Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Tax deadline causes second-quarter surge but underlying slowdown persists
As autoridades egípcias aprovaram o Certificado Sanitário Internacional (CSI) que respalda as exportações brasileiras de leite e produtos lácteos. Com isso, o Brasil estará, a partir do mês que vem, pronto para exportar esses produtos para o Egito. De acordo com o Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento, o pedido ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After a one-hour meeting on Thursday, September 12th, with the head of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) at its headquarters, Minister Ernesto Araújo (Foreign Relations) said that the Trump administration still has questions over the design of the trade agreement it intends to sign ...
U.S. Air Forces Commander for Europe and African said on Sept. 13 that Turkey is an incredibly important NATO partner and the alliance remains committed to Ankara as an ally.
The House Committee on Foreign Affairs has subpoenaed President Donald Trump's top diplomat charged with negotiating with the Taliban the terms of an Afghan peace plan.
Five major European powers said annexing the Jordan Valley, northern Dead Sea would be in "serious breach of international law"
Recap: Global stock markets rebounded at the end of the week in response to easing trade tensions between China and the US and new stimulus from the European Central Bank. All eyes will be fixed on the US Federal Reserve meeting next week, with another interest-rate cut widely expected.
Rimandate di altri 15 giorni le tariffe sulle merci cinesi. Il 7 riprendono i colloqui. Al Pentagono l’elenco delle società di Pechino pericolose per la Difesa
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The International Alliance for Religious Freedom will be one of the main subjects of Chancellor Ernesto Araújo's meeting with the American Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, this Friday, September 13th, in Washington. The United States believes the alliance to be one of the pillars of ...
China appears to be betting on two approaches: start buying more U.S. goods, and try to keep discussions with Washington focused only on trade.
Move marks latest goodwill gesture ahead of October trade talks
US president’s officials debate removing or reducing tariffs to reduce trade tensions
Il militante per la democrazia è stato rilasciato su cauzione dopo il secondo arresto nell’arco di poche settimane. Nella ex colonia britannica continuano le dimostrazioni contro la repressione cinese, innescate dal tentativo del governorato di approvare una legge per facilitare le estradizioni in Cina
A colpi di tariffe, le due superpotenze economiche hanno affossato il proprio interscambio commerciale
A giugno le esportazioni americane di greggio hanno superato quelle dell'Arabia Saudita alle prese con i tagli Opec. La spinta della Casa Bianca alle nuove esplorazioni, allo shale oil e al gas naturale liquefatto
Lo sostiene il Wall Street Journal. Dall’altra parte dell’Oceano non è di sicuro vista di buon occhio la puntata cinese verso uno dei mercati finanziari più importanti al mondo, partner preferenziale degli Stati Uniti
Em conferência de imprensa em Washington, o porta-voz da instituição, Gerry Rice, recordou que a equipa do FMI já tinha avisado que “as tensões comerciais constituíam uma ameaça e o que dizemos agora é que não são só uma ameaça, porque já estão a começar a abrandar o dinamismo da ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After criticizing what he called "climate-ism" and arguing that there is a "climate alarm" used by the press during a speech made on Wednesday, September 11th, at the Heritage Foundation - one of the main conservatives think tanks in the United States , Brazil . ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At one of Washington's leading conservative think tanks, the Heritage Foundation, Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo gave an ideological speech in which he criticized what he termed "climatism" and said that there is "climate scaremongering" used by the media and the "political system" in reaction to ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Campaigning for the command of the Brazilian embassy in Washington, United States, Federal Deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL-SP) began to support a bill that automatically permits the release of medications in Brazil already approved by foreign health authorities, such as the American FDA. The bill would ...
Other financial markets are also showing signs that investors are less panicked about a recession in the United States.