Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The World Bank Group, in partnership with the governments of Germany and the United Kingdom, have announced a US$145 million Global Risk Financing Facility (GRiF) to help vulnerable countries manage the financial impact of climate change and natural hazard-induced shocks. The was made known at the World Bank and IMF ...
Market Recap: Trade in Thai shares was volatile this week amid heavy selling by foreign investors. Sentiment was dented by worries over US interest rates, soaring US Treasury yields, more liquidity injections by China, and rising oil prices that could undermine Thai economic prospects.
Il settore del retail negli USA attraversa una fase di profondo cambiamento ed innovazione che è bene studiare e comprendere anche al fine di rimanere al passo con le mutate esigenze degli shopper. I dati del 2017 e le previsioni per il prossimo anno sono positive: previsto un +1,9% di aperture ...
Cyclical election-related violence forces thousands of Kenyans to seek protection in foreign lands
Il segretario al Tesoro Usa Steven Mnuchin, in un colloquio con il governatore della Banca centrale cinese Yi Gang ha chiesto che la valuta di Pechino entri nei negoziati commerciali in corso...
China’s trade surplus with the United States ballooned to a record $34.1 billion in September, despite a raft of U.S. tariffs, official data showed on Oct. 12, adding fuel to the fire of a worsening trade war.
NEW YORK: US stocks surged early Friday, joining a global rally in equities after two days of market tumult as trade tensions between the US and China seemed to ease.
China’s trade surplus with the United States widened to a record $34.1 billion in September as exports to the American market rose 13 percent over ...
O Brasil está bem posicionado para resistir a choques. Essa é a avaliação que o presidente do Banco Central (BC), Ilan Goldfajn, apresenta durante as reuniões do Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e do Banco Mundial, desde ontem até domingo (14), em Bali, na Indonésia. Goldfajn avalia que o cenário global continua ...
Čínsky zahraničný obchod pokračuje v robustnom raste, napriek konfliktu so Spojenými štátmi. Ukázali to v piatok zverejnené údaje čínskeho colného úradu.
BEIJING - China's trade surplus with the United States ballooned to a record $34.1 billion in September, despite a raft of US tariffs, official data showed Friday, adding fuel to the fire of a worsening trade war.
SINGAPORE: The central bank tightened monetary policy for a second time this year, encouraged by steady economic growth despite worsening US-China trade tensions.
EARLY IN 2001, while the rest of America was recovering from the holiday season, the Fed’s monetary-policy committee convened for a conference call on the state of the economy. Spooked by poor Christmas sales and rising unemployment, it moved boldly, cutting rates by half a percentage point. “I believe that ...
JUST SOUTH of Indiana’s border with Michigan lies the city of Elkhart, with a population of just over 50,000. Apart from a small, shop-lined high street near where one river, the Elkhart, flows into another, the St Joseph, the city is mostly shapeless, tree-lined and suburban. Scattered around the outskirts ...
Four top United States senators triggered an investigation on Oct. 10 into the disappearance of a Saudi journalist under a U.S. law intended to hold human rights abusers to account.
The giant US retailer is setting up the joint venture called W*E Interactive Ventures to develop interactive content to help it compete with Amazon.
In teoria, l’ondata di dazi scatenata da Donald Trump contro la Cina potrebbe colpire l’intero valore dell’import dal gigante asiatico. Nei fatti, le aziende cinesi si sono adeguate alle tariffe di Trump con una strategia abbastanza pratica: evaderle. Second0 il Wall ...
Per il Presidente degli Stati Uniti la caduta di Wall Street: «È una correzione in un mercato al rialzo, probabilmente è salutare. Passerà»...
Soft inflation data helps soothe nerves but Nasdaq and S&P 500 continue to fall
il workshop "USA: overview del mercato e linee guida per sviluppare un network in franchising" si svogerà a Milano il 26 ottobre 2018. Il settore del retail negli USA attraversa una fase di profondo cambiamento ed innovazione che è bene studiare e comprendere anche al fine di rimanere al passo con ...
A economia da Argentina deve voltar a crescer no primeiro ou no segundo trimestre do próximo ano, disse hoje (10) o ministro da Produção do país vizinho, Dante Sica. Ele está em Brasília, onde participou de reuniões com autoridades e empresários brasileiros. Segundo o ministro, a crise cambial na Argentina deve-se ...