The Trump fear

    Earlier this week, the American dollar rose to a record high against the Turkish Lira, upon which President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called on citizens to convert their foreign exchange into liras. Yet it is not only Turks who are concerned nowadays. There are some who are in a much worse ...

  • Regno Unito

    Più di mille gli atleti russi avrebbero fatto uso di sostanze dopanti in gare internazionali

    Più di mille gli atleti russi avrebbero fatto uso di sostanze dopanti in gare internazionali. È la conclusione della seconda parte del rapporto dell’Agenzia mondiale antidoping. Il documento parla di un vero e proprio “doping di stato”. Il Comitato olimpico internazionale ha annunciato che saranno ripetuti i test sugli atleti ...

  • Nigeria

    Trenta persone sono morte in un attacco suicida a Madagali, in Nigeria

    Trenta persone sono morte in un attacco suicida a Madagali, in Nigeria. Due donne si sono fatte esplodere nel mercato della città venerdì 9 dicembre. Nessuno ha ancora rivendicato l’azione, ma le autorità nigeriane sospettano il coinvolgimento del gruppo jihadista Boko haram.

  • Malta

    Justice Ministry won't say whether it will take GWU to court

    The Justice Ministry has dodged questions about whether it will be taking the General Workers' Union to court for breaching conditions of a government lease, more than one year after the Auditor General recommended that it do so.  According to a contract signed in 1997, the GWU’s headquarters can only be ...

  • Kenya

    Kenya 'to deport' British journalist detained at airport

    Kenyan police plan to deport a British journalist working for The Times after holding him nearly 24 hours without charge or access to a legal representative, his lawyer said today. "I have not been able to speak to him since they took away his phones," said lawyer George King, who is ...

  • Malta

    Paceville club owners say master plan will drive them out of business

    Paceville club owners, restaurateurs, hoteliers and property owners this afternoon voiced their concerns about the controversial master plan for Malta’s entertainment hub, saying it could drive them out of business. Business owners expressed this sentiment during a tour of the town organised by the Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises (GRTU) ...

  • USA Regno Unito

    Celebrate closer EU union? Not with all that division

    Instead of celebrating the 25th anniversary of the summit that reinforced the goal of an ever-closer union, the European Union's Commission chief lambasted some member states that refuse to apply common rules and said the bloc needs to rethink a looser relationship for those not fully committed.For those who sought ...

  • Grecia Malta

    Malta Ship Registry consolidates its presence in the Greek Shipping Market

    Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Joe Mizzi addressed Greek ship owners at the 13th Annual Greek Shipping Awards organised by Lloyds’ List in Athens, Greece.The event was a good opportunity to promote the Malta Ship Registry before the extensive gathering of leading Greek ship owners which the organizers bring to ...

  • Tunisia

    Digital Economy: Boudiaf holds talks in Sousse with Tunisian counterpart

    ALGIERS- Minister for Digital Economy and Modernization of Financial Systems, Mouatassem Boudiaf, met in Sousse (Tunisia) with Tunisian Minister for Communication Technologies and the Digital Economy Anouar Maarouf, said Friday the Ministry of Finance. During the meeting, held in the margins of the Fourth Global Summit of Business Think ...

  • Belgio

    Quelque 120.000 nouveaux emplois dans les trois ans, selon la Banque nationale

    Après une croissance du PIB plus faible en 2016 (+1,2%), la Belgique devrait connaître une accélération du rythme au cours des trois années à venir, a déclaré vendredi le gouverneur de la Banque nationale de Belgique, Jan Smets, lors de la présentation des projections économiques d'automne de la BNB. "Une ...