Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Central bank worries that cutting rates would be seen as caving in to the White House
Thailand and Indonesia are at risk of losing special trade status that gives developing economies preferential access to the US market, according to Maybank Kim Eng Research.
Economic revitalization minister Toshimitsu Motegi suggested Thursday that Japan and the United States will aim to quickly conclude negotiations for a bilateral trade deal after ...
By Xiu Ying RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The president of state-owned savings bank Caixa Econômica Federal, Pedro Guimarães, announced on Wednesday, June 12th, the restitution of R$3 billion (US$750 million) to the government; Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, said that more state-owned banks are working to honor commitments with ...
TraWell, società italiana che opera nel settore della protezione dei bagagli negli aeroporti, sbarca sul mercato americano. L'azienda fondata nel 1997, che fino allo scorso maggio si...
April sales also revised higher as Americans spend on autos, gadgets and appliances
Departing captain hailed as Wellington's greatest ever player by his former centre-back partner.
South Korea's economy is increasingly facing downside risks amid the trade tussle between the United States and China, t
Lo scorso 8 giugno Stati Uniti e Messico hanno trovato l’accordo sulle iniziative da prendere per frenare l’immigrazione illegale, evitando almeno per ora i dazi minacciati da Trump, che non solo avrebbero messo in ginocchio l’economia messicana, ma avrebbero avuto pesanti ripercussioni anche su quella a stelle e strisce. Quanto ...
The US Commerce Department is exploring business opportunities and cooperation to promote US-based tech firms to expand investment in Thailand's telecom sector, especially for 5G wireless broadband tech adoption.
A data de realização do leilão do excedente da cessão onerosa do pré-sal foi adiada para o dia 6 de novembro, informou hoje (13) a Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP). O certame estava marcado para o dia 28 de outubro. A agência publicou, nesta quinta-feira (13), o pré-edital com as ...
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will travel to Washington next week to meet with President Donald Trump to discuss the ratification of the new North ...
US activist investor with $1.5bn stake launches second campaign on Japanese group
L’ex colonia britannica è sempre più risucchiata nella spirale di tensioni tra Washington e Pechino: frenano Pil ed esportazioni e in Borsa cresce la volatilità....
Huawei chiede a Verizon di pagare il conto. Il colosso cinese nel mirino dell'amministrazione Trump ha contrattaccato battendo cassa nei confronti del leader statunitense delle telecomunicazioni cellulari: l'ha invitato a pagare per licenze su oltre 200 brevetti dei quali farebbe uso ...
L?economia mondiale potrà ripartire solo con un accordo fra Stati Uniti e Cina. Ne è convinto l?amministratore delegato della Pirelli, Marco Tronchetti Provera. Secondo il...
WikiLeaks founder faces charges in US of violating espionage law
De serie When They See Us vertelt het verhaal van vijf jongens die onterecht werden veroordeeld voor de verkrachting van een vrouw in New York. Elizabeth Lederer was hoofdaanklager in die zaak.
L?economia mondiale potrà ripartire solo con un accordo fra Stati Uniti e Cina. Ne è convinto l?amministratore delegato della Pirelli, Marco Tronchetti Provera. Secondo il...
Those interested in further reading on the issues raised in this report may like to investigate the sources below: Henry Paulson, remarks on the risks of an economic iron curtain falling between America and China, February 2019 Defence Innovation Board, report to US Secretary of Defence on “The 5G Ecosystem: Risks & ...
US president expresses hope for a trade deal with Beijing despite ‘testy’ relations