Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Without new US sanctions, the country’s steel export revenues will increase significantly
By Xiu Ying, Contributing Reporter RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The possible return of Cristina Kirchner to power worries the Bolsonaro government, which may have her as a political counterpoint and whose ascension will change the correlation of forces in the continent. Through an erratic foreign policy that fails to ...
Deterioration of Iran economy helps explain decision to break parts of nuclear deal
Spanish import says goodbye to New Zealand via social media.
The trade war between the US and China continues to loom large over the world economy.
Holzer & Holzer, an investments fraud investigator, announced that it had opened a probe
Lo scontro commerciale tra Cina e Stati Uniti è salito di livello. Dopo il via libera di Trump ai nuovi dazi contro i prodotti cinesi, la possibilità di una guerra commerciale a tutto campo sembra diventata più concreta. Ma a differenza ...
Nello stato del Midwest si produce il 90% del formaggio americano. I cheese maker sono immigrati che producono negli Stati Uniti i formaggi francesi, inglesi e quelli italiani che hanno la fetta più grande del mercato con la mozzarella e il ...
Jako katastrofální označil dnes český premiér Andrej Babiš údaje o potravinové a zemědělské soběstačnosti České republiky. Řekl to na sněmu Agrární komory ČR v Brně. Česko dováží vepřové i kuřecí maso, ale i vejce a další zemědělské produkty. Prezident komory Zdeněk Jandejsek upřesnil, že soběstačnost země ve výrobě vepřového masa ...
Trump’s tough stance is a warning to America’s other trading partners
Top presidential adviser seeks to ease fears rattling global financial markets
Schrijver Philip Huff vertrok naar New York om een Engelstalig boek te schrijven. Dat bleek een bittere pil.
President Donald Trump warned China on Saturday that it should strike a trade deal with the United States now
Toughening stances show the two powers are ready to play hardball.
South Korea’s export-reliant economy is likely to suffer a setback as a trade battle between the world’s two largest eco
WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump warned China on Saturday that it should strike a trade deal with the United States now, otherwise an agreement would be "far worse for them if it has to be negotiated in my second term."
China and the United States have agreed to hold more trade talks in Beijing, Vice Premier Liu He said as U.S. President Donald Trump ordered ...
Washington is preparing new tariffs after alleging that Beijing “reneged”
Tutto è cominciato con i dazi su pannelli solari e lavatrici cinesi (e sudcoreani), decisi il 22 gennaio del 2018. Solo un assaggio di quel che sarebbe seguito: le merci tassate valevano poco più di 10 miliardi di dollari. L’innesco dell’escalation ...
«Non c'è assolutamente fretta di arrivare a un accordo. I dazi li abbiamo alzati e arriveranno più soldi nelle casse del Tesoro». Il presidente Donald Trump poche ore dopo l'entrata in vigore dell'aumento dei dazi contro la Cina ha twittato la ...
The United States is wary of China’s growing role in the global economy and its tactics for getting ahead. China sees some of the demands as infringing on its sovereignty.