• Brasile

    Detentos usam lonas dos Jogos Olímpicos para produção de bolsas

    Os Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos deixaram saudades na população do Rio de Janeiro, mas o seu legado social ainda continua. Mais de 3 mil metros quadrados de lonas usadas em palcos, totens, contêineres de informações e de outros itens de sinalização e mobiliário urbano do Boulevard Olímpico foram transformados pela ...

  • Nigeria

    FG outlines fiscal instruments to reposition economy in 2017

    Ifeanyi Onuba, Abuja The Federal Government has outlined fiscal strategies to reposition the country’s economy in the 2017 fiscal period and return it to the path of sustainable growth. The fiscal roadmap which is a ten-point action plan was unveiled by the Minister of Finance, Mrs Kemi Adeosun, while speaking ...

  • Nigeria

    Human trafficking becoming most profitable illegal business – NIS

    The Nigeria Immigration Service n Saturday said human trafficking was now becoming the most profitable illegal business in the world after drug and gunrunning. Yussuff Mummen Assistant Controller General of Immigration, who oversees Ogun command, made this known during an interview with newsmen in Abeokuta. Mummen said  the command had ...

  • Nigeria

    LASU Governing Council Sacks Lecturer Over Gross Misconduct

    The Lagos State University Governing Council has dismissed Dr. Rufai, Raji Odutayo from the service of Lagos State University over allegations bothering on  abscondment from duty post and other acts of indiscipline. The institution in a statement made available by the information department of the institution to journalists said the ...

  • Nigeria

    Trader Emerges Millionaire, Others Win Big In Airtel’s On-going Red Hot Promo

    Barely one week after leading telecommunication services provider, Airtel Nigeria, unveiled the fourth edition of the Red Hot Promo, an annual reward initiative and one of Nigeria’s biggest and most credible consumer promotion platforms, winners of various exciting prizes have emerged from across the country. Mrs. Kemi Siwoku, 48, who ...

  • Algeria

    La SNVI dévoilera bientôt son premier autobus 4x4

    Le premier autobus tout terrain (4x4) algérien conçu et fabriqué par le groupe SNVI de Rouiba (Entreprise nationale des véhicules industriels) sera présenté à la 25ème édition de la Foire de la production algérienne (FPA) prévue le 21 décembre courant à Alger, a indiqué samedi à Annaba le président-directeur général ...

  • Senegal

    Finances publiques : le Sénégal adopte une directive de l'UEMOA

    Dakar, 10 déc (APS) - Les députés sénégalais ont voté à l'unanimité, samedi, une loi organique censée apporter "des ruptures profondes" dans la préparation, l'exécution et le contrôle du budget de l'Etat. - Gouvernement

  • Turchia

    Turkey to focus on ways to improve R&D: Erdoğan

    President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Dec. 10 that the government is set to increase the research and development (R&D) spending, raising its GDP ratio from 1 to 3 percent by 2023

  • USA

    AA Gill dies just weeks after announcing he's battling cancer

    Top restaurant critic, journalist and author AA Gill has died after a short battle with cancer, The Sunday Times has announced. Gill died at the age of 62, just three weeks after he revealed that he had been diagnosed with “an embarrassment of cancer, the full English”. He had said his illness ...

  • Malta

    Watch: Car driven wrong way on Mrieħel bypass, almost causing crash

    A reader sent in this scary dashcam video of a car being driven wrong way along the Mrieħel bypass last night. Quick action by the driver averted a collision with potentially tragic consequences on the 80km maximum speed road. It is the second time in two months a car has been filmed ...