’Office national interprofessionnel des légumes et viandes (Onivel) procédera au destockage d'un million de quintaux de pommes de terre afin de stabiliser le marché durant ce mois d’octobre, avant l’entrée de la récolte de saison en mi-novembre, a-t-on appris hier auprès de cet office. «Vu que nous sommes actuellement en ...

  • Quid de la transition énergétique ?

    Dans la perspective d’aller, à grandes enjambées, crise oblige, vers la diversification de l’économie nationale et des rentrées d’argent hors or noir, il a été décidé de reprendre le train de la transition énergétique. Sauf que, complètement «déboussolés», nos dirigeants peinent encore à trouver la parade, optant tantôt pour la ...

  • Expatriamo

    Expatriamo in Canada: il Paese più in salute del G7

    Il Canada è un Paese che gode di una stato di forma smagliante – attualmente il migliore dei Paesi del G7 – in cui un PIL in forte ascesa ben si concilia con una elevata e diffusa qualità della vita (reddito pro capite medio $ 46.400) certificata dal recente aumento ...

  • L’altra faccia del libero mercato

    L’accordo CETA tra Italia e Canada diventa occasione di dibattito per sviscerare i lati oscuri del libero commercio. Nella prima giornata dell’undicesima edizione del Festival, due voci politiche a confronto  Leggi

  • Woman who changed testimony in infamous Gozo drugs case to be investigated for perjury

    A woman who had changed her testimony in a drug trafficking case, leading to an investigation into ministerial interference, will be investigated for perjury. A second person who was involved in the case has been jailed for 18 months and fined €1,000.The former, Kevin Vella, from Victoria, Gozo, was arrested ...

  • Maltese high commission or embassy to open in Sub-Saharan Africa - Abela

    Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela announced the opening of a Maltese high commission or embassy in Sub-Saharan Africa soon - Malta’s first mission in this African region which will open “a trade gateway to this part of Africa”. The Minister said there are three countries under ...

  • Canada: i consumi crescono oltre attese, ma l'inflazione resta debole

    (Teleborsa) - Vendite al dettaglio in aumento in Canada e superiori alle stime degli analisti. Secondo quanto rilevato dall'ufficio di Statistica canadese i consumi sono cresciuti dello 0,4%, nel...

  • Logistica, Dogane e Supply Chain

    UE-Canada, entra in vigore il CETA

    Dopo sette anni di negoziati, seppure in maniera provvisoria, è ufficialmente entrato in vigore il CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement), l’accordo di libero scambio tra Unione Europea e Canada. Tra i benefici più interessanti per le PMI esportatrici europee vi sono l’abbattimento di circa il 98% dei dazi doganali in ...

  • Contraband cigarettes, drugs and counterfeit funds intercepted by customs officials last week

    Last week was a busy one for customs officials stationed at the central mail room at the Qormi post office, a statement read.A package from Canada containing 12 marijuana packets and two aluminium foil packets containing blue pills were found. The packages were passed over to the police.Another package was ...

  • UN deploying aid and personnel to Irma-affected Caribbean territories

    Source: UN Population Fund, UN Development Programme, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Children's Fund, Pan American Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, UN Women Country: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Sint Maarten (The Netherlands), WorldExperts in water, sanitation and hygiene, engineers, medical, logistics, nutrition, ...

  • WHO acts to forestall polio outbreaks in Benue communities hit by floods

    Source: World Health Organization Country: NigeriaWith a poor drainage system, muddy waters from blocked gutters submerged several houses. Plus, there were fears that dirty water and animal carcasses could lead to disease outbreaks.Makurdi, 07 September 2017 - “Sunday the 27 of August is not a day I will forget in a ...

  • NAFTA talks kick off in Mexico City under cloud of Trump threats

    Trade negotiators from Canada and the United States gathered under rainy skies in Mexico City today to discuss the North American Free Trade Agreement, with the mood darkened by US President Donald Trump's persistent threats to pull out. Teams from the three countries were due to kick off a second round ...

  • Victoria Koblenko en Carlo Boszhard ook in Story of My Life

    Actrice Victoria Koblenko en haar vriend Evgeniy Levchenko doen mee aan de spraakmakende RTL4-show Story of My Life. Ook Carlo Boszhard en zijn partner Herald en Winston Gerstanowitz en zijn vrouw Renate Verbaan hebben zich door presentatrice Linda de Mol laten strikken. De deelnames zijn vandaag onthuld tijdens de presentatie van de ...

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