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There are three sides to every argument. Yours. The other guy’s. And the right side.
— Mordecai Richler
  • Global deal reached to limit powerful greenhouse gases used in ACs and refrigerators

    Nearly 200 nations have reached a deal to limit the use of greenhouse gases far more powerful than carbon dioxide in a major effort to fight climate change.The talks on hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, were called the first test of global will since the historic Paris Agreement to cut carbon emissions ...

  • Ruto blamed for job losses of Kalenjins

    There's an effort to reignite rebellion in the Rift Valley against Deputy President William Ruto. He and President Uhuru Kenyatta are facing allegations they have unfairly fired key Kalenjins, sidelined and shortchanged the Kalenjin community, a critical vote bloc. The allegations are contained in anonymous list circulating widely on social ...

  • Céréales : La France premier fournisseur

    La France, premier fournisseur de blé de l’Algérie, ambitionne d’exporter 6 millions de tonnes de blé tendre durant la campagne commerciale 2016-2017, contre 6,2 millions de tonnes durant la campagne 2015-2016, en dépit d’une récolte nationale jugée catastrophique, a annoncé hier à Alger Paul Martin, représentant du syndicat français du ...

  • G-7 adopts financial-sector cybersecurity guidelines

    The Group of Seven industrialized nations has set guidelines for financial institutions to follow in order to fend off cyberattacks, the Finance Ministry and Bank of Japan said Tuesday. The “G-7 Fundamental Elements of Cybersecurity for the Financial Sector” was put together by the G-7 — Britain, Canada, France, Germany, ...

  • 14 Ott Progetto Think Tech Italia

    Unindustria, in collaborazione con il Consorzio Roma Ricerche, nell’ambito dei progetti cofinanziati dalla Regione Lazio a favore dei processi di internazionalizzazione delle piccole e medie imprese della Regione Lazio, ha lanciato il Progetto Think Tech Italia dedicato all’internazionalizzazione delle eccellenze del Lazio ad alto contenuto tecnologico. Il progetto prevede il coinvolgimento ...

  • «Le transport maritime et les activités logistiques demeurent rentables»

    Kamel Khelifa est titulaire d’un 3e cycle dans les échanges internationaux, les transports et la logistique. Expert-consultant auprès des institutions internationales de l’Onu et de l’UE, M. Khelifa, qui est également membre de l’Institut méditerranéen des transports maritimes (IMTM Marseille), collaborateur auprès de l’IEMED Barcelone et partenaire de l’Association marocaine ...

  • Opep-non Opep : condamnés à coopérer ?

    Baisse des revenus, recul des investissements, creusement des déficits, la chute des cours du pétrole a eu un gros impact sur les pays producteurs. Si l’annonce de l’OPEP porte l’espoir de voir les cours repartir en hausse, elle est toutefois à prendre avec prudence, le marché étant encore trop approvisionné ...

  • Stakeholders call for more funding to strengthen drought response in Zimbabwe

    Source: UN Resident Coordinator for Zimbabwe Country: Zimbabwe“We need to keep our radars active and prepare a contingency plan for any eventuality that may arise from the effects of La Nina,” the UN Resident Coordinator said when meeting with partners today.Bulawayo, 29 September 2016 -The Office of the President and Cabinet ...

  • Ue-Canada: Confindustria plaude decisione ministri su accordo economico

    (Teleborsa) - "Dopo settimane di incertezza e dichiarazioni critiche, finalmente dal Consiglio informale dei Ministri del commercio europei arrivano notizie incoraggianti sul...

  • Visiting Chinese premier calls for ‘win-win’ cooperation with Canada

    Chinese Premier Li Keqiang called Friday for strong relations with Canada as he wrapped up a three-day visit to the important trading partner. “We have no excuses,” Li told a Canadian-Chinese business council in Montreal. “China and Canada must have win-win cooperation.” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Li announced ...

  • The hurdles to saving Mau forest

    Efforts to save the Mau Forest, a vital water tower, are being undermined by encroachment, soil erosion and politics, even as studies show an environmental disaster is unfolding. The livelihoods of millions of Kenyans who depend on the forest are threatened as rainfalls patterns begin to change in the surrounding areas. ...

  • La Maison des PME canadiennes va ouvrir une école des mines au Sénégal (PDG)

    Montréal (Canada), 17 sept (APS) – Le président-directeur général (PDG) de la Maison des Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) canadiennes, Michel Dubé, a annoncé, samedi, à Montréal (Canada), la construction prochaine d'une école des mines au Sénégal en perspective de l'exploitation minière dans le pays, a appris l'envoyé spécial de ...

  • Food & Beverage

    Il Made in Italy alla conquista del Canada

    Fiera Milano ha concluso un importante accordo di collaborazione con Restaurants Canada, la più importante associazione canadese del fuoricasa, attraverso una delle sue manifestazione di punta - HostMilano - leader mondiale dell’Ho.Re.Ca., foodservice, retail, GDO e hôtellerie. A sottolineare l'importanza della nuova collaborazione è stato Corrado Peraboni, AD di Fiera ...

  • William Ruto to attend Global Fund forum in Canada

    CS Mailu said the government sets aside Sh26 billion annually to finance treatment and management of diseases.

  • William Ruto to attend Global Fund forum in Canada

    CS Mailu said the government sets aside Sh26 billion annually to finance treatment and management of diseases.

  • Marketing Internazionale

    9 buoni motivi per investire in Canada

    Negli ultimi anni c’è un Paese che sta entrando nei desideri di tantissimi imprenditori italiani, sia per quanto riguardo la qualità della vita che per il dinamismo e la multiculturalità: parliamo del Canada, mercato in continua evoluzione che si sta ritagliando un ruolo importante nell’economia mondiale. Pur essendo un Paese ...

  • Indices

    - Nomination d’un nouveau directeur général à Lafarge Algérie Jean-Jacques Gauthier est nommé directeur général de Lafarge Algérie, leader des matériaux de construction, à compter du 1er septembre 2016, en remplacement d’Eric Meuriot qui a fait valoir ses droits à la retraite, souligne un communiqué du groupe rendu public. A l’occasion ...

  • Canada to apply to join China-backed AIIB

    BEIJING - Canada will apply to join the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Ottawa's finance department said on Wednesday, in a coup for Beijing after Washington had tried to dissuade US allies from signing up.

  • Canada, l'economia si rafforza più del previsto

    (Teleborsa) - Segnali positivi giungono dal Canada dove il Prodotto Interno Lordo registra un'espansione più del previsto.  A giugno, il PIL canadese ha messo a segno un incremento...

  • Canada snubs U.S. in seeking to join China-led AIIB

    Canada will apply to join the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Ottawa’s finance department said Wednesday, in a coup for Beijing after Washington tried to dissuade its allies from signing up. “Canada is always looking for ways to create hope and opportunity for our middle class as well as for ...

  • School meals at risk for 1.3 million children in West and Central Africa

    Source: World Food Programme Country: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, WorldAs schools resume this autumn, widening financial constraints will force the United Nations food agency – the top sponsor of such initiatives – to reduce its reach.DAKAR – As schools resume this autumn, more than ...