USA Italia
World community has ‘collective responsibility’ to stop human trafficking, support victims
Source: UN Secretary-General Country: Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syrian Arab Republic, WorldUN chief highlights the urgent need to protect the human rights and dignity of migrants and to stop criminals and terrorists from preying on vulnerable populations.SG/SM/18793-SC/13082-HR/5376 Following are UN Secretary‑General António Guterres’ remarks at the Security Council open debate on trafficking in ...
With Net Neutrality and Antitrust Moves, a Mixed Message from Washington
Loosening rules on internet providers would let big companies charge more for their services. But a suit to block a merger signals a tougher stance against big business.
Svizzera Italia
Incontro con l’omologo svizzero Ignazio Cassis
“La Svizzera è tra i principali partner commerciali dell’Italia, con un interscambio pari a circa 30 miliardi di euro, collaborazioni in settori chiave come energia, finanze e trasporti e un volume molto significativo di investimenti diretti reciproci. Sono note di eccellenza che...
Inps, al via il concorso per 365 giovani laureati. Boeri: «Partecipate, non andate all'estero»
«I giovani facciano domanda e non vadano all'estero». È l'appello del presidente dell'Inps Tito Boeri, che ha presentato a Napoli oggi il nuovo concorso...
Lease Prices Balloon, New Tight Law Approaches
[Addis Fortune] Nothing new happened during the recent land lease auction held by the Addis Abeba city administration; just the price of land perpetually increased as it has been happening for the past 27 rounds of land lease auctions.
Zona libre de Colón importó de China más 1,340 millones de dólares
Los directivos de Zolicol visitaron el Parque de Cooperación Económica y Comercial China, América Latina y el Caribe, ubicado en Hengqin, Zhuhai donde se develó una “Placa de la Zona Libre de Colón” como reconocimiento.
El "viernes negro" en Nicaragua: inicia la temporada de ventas más importante del año
L'Imam ratib de la mosquée Omarienne dénonce le commerce des migrants africains
Dakar, 21 nov (APS) – L'imam ratib de la grande mosquée Cheikh Oumar Foutiyou Tall de Dakar, Thierno Seydou Nourou Tall, a dénoncé mardi après-midi, la situation des migrants africains vendus comme esclaves en Libye. - SOCIETE
Signature de convention entre la Maison de la Presse et l'IDHP, mercredi
Dakar, 21 nov (APS) - Les responsables de la Maison de la Presse et de l'Institut des droits de l'homme et de la paix (IDHP) signeront, mercredi, à 14h, une convention de partenariat, annonce un communiqué transmis à l'APS. - Agenda
La cérémonie officielle d'ouverture de la 16e FILDAK prévue mercredi
Dakar, 21 nov (APS) - Le ministère de la Culture, en partenariat avec le Centre international du commerce extérieur (CICES), organise mercredi la cérémonie officielle d'ouverture de la 16ème Foire internationale du livre et du matériel didactique (FILDAK, au Grand Théâtre de Dakar, à 15 heures, annonce un communiqué transmis ...