Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Japan and the United States agreed on Friday to hold working-level meetings intensively from early next month to accelerate progress toward a two-way trade agreement, ...
A survey finds that voters think the trade measures will be bad for the United States, and that even most Republicans say they will lead to higher prices.
The company’s move to shift assembly of the only major product it had made in America outside the country comes amid a continuing trade war between the United States and China.
COLOMBIA – Conferenza “Le mappe industriali dell’America Latina - Imprese italiane e opportunità di investimento: il caso Colombia” La Fondazione Osservatorio PyME, in collaborazione con Unioncamere e Formiche e con il patrocinio dell'Ambasciata Colombiana in Italia, organizza l’evento...
South Korean shares ended lower Friday as investors remained cautious ahead of the US-China trade talks Saturday that co
South Korea is ready to provide an array of benefits to US companies seeking to invest in Asia's fourth-largest economy,
NEW YORK: Nike reported increased quarterly sales, but lower profits Thursday as executives pointed to higher women's athletics sales due in part to the Women's World Cup.
Former secretary of state’s testimony shows sway of Trump’s son-in-law
Tehran doubts trade initiative can offset impact of crippling US sanctions
With confidence in the free-trade system shaken, mainly by the heated tensions between the United States and China, ensuring trade friction doesn’t weaken the global ...
The presidential contenders agreed that President Trump’s economic policies were hurting America — but differed on how to fix it.
La Cina e gli Stati Uniti domineranno i prossimi decenni – da partner, rivali o nemici giurati – e si preparano a mettersi reciprocamente alla prova. Leggi
(Teleborsa) - L'economia americana si conferma in crescita del 3,1% nel 1° trimestre del 2019, come indicato nella precedente lettura. Il dato, diffuso oggi dal Dipartimento del Commercio americano,...
I dipendenti di Mission Pie, a San Francisco, guadagnano più del salario minimo e hanno l’assicurazione sanitaria. Una rarità, negli Stati Uniti. Ma dopo l’estate la pasticceria chiuderà. I dipendenti non possono più permettersi di vivere in città. Leggi
O Banco Central (BC) melhorou a projeção para o saldo negativo das contas externas, neste ano. A previsão para o déficit em transações correntes (compras e vendas de mercadorias e serviços e transferências de renda do país com outras nações) passou de US$ 30,8 bilhões para US$ 19,3 bilhões. A estimativa ...
Boj o to, kdo se bude koupat v nádržích – zda lidi, či toxické sinice – se spouští dřív, než bývá běžné. Teplotní rekordy padají už od dubna a přesně tak to mají sinice rády. Vedra a přívalové deště, které jim nesou z polí krmení v podobě fosforu z hnojiv, ...
The US-China trade war has led to a sharp drop in cross-border deals so far in 2019
US President lashes out at friends and foes alike over trade tariffs.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on June 26 said ties between Ankara and Washington are based on a strategic partnership and he did not get an impression of sanction from the U.S. President Donald Trump.
Car makers are confident that there will be healthy growth in the local market for the rest of the year despite pressure from the US-China trade dispute.
La recente decisione di Trump di revocare il regime preferenziale garantito a Nuova Delhi ha ufficialmente aperto l’ennesimo fronte della guerra commerciale a stelle e strisce, che continua ad allargarsi a macchia d’olio. Questa volta però, per il Made in Italy, potrebbe esserci qualche effetto positivo. Vediamo perché. Contro tutto ...