USA Arabia Saudita
Palestinian foreign minister: Trump admin reconsidering move to close PLO mission in D.C.
Threat by Palestinian Authority’s leadership to cut ties with Washington if U.S. carries out move is what changed the Americans’ minds, Riyad al-Maliki says
Famine likely in many areas of Yemen within three to four months
Source: Famine Early Warning System Network Country: YemenA prolonged closure of key ports risks an unprecedented deterioration in food security to famine across large areas. In less accessible areas with the most severe food insecurity, famine could emerge even more quickly. Famine (IPC Phase 5) likely in Yemen if key ports remain ...
2018 HNO seeks support for 13 million people across Syria
Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, occupied Palestinian territory, Syrian Arab Republic, TurkeyThe scale, severity and complexity of needs across Syria remain overwhelming. Of the 13.1 million people needing help, 5.6 million people are in acute need. Entering the seventh year of the crisis, the ...
Skype Vanishes From App Stores in China, Including Apple’s
The app still functions in China, but its fate there is unclear as the government moves against foreign-run tools for online communication.
Se salvaron de morir aplastados
Dos adultos y un menor de edad, literalmente, escaparon de las garras de la muerte luego de que el auto en el que viajaban quedó aplastado por un camión articulado.De forma increíble, tres personas se salvaron de morir la noche de este lunes en un tramo de la carretera Interamericana a la altura de Las Lajas, distrito de Chame.Según ...
Navarro quiere ser el candidato del PRD ¡Otra vez!
El exalcalde Juan Carlos Navarro confirmó públicamente que nuevamente correrá en primarias del partido PRD para presidente de la República. "Después de hacer las consultas... voy a ser candidato a las primarias del PRD. De hecho, lo soy desde hoy", dijo Navarro en una entrevista para Telemetro. Según el exalcalde, esta vez ...
Belgio Italia
Diplomazia Economica Italiana 21 novembre: ultime news dal mondo
SECONDA SETTIMANA DELLA CUCINA ITALIANA NEL MONDO – EVENTO DI PROMOZIONE DELLA REGIONE BASILICATA L’Ambasciatrice d’Italia presso il Regno del Belgio, in collaborazione con la Regione Basilicata e l’Associazione DMLA.be, ospita oggi un evento di promozione della moda, della gastronomia...
Padoan fiducioso sull'Italia: "Quadro generale in netto miglioramento"
(Teleborsa) - "Oggi il quadro generale è in netto miglioramento. L'economia si sta rafforzando, aumenta la produzione nel settore manifatturiero e nelle costruzioni, prosegue l'espansione...
Restore Law and Order, Not At the Expense of Constitutionalism
[Addis Fortune] Katharine Viner, the editor-in-chief of the Guardian, one of Britain's oldest media institutions, noted in her superb essay on media's mission in an era of turbulence that making sense of a political movement when one is in the midst of it is difficult. No doubt this is true ...
Coca-Cola acompañó el lanzamiento de la Copa Mundial Femenina Sub-17 de la FIFA
La compañía, socia del máximo organismo rector del fútbol, es sponsor oficial del evento deportivo que se realizará en Uruguay entre el 13 de noviembre y 1° de diciembre de 2018.