Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Contractors crucial to clearing vegetation around power lines face higher coverage costs because of potential liability in later disasters.
Non solo dazi: il tycoon vorrebbe un delisting d'autorità di grandi società di Pechino oggi quotate sulle piazze americane e l'imposizione di barriere a ulteriori progetti cinesi di attingere ai mercati dei capitali Usa
Nove universitari cinesi che tornavano dalle vacanze estive sono stati arrestati alla dogane dell'aeroporto di Los Angeles e rimandati a casa. Studenti in calo del 10%. Perdite miliardarie per l'economia americana e diversi atenei stipulano polizze
The Democratic impeachment inquiry may do at least one thing for U.S. President Donald Trump: It could give him more incentive to resolve his trade ...
Apart from North Korea, they have all opened up to a market economy.
Washington potrebbe imporre presto tariffe sui prodotti europei per circa 7 miliardi di euro colpendo aerei e parti di aerei prodotte in Europa ma anche altri settori, in primis l'agroalimentare
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - According to the Cielo Tourism Sales Index (ICV-Tur), sales reached R$20.478 (US$5) billion in July this year, up by nine percent compared to June and 1.5 percent over the same month last year. In July, the tourism sector generated 25,049 new jobs in the country ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - National Treasury Secretary Mansueto Almeida said yesterday, September 27th, that ten of the 19 states that renegotiated debts with the Union failed to meet their spending limits. "They will lose all extension benefits and be required to pay the extra interest they have failed to ...
Šestnáctiletá švédská aktivistka Greta Thunbergová je nositelkou jednoho z nejskloňovanějších jmen současnosti. Podle expertů je z pohledu osobního marketingu nevídaným úkazem. Zásadní roli sehrává silný příběh, kontroverznost, emoce a schopnost polarizovat názory. A její věk. „Kdyby to nebyla šestnáctiletá holka, o tématu změny klimatu bychom se asi nebavili,“ míní Karel ...
UNITED NATIONS: China's foreign minister warned Friday that protectionism could trigger a world recession as he vowed to stand firm in a trade row with the United States.
Measure is one option as advisers debate expanding trade war into capital markets
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The construction of the plants should be included in the National Energy Plan (PNE), which is in its final stages of preparation. In a statement, the ministry noted that the PNE includes estimated investments of US$30 (R$120) billion in the construction of the six plants. ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (Reuters) Delta Air Lines said on Thursday, September 26th, it would buy a 20 percent stake in LATAM Airlines Group for US$1.9 (R$8) billion, creating a major new airline partnership and ending the Chilean-Brazilian carrier’s ties with American Airlines. The surprise deal with Latin America’s ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Without a ministry to defend its interests, sports loses strength in the Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) government. In the proposal for the Annual Budget Law (LOA) for 2020 sent to the National Congress, the president proposes that the investment in sports be that of R$220 (US$55) ...
It’s a golden age for price alerts, which have expanded from emails touting sales to fare predictions and deal disseminators.
Čínski importéri uzavreli dohody a nákupoch americkej sóje a bravčového mäsa, uviedol vo štvrtok hovorca čínskeho ministerstva obchodu.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Brazil may receive R$50 (US$12.5) billion in national and foreign investments in infrastructure in 2020. The estimate is by the Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio Freitas, who attended, on September 25th, the inauguration of the new runway of the Santos Dumont Airport, in Rio de Janeiro. ...
(Teleborsa) - L'economia americana si conferma in leggero rallentamento nel 2° trimestre del 2018 ma in linea con le attese. Il PIL statunitense è stato confermato al 2%, come indicato dalla...
Tokyo stocks rebounded Thursday thanks to favorable trade-related developments involving Japan, the United States and China.The 225-issue Nikkei average rose 28.09 points, or 0.13 percent, ...
The following is the full text of a joint statement signed Wednesday by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump in New York ...
The state’s closely watched law is similar to an approach Congress is considering nationally.