• Turchia

    Turkish postal service converts $172 mln and 20 mln euros into liras

    Turkey’s postal service (PTT) has announced that it has converted $172 million and 20 million euros of foreign exchange into Turkish Liras, in response to a call from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to boost the struggling currency

  • Turchia

    Local currency era to start for Turkey in energy trade: Minister

    Turkey will start a “new era” in its energy policy and will make payments to countries where large amounts of energy are concentrated in local currencies, Energy Minister Berat Albayrak has said

  • Turchia

    Turkey expresses concern over new Israeli settlement project

    The Turkish government has expressed concern over Israel’s plans to establish a new settlement project on occupied Palestinian territories, in a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry late on Dec. 8.

  • Brasile

    Brazil Close to Granting Amnesty to Foreigners

    By Lise Alves, Senior Contributing Reporter SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – This week, Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies approved a new Immigration Law which will create a roadmap for those with ‘irregular’ status in Brazil to obtain residency. The main requirement for amnesty of those seeking to remain in the country is ...

  • Bolivia Venezuela

    I pirati del Venezuela

    Sucre, uno stato sulla costa nordorientale del Venezuela, era una zona con un fiorente mercato ittico. Oggi, il suo pescato annuo corrisponde a un terzo di quello del 2004, che era di 120mila tonnellate. Leggi

  • USA Giappone

    Il Giappone ratifica il trattato di libero scambio transpacifico (Tpp).

    Il Giappone ratifica il trattato di libero scambio transpacifico (Tpp). Tokyo ha ratificato il trattato transpacifico (Tpp), un patto commerciale di libero scambio, firmato nel febbraio del 2016 da dodici paesi dell’Asia, dell’America e dell’Oceania che si affacciano sul Pacifico. Per entrare in vigore il trattato, che prevede la soppressione ...

  • Brasile Russia Regno Unito

    New doping report details 'institutional conspiracy' in Russia

    A new report into systematic Russian doping details a wide-ranging "institutional conspiracy" that involved more than 1,000 athletes across more than 30 sports, including evidence corroborating large-scale sample swapping at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics.World Anti-Doping Agency investigator Richard McLaren said Friday the conspiracy involved the Russian Sports Ministry, national ...

  • USA

    Editorial - Evarist Bartolo: guilty of what?

    We need to go beyond the immediate headings and the political spin and go much further into the Evarist Bartolo case.Now Mr Bartolo has all the faults and defects he has but we must go beyond the categorisation and the name-calling. The man who is now accusing him, Philip Rizzo, ...

  • Malta

    PN presents judicial protest against minister, Identity Malta and Electoral Commission

    The Nationalist Party today presented a judicial protest against the Electoral Commission, Identity Malta and Justice Minister Owen Bonnici, claiming that the details of foreigners being granted Maltese citizenship are not being passed on to the Electoral Commission.Addressing the media, PN deputy leader Beppe Fenech Adami said it is unacceptable ...

  • Regno Unito

    Brexit dominates UK politics, from Supreme Court to Commons

    The drama of Britain's exit from the European Union was being acted out this week on two of London's grandest stages: the Supreme Court and the House of Commons chamber. The plot is gripping, but the ending is still a mystery.Inside the Supreme Court building, lawyers and judges on Thursday ...