Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Tokyo and Washington are in the final stage of talks over an easing of the United States’ regulations on bottles for alcoholic beverages imported from ...
Ke změně klimatu je podle premiéra Andreje Babiše (ANO) třeba přistupovat racionálně, nikoliv tak, aby se z boje proti změnám stalo fanatické náboženství. V New Yorku, kam příští týden pojede na světovou klimatickou konferenci, plánuje mluvit o roli OSN v celosvětovém přístupu k tomuto tématu. Další články k tématu:Německé ministerstvo ...
Trump administration targets tech, infrastructure, data and real estate sectors
AWEP assists women entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises and business community across Sub-Saharan Africa.
[ANGOP] Luanda -The President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, on Monday urged the Angolan government to promote an attractive environment for foreign direct investment that encourages greater involvement of US companies.
O Ministério da Agicultura anunciou hoje (17) um acordo comercial com a Arábia Saudita para ampliação das exportações de produtos do agronegócio brasileiro. A ministra Tereza Cristina se reuniu com representante da autoridade sanitária saudita, em Riade. Foram autorizadas as exportações de castanhas, derivados de ovos e a ampliação do acesso a frutas brasileiras. ...
A five-year survey between 2015-2020 by Bloomberg Finance L.P., MSCI, and Julius Baer found that assets of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) in Thailand grew at an annual rate of 9.9 per cent, equivalent to US$401,200 million, whereas the country’s GDP grew annually only 3.3 per cent on average. This ...
Čeští politici by měli při jednáních s Čínou usilovat o omezení bariér pro vstup českých firem na čínský trh. Na konferenci ve Sněmovně to v úterý řekl viceprezident Svazu průmyslu a dopravy ČR Radek Špicar. Nedostatečný přístup na čínský trh je podle něj větší problém než to, že se nenaplnila ...
Trump said Washington has struck trade agreements with Tokyo but stopped short of assuring Japan that new tariffs would not be slapped on vital auto ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian exports to the United States grew by 9.5% in August of this year compared to the same period in 2018. Imports of products from that country increased by 27.9%. At the same time, trade with other important partners (China, Argentina, and the The post Brazil ...
(Teleborsa) - Il Gruppo triestino del caffè, Illy, sta cercando un partner da far entrare nel capitale per potenziare la sua rete retail negli Stati Uniti. Al via dunque la scelta del consulente il...
A balança comercial brasileira registrou, na segunda semana de setembro, déficit de US$ 552 milhões, segundo dados divulgados hoje (16) pela Secretaria Especial de Comércio Exterior e Assuntos Internacionais do Ministério da Economia. As exportações no período de cinco dias úteis chegaram a US$ 4,822 bilhões, enquanto as importações foram ...
Co-working spaces in Bangkok will rise by 50% over the next two years as many overseas firms move to Thailand because the US-China trade war is escalating, says property consultant Colliers International Thailand.
Officials from both countries set to meet this week ahead of next round of talks in October
The World Trade Organization has made a final decision in a 15-year old dispute that now clears the way for the United States to impose tariffs on European products.
The joint appearance meant to reaffirm the strategic partnership between the world's oldest and largest democracies.
L'evento "USA 2020: Trump dopo Trump?" si terrà il 2 ottobre presso ISPI, Palazzo Clerici a Milano.A poco più di un anno dall'elezione del prossimo presidente Usa, i repubblicani serrano le file intorno a Trump mentre i democratici devono ancora scegliere il loro candidato. Malgrado le forti critiche dentro e ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The government of Minas Gerais signed on Thursday to a protocol of intent with South American Metals (SAM), a subsidiary of Chinese Honbridge Holdings, for the R$7.9billion (US$2 billion) construction of a mining complex in the north . . . To read the full NEWS ...
I dati comunicati da Assocamerestero rispetto all’indagine sulle tendenze di consumo Made in Italy negli Stati Uniti, Canada e Messico mostrano ottimi risultati per il cibo italiano. Gli influencer dell'agroalimentare scelgono la mozzarella di bufala, seguita dalla pasta fresca. I millenials sono sempre più incuriositi dal gusto italiano e acquistano ...
The United States has agreed to increase its low-tariff quota for Japanese beef in bilateral trade negotiations, sources close to the matter said Sunday.While it ...
OPINION: The gig economy is often presented as the path to freedom from the 9 to 5 drudgery most of us call a work day. But that's a lie.