Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The San Francisco-based company is now active in Israel, going up against Israeli, American and Chinese shared-economy rivals in cars, motorized scooters and bikes
O diretor do Departamento de Integração Econômica Regional do Ministério das Relações Exteriores, ministro Michel Arslanian Neto, disse hoje (23) que o acordo de livre comércio entre Brasil e Chile, que poderá ser assinado no mês que vem, é o mais amplo em matéria não tarifária já negociado pelo país. Na ...
Trade tensions and signs of slowing worldwide economy see investors retreat
Responding to protracted trade tension between the United States and China, South Korea should further diversify its tra
O Brasil iniciou um pedido de consultas na Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC) para contestar as medidas da China às importações de açúcar. Na ação, o governo brasileiro questiona a sobretaxa de salvaguarda da China entre 35% e 45% sobre o produto importado, a administração da cota tarifária de importação do ...
Berlin urges other EU states to stop sales in response to killing of journalist
Mr. Wang was an entrepreneur and deal-maker who built a multibillion-dollar software business, then was a majority owner of the New York Islanders.
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump's son in law, said on Oct. 22 the United States is still in a "fact-finding" phase on the murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Southeast Asia is seeing a boom in foreign direct investment as the intensifying trade war between the US and China prompts companies to shift production to the region.
Ostensibly, Netanyahu's a key beneficiary of this White House's unorthodox foreign policy approach. But for the sake of tentative gains, he's mortgaged Israel's reputation and security to the GOP and to Trump, America's most unpredictable president
Foreign Ministry flies in 20 rabbis – including well-known critics of current leadership – in move said to be masterminded by ambassador in Washington, a close confidant of the prime minister
Instituições financeiras, pesquisadas pelo Banco Central (BC), esperam que a inflação, medida pelo Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA), termine este ano em 4,44%. Na semana passada, a projeção estava em 4,43%. Esse foi o sexto aumento consecutivo. Para 2019, a projeção da inflação foi ajustada de 4,21% para ...
For nearly a decade, opposition to former President Barack Obama’s health care law has been a winning message for Nebraska Republicans.It’s helped them win every ...
Alois Rašín patřil do legendární pětice mužů, kteří 28. října 1918 vyhlásili samostatné Československo. Zároveň byl autorem prvního zákona nového státu i provolání k národu. Dnes je znám především jako první československý ministr financí, který provedl odluku od rakousko-uherské měny a stabilizoval finance nově vzniklého státu. Často bývá opakováno jeho ...
Government under mounting pressure on economy after sharp fall in rial
FRANKFURT: German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz said in an interview for publication Sunday he backed a global minimum fiscal regime for multinationals as Europe looks to levy tax notably on US tech giants.
[Daily News] A DELEGATION of 12 businessmen from the United States of America is due to arrive in the country to explore available opportunities for investment.
Dakar, 20 oct (APS) - Les journaux parvenus samedi à l'APS traitent de sujets divers relatifs à l'économie, à la politique, à la sécurité et à la diplomatie. Aussi, la réaction des enseignants au rapport de Human Rights Watch sur le harcèlement sexuel à l'école est largement traitée par la ...
US President added if the US takes action, he does not want it to impact arms sales to the kingdom,
Le autorità finanziarie rassicurano sulla stabilità del sistema: le Borse cinesi hanno aperto positive con Shanghai in lieve crescita dello 0,64%, a 2.502,27 punti, mentre Shenzhen segnava uno 0,80%, a quota 1.241,87...
La soglia psicologica di 7 yuan per un dollaro è più vicina: il deprezzamento sterilizza in parte i dazi Usa sul made in China. Ma Washington ammette: non è una svalutazione competitiva. Almeno per ora.... ...