Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
O Rio de Janeiro recebeu, hoje (5), o primeiro voo low cost [de baixo custo] vindo de Santiago, no Chile, pela companhia chilena Sky Airline, que passará a operar, a partir desta segunda-feira, seis voos semanais no Aeroporto Internacional Galeão/Antonio Carlos Jobim, na zona norte da cidade, durante toda a ...
A Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica (Embraer) anunciou hoje (5) que assinou um pedido da American Airlines Inc. para 15 jatos E175 com 76 assentos. O valor do contrato é de US$ 705 milhões e será incluído na carteira de pedidos firmes da empresa brasileira do quarto trimestre de 2018. As ...
Vid en handelsmässa i Shanghai lovade Kinas president Xi Jinping att landet ska sänka importtullarna, öka importen och har för avsikt att handla mer med resten av världen. Det var inte första gången – liknande uttalanden har kommit tidigare – men nu underströk den kinesiska ledaren sin syn i en ...
Chief executive Ed Bastian reports solid demand despite US-China trade war
La restituzione all'Italia di tre reperti di epoca greca, un vaso per oli e unguenti, una brocca da vino e una terrina per cibi, recuperati dalle autorita' americane negli Stati Uniti, principale mercato d'arte mondiale per le opere italiane trafugate, è stata l'occasione per rinnovare il Memorandum...
South Korea’s local currency edged down against the greenback on Monday on robust jobs readings in the United States tha
\ Asian stocks sank on Monday as fears of faster rate hikes in the United States and uncertainty around the Sino-U.S. trade war deterred investment in riskier assets. Sterling jumped to a two-week high on hopes of an orderly Brexit. Markets are expected to be skittish ahead of U.S. congressional ...
Oil prices fell on Nov. 5 as the start of U.S. sanctions against Iran’s fuel exports was softened by waivers that will allow major buyers to still import Iranian crude, while Tehran said it would ignore Washington and continue to sell.
SHANGHAI: Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged on Monday to boost the nation's total imports to more than US$40 trillion in the next 15 years, while warning that US protectionism has "dealt a blow" to the global free trade system amid a mounting trade war with Washington.
Trade frictions with the United States and accusations of industrial espionage are set to cast a cloud over China’s largest aerospace meeting this week, as ...
Lunedì la Casa Bianca diffonde la lista degli otto Paesi a cui verranno accordate per diverse ragioni esenzioni sull’import di greggio iraniano: Washington ha dovuto rinunciare all’idea di bloccare completamente gli scambi con il quarto esportatore mondiale... ...
South Korea's foreign currency holdings dropped slightly last month amid a strong US dollar trend, central bank data sho
Centerbridge Partners, which is negotiating with Apax Partners to buy a stake in Psagot, is also in talks on a controlling interest in the Phoenix insurance group.
Účastí na večeři pořádané čínským prezidentem Si Ťin-pchingem zahájí v neděli český prezident Miloš Zeman návštěvu Číny. Zeman v sobotu odletěl do Šanghaje, kde se zúčastní dovozního veletrhu China International Import Expo, který má prezentovat Čínu jako zemi otevřenou pro dovoz zboží. Na nedělní večeři v předvečer zahájení veletrhu budou ...
Rinske Bijl (41) is journalist, haar partner Tibor Kányádi (40) is kok. Ze leven in een woongroep bij Tiel. „Onze zoon kan overal spelen. Er is een hut, ze kunnen zwemmen in de Linge. En de ouders helpen elkaar met oppassen.”
US President Donald Trump intends to end trade benefits for Mauritania on Jan. 1 for not making sufficient progress on ending forced labor practices.
Wage gains at long last have made an appearance in the US economy after a baffling absence amid robust job growth.
While South Korea’s stock market took a strong rebounding leap last week amid signals of trade war alleviation between t
L’ossessione per i complotti torna in auge negli Stati Uniti, grazie a uno sponsor d’eccezione: la Casa Bianca. Fra le ultime teorie ci sono le «infiltrazioni mediorientali» nella carovana honduregna e le «false bombe» contro i candidati democratici... ...
O ministro da Indústria, Comércio Exterior e Serviços (MDIC), Marcos Jorge, inicia neste domingo (4) uma missão na China com o objetivo de aumentar e diversificar as exportações brasileiras com o país asiático, que é o maior parceiro comercial do Brasil. De janeiro a setembro deste ano, o Brasil vendeu ...
America’s most important business leaders provided insights on how to navigate the challenges ahead.