Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
As instituições financeiras consultadas pelo Banco Central (BC) aumentaram a estimativa para a inflação este ano, pela quinta vez consecutiva. A projeção para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA) subiu de 3,52% para 3,84%, desta vez. A informação consta do boletim Focus, pesquisa semanal BC que traz ...
Shopping negli Usa per Safilo, che ha acquistato il 70% di Blenders Eyewear, marchio californiano creato nel 2011 da un surfista trentenne di San Diego, Chase Fischer, che traendo ispirazione dalla...
Most Southeast Asian markets weakened on Monday, as worries over poor economic data from China offset Wall Street cheer on strong US jobs data, while investors buckled in for a crucial week of trade negotiations.
MEXICO CITY - Mexico's foreign minister said Sunday the country would not accept a US proposal for steel and aluminum production under the new trade deal, saying it would leave Mexico at a disadvantage.
Trump administration considers USMCA provisions to gain Democratic support
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Capsules releasing content only when submitted to certain environmental conditions and materials that change consistency only when they are inside the oil wells will increase the extraction of oil and gas in Brazil in the coming years, according to Petrobras. The company will invest R$30 ...
Decade-long study raises questions about private equity investments
GENEVA: The World Trade Organization's capacity to settle international disputes, a core function throughout the body's 25-year history, is on the brink of collapse following relentless US opposition.
The aviation sector in Nigeria has come under the media microscope recently. Having become a matter of public interest with news that filtered in from the United States of America. It witnessed a plethora of voices and all shades of opinions. Why not? On any matter of public import and ...
I bassi tassi di interesse hanno favorito le emissioni dei bond corporate, molti sono a rischio insolvenza vicini al rating spazzatura. L'economia americana è seduta su una montagna di debiti: un rischio in caso di recessione
US-UK dossier believed to have been disseminated on Reddit by Russian operatives
Brasil e Paraguai terão livre comércio entre produtos automotivos. Essa será a regra que passará a valer assim que for feito o acordo entre os dois países. O ministro da Economia do Brasil, Paulo Guedes, e a ministra da Indústria e Comércio do Paraguai, Liz Cramer, firmaram nessa quinta-feira (6), em Bento Gonçalves ...
This week at the Tel Aviv airport: A 17-year-old American with a years-long performance career, and a Chinese marketing agent who didn't expect to be ripped off in Israel
China on Friday confirmed that it will waive import tariffs for some soybeans and pork shipments from the United States as the two sides try ...
The Committee of the Ministers of Finance and Governors of Central Banks of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on single currency for ECOWAS is currently deliberating on key proposals of the proposed currency in Abuja. The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors conference is billed to also ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Apparently, the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel, is unhappy with the salary of nearly R$20,000 (US$5.000) gross per month and has complained to members of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) of the law that bans chief executives and members of the legislature from ...
Iran's foreign minister accuses the United States, Germany, France and the United Kingdom of not condemning 'the only nuclear arsenal in West Asia.' Israel earlier said it tested a rocket propulsion system
Telecoms group admits years of corruption in Djibouti, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Kuwait
(Teleborsa) - Il bilancio è positivo per i listini azionari europei. grazie al buon dato sul mercato del lavoro a stelle e strisce che ha infiammato Wall Street nel pomeriggio: l'S&P-500 segna...
Com cinco anos de antecedência, o governo de Angola pagou, integralmente, os US$ 589 milhões da dívida que ainda tinha com o governo brasileiro. De 2005 a 2017, o país africano contraiu financiamentos do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) e com o Tesouro Nacional, que chegaram a ...
Os brasileiros que viajarem ao exterior terão novos limites de compras, com isenção de tributos. Os países integrantes do Mercosul (Brasil, Argentina, Paraguai e Uruguai) aprovaram a elevação do limite de isenção de bagagem em viagens aéreas e marítimas –de US$ 500 para US$ 1000. Mas ainda não há data para ...