Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Facebook Inc is no longer allowing pre-installation of its apps on Huawei phones, the latest blow for the Chinese tech giant as it struggles to keep its business afloat in the face of a US ban on its purchase of American parts and software.
The presidents of Russia and China used an investment conference to critique what they saw as increased protectionism by the United States amid rising tensions.
È stato il 104esimo mese positivo consecutivo per il mercato del lavoro, ma ha rappresentato una delusione rispetto a attese medie di 180.000 impieghi e un brusco rallentamento rispetto ai due mesi precedenti...
Talks continue in Washington in an attempt to reach an agreement to avoid tariffs
US economy adds 75,000 jobs in May against 185,000 median prediction
Pick a side. Does NZ have to choose between its biggest trading partner and most important defence ally?
China’s central bank chief said on June 7 the country has plenty of policy tools left to handle the trade war with the United States.
Economic revitalization minister Toshimitsu Motegi said Friday that he is arranging to hold trade negotiations with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer in Washington next Thursday.They ...
(Teleborsa) - Nel mese di aprile, secondo quanto comunicato dal Bureau of Census statunitense, si è registrata una salita delle scorte all'ingrosso dello 0,8% a 675,5 miliardi di dollari rispetto...
08:27 Mexico voert een race tegen de klok om te voorkomen dat zijn export naar de Verenigde Staten vanaf maandag belast wordt. Om Washington te paaien schroeft het de strijd tegen de migrantenkaravanen op.
Ten billion here, ten billion there: President Donald Trump’s escalating tariffs on imports to the United States have begun to amount to serious money — ...
Can the hard-charging culture at Kirkland & Ellis survive a dip in dealmaking?
The price of gold on South Korea’s bourse reached the highest level in three years this week, reflecting the marke
(Teleborsa) - La Federal reserve conferma un peggioramento del quadro congiunturale USA. Il Beige Book, il consueto bollettino mensile della Fed in cui si rileva l'andamento dell'attività economica...
LEADERSHIP : In recent days, the government has issued two new travel alerts for citizens heading to the US, while state media has ratcheted up its fiery anti-American rhetoric. It is latest indication of Beijing digging in for a prolonged trade war between the world’s two largest economies. The administration ...
Cosmoprof North America, l’unica manifestazione negli Stati Uniti che riunisce in un’unica sede tutti i settori dell’industria del Beauty, si terrà dal 28 al 30 luglio 2019 a Las Vegas. Gli Stati Uniti rappresentano il 20% dei consumi mondiali e sono al terzo posto, dopo Francia e Germania, tra le destinazioni ...
Negli Stati Uniti, il commercio dei prodotti agroalimentari biologici viene regolamentato dalla USDA, ossia dal Dipartimento di Agricoltura Americano (U.S. Department of Agricolture). Generalmente, i produttori che appartengono a tale settore vanno incontro alla procedura standard di certificazione prevista dalla USDA che prevede la scelta dell’agente certificatore accreditato dalla USDA, ...
LEADERSHIP : Federal and state governments in Nigeria have been called upon to give the survival of small businesses the serious attention it deserves, in order to empower self-employed citizens, create more jobs and in the process, tame the rising cases of unemployment in the country. The chief executive officer ...
Il presidente della banca centrale Usa è pronto a intervenire per contrastare gli effetti della guerra commerciale, ma la politica monetaria non è la medicina adatta....
O ministro da Secretaria de Governo, Santos Cruz, anunciou hoje (5), em Paris, uma nova etapa de licitações, no valor de US$ 450 bilhões, dentro do Programa de Parcerias e Investimentos (PPI) do governo federal. Ele discursou a uma plateia de 120 empresários brasileiros e franceses reunidos no Ministério de ...
IMF forecasts 0.5% tariff hit to global economy as US jobs boom shows signs of slowing