Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The two funds have signed a binding agreement and will pay NIS 575 million for a 32.5% stake in the Israeli insurance company.
Sono gli importatori Usa i veri perdenti nella guerra dei dazi tra Washington e Pechino, afferma un’indagine dell’Fmi. Secondo uno studio della Fed di New York, le ultime tariffe di Trump costeranno 106 miliardi alle famiglie americane.... ...
A liberação de R$ 1,588 bilhão para o Ministério da Educação fez o orçamento da pasta retornar para a situação de março, esclareceu há pouco o secretário especial de Fazenda, Waldery Rodrigues. Com a decisão, o contingenciamento (bloqueio) de verbas do ministério voltou para R$ 5,84 bilhões, valor estabelecido em ...
A equipe econômica usou parte de uma reserva de emergência criada no fim de março para evitar um novo contingenciamento (corte) no Orçamento. Segundo o Relatório Bimestral de Receitas e Despesas, divulgado hoje (22) pelo Ministério da Economia, o governo decidiu usar R$ 1,64 bilhão da reserva para recompor as ...
Recent $20bn sale of US debt could not be explained by typical ebb and flow of Beijing’s holdings
Sell-off extends monthly decline that is on track to be worst since December plunge
Surveillance equipment maker faces threat of ban as Washington moves to target Chinese tech groups
The anti-Turkey circles in the United States have recently intensified their activities in the U.S. Congress, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on May 22.
The Thai Industries Sentiment Index (TISI) in April decreased to 95.0 points from 96.3 in March amid the global economic slowdown, US-China trade war and weak exports.
Chinese will keep buying Bangkok property despite the slowdown in Asia’s largest economy amid the trade war with the United States, according to Noble Development Plc.
By Newsfeed/Reuters RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Brazil’s Senate on Wednesday passed legislation allowing foreign-controlled airlines to operate domestic flights, opening up Latin America’s largest air travel market after years of debate. The measure passed in Brazil’s Senate on Wednesday following approval by the lower chamber on Tuesday. Congress included ...
Investors seemed to be reacting to a growing sense that the dispute between Washington and Beijing was deepening and would continue indefinitely.
Grandi e piccoli gruppi Usa europei e asiatici spostano gli impianti di lavorazione. Le destinazioni principali? Stati Uniti e soprattutto Paesi dove il costo del lavoro è basso...
L'approccio paziente al cambiamento dei tassi monetari è giudicato appropriato “per il momento”...
Kasikornbank (KBank) has tightened loan approvals for China-related businesses amid heightening US-China trade tensions, which are pressuring the bank's trade finance segment.
Exports fell for a second straight month in April, weighed by the global economic slowdown, deepening trade tensions between the US and China, political uncertainty in the EU and downside risk in the Chinese financial markets.
(Teleborsa) - Nonostante l'acuirsi delle tensioni legate alla faida commerciale tra Pechino e Washington, non sembra essere previsto a breve un incontro delle due delegazioni per sciogliere i nodi...
Botox-maker Allergan has teamed up with South Korea’s Medytox in suing Daewoong Pharmaceutical and its US partner Evolus
Após a aprovação da reforma da Previdência, o governo vai acelerar as privatizações para travar despesas com juros da dívida, anunciou o ministro da Economia, Paulo Guedes, hoje (22), em palestra de abertura do seminário Previdência: por que a reforma é crucial para o futuro do país?, organizado pelos jornais ...
Survey shows nearly half hit by counter-measures from Beijing leading many to cut investment or relocate
Court decision threatens to upset chipmaker’s business model again