US soldiers removed from White House detail amid probe: report
Three soldiers are accused of "improper contact" with foreign women during President Trump's recent Asia trip.
2018 budget: Reps bicker; conclude debate on MTEF/FSP
The House of Representatives Wednesday passed the 2018-2020 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and Fiscal Strategy Paper (FSP) through second reading after a contentious debate. The document was referred to the Committees on Finance, Appropriation, National Planning and Economic Development, Legislative Budget and Research and Aids, Loans and Debt Management ...
Japan Post Bank to invest ¥500 billion in foreign funds
Japan Post Bank Co. will invest up to ¥500 billion ($4.4 billion) in several foreign funds as part of efforts to diversify its profit sources ...
[Monitor] Number of Korean-invested companies in US grows: report
Investments by Korean companies in the US and the number of workers hired have been growing since a free trade deal betw
Romário apadrinha Apae/DF e pede inclusão de pessoa com deficiência
A Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais do Distrito Federal (Apae/DF), referência na inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho, foi ontem apadrinhada pelo senador Romário Faria (PSB/RJ). Juntos, eles lançam o projeto “Apae é 11”, em referência ao número da camisa que o senador usava como ...
Petrobras protocola na CVM comunicado de oferta de ações da BR Distribuidor
A Petrobras anunciou, nesta quarta-feira (22/11) que protocolou, na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), os documentos relacionados à oferta pública de distribuição secundária de ações ordinárias de emissão da BR Distribuidora BR, em complementação aos fatos relevantes divulgados em 28 de setembro e 16 de outubro.A companhia informou que divulgou ...
Flygbolag betalar för 11 september-dåd
Flygbolagen American Airlines och United Airlines betalar 95,1 miljoner dollar (cirka 800 miljoner kronor) till World Trade Center Properties, bolaget som ägde World Trade Center i New York som förstördes i 11 september-dådet 2001.
Israele Regno Unito
AI company analysis startup Zirra raises $2m
The Tel Aviv based company has also entered into a strategic agreement today with ELITE, London Stock Exchange Group's business support and capital raising program.
USA Myanmar
Apartheid in Myanmar’s Rakhine State - Amnesty
Source: Amnesty International Country: Bangladesh, MyanmarThe Rohingya people are trapped in a vicious system of state-sponsored, institutionalised discrimination, said Amnesty International in a new analysis into the root causes of the current crisis. Rohingya segregated and abused in “open-air prison” Two-year investigation reveals root causes of current Rakhine State crisis System of discrimination amounts ...
Trump Must Decide on Tariffs for Imported Washing Machines
The United States International Trade Commission will hand the president the second test of his willingness to impose tariffs on foreign rivals of domestic manufacturers.