Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
South Korean stock markets rebounded slightly Tuesday after getting off to a weak start, amid signs of escalating tensio
The U.S.-China trade war intensified yesterday as Beijing and Washington outlined plans to increase tariffs on each other’s goods.
Turkey’s foreign minister called for a united stance against Islamophobia late on May 12 after a mosque in the U.S. state of Connecticut was attacked over the weekend.
Iran and the United States could trigger a conflict by accident in an already unstable Gulf region, Britain's foreign minister said on May 13, as U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held talks in Brussels with the main European powers on the crisis.
A companhia aérea Azul informou, hoje (13), que protocolou na Justiça uma nova proposta para comprar parte das operações da Avianca Brasil, empresa que passa por recuperação judicial e cancelou diversos voos no último mês. Em nota, a empresa informou que requereu junto ao juízo da 1ª Vara de Falências e ...
Beijing’s new tariffs to hit US LNG exports as well as textiles, steel and chemicals
Managers concerned that strong performances will be spoiled by tensions with Washington
LEADERSHIP : The Nigerian Shippers’ Council (NSC) has called for the support of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in trade facilitation both within the country and within the region. Executive secretary of NSC, Hassan Bello, made the call when the team of the monitoring mission of the ...
Oggi gli Stati Uniti annunciano l’altra ondata di dazi sui 325 miliardi di prodotti rimasti senza dazi. Con questa decisione tutto l’export cinese negli States verrebbe tassato. In questa ultima “tranche” di prodotti rientrano categorie sensibili per le aziende americane, come ...
«Non possiamo lasciare che la Cina si approfitti ancora degli Stati Uniti». Si è espresso in questi termini il presidente americano Donald Trump, a seguito della rappresaglia sui dazi decisa da Pechino che sta causando una giornata nera a Wall Street. ...
Apple è nel mirino di un vasto caso antitrust, che potrebbe costarle miliardi di dollari nei prossimi anni. In gioco è una class action portata dai consumatori, che sfidano il controllo assoluto rivendicato dal colosso di Cupertino sul mercato ...
Čína nemá zájem na účasti v jednání Moskvy s Washingtonem o jaderném odzbrojení. V jihoruském Soči to po setkání s ruským ministrem zahraničí Sergejem Lavrovem prohlásil jeho čínský partner Wang I. O účasti Pekingu na rozhovorech o kontrole zbrojení opakovaně hovoří americký prezident Donald Trump. I Rusko dalo najevo, že ...
Deepening a trade battle and sending financial markets into a tailspin, China announced on May 13 it was raising tariffs on $60 billion of U.S. goods in retaliation for the latest hike in U.S. tariffs on its exports.
BEIJING: China's Foreign Ministry said on Monday the country will never surrender to foreign pressure after Washington renewed its threat to impose tariffs on all Chinese imports in an escalating trade dispute.
HONG KONG: China plans to impose tariffs on $60 billion worth of US goods, the Finance Ministry said on Monday, after the United States escalated a bitter trade war with a tariff hike on $200 billion of Chinese products.
La Cina sfida Donald Trump e annuncia nuovi dazi su 60 miliardi di dollari di prodotti Made in Usa. Una mossa, quella di Pechino, che affonda le piazze finanziarie mondiali alle prese con un vero e...
L’economia reale cinese sta già rallentando, e i nuovi dazi annunciati da Trump possono far precipitare la Cina e il mondo in una nuova recessione. Leggi
Borsa milanese in rosso insieme agli altri mercati europei, che accusano perdite consistenti sulla questione ancora non risolta sui dazi tra Usa e Cina. Intanto, la borsa statunitense arranca...
O mercado financeiro continua a reduzir a estimativa de crescimento da economia este ano. Pela 11ª vez seguida caiu a projeção para a expansão do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) – a soma de todos os bens e serviços produzidos no país. Desta vez, a estimativa foi reduzida de 1,49% para ...
Beijing to raise levies on $60bn in US goods in defiance of warnings from Donald Trump
Meanwhile China wants to preserve the model of globalisation that has served it well