Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
(Teleborsa) - La US Navy ha assegnato al consorzio guidato da Lockheed Martin, del quale fa parte anche Fincantieri Marinette Marine (FMM) un ordine plurimiliardario per la costruzione di quattro...
Thailand's manufacturing production index (MPI) in 2019 is unlikely hit the target of 2-3% growth, attributed to US-China trade tensions and the bearish Thai economy, says the Office of Industrial Economics (OIE).
Holiday shopping season rise of 3.4% to $880bn in revenue reported by Mastercard
Wall Street wants you to stay ignorant. @MrsDowJones is here to teach us financial literacy.
Čína je nespolehlivý obchodní partner, který bez váhání obětuje výhodné dohody, pokud si to žádají politické zájmy. V názorovém příspěvku zveřejněném na webu prestižního amerického listu The Washington Post to napsal pražský primátor Zdeněk Hřib.Další články k tématu:Čínská odveta za Hřibovy výroky. Tamní úřady odložily na neurčito vystoupení pražské filharmonieNenarušujte ...
Nel mirino la pratica di sales punching, che riporta come già vendute vetture ancora nei concessionari
Exports fell for the fourth straight month in November, plunging by 7.39% year-on-year, attributed largely to lower oil and farm product prices, the world's economic and trade slowdown, ongoing trade tensions between the US and China and baht appreciation.
The use of free trade agreement (FTA) privileges and the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) by Thai exporters dropped by 2.95% in the first 10 months of the year to US$60.3 billion.
Baby Yoda is a productivity metaphor, O.K. Boomer can be tied to homeownership and hemp farming is an outgrowth of the trade war.
German carmaker says it is co-operating with Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry
Russia will respond in kind to U.S. sanctions against the TurkStream and NordStream II projects, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Dec. 23.
Dietro la mossa non c’è solo il completamento degli accordi con gli Stati Uniti ma anche ragioni di economia interna come la necessità di calmierare l’inflazione su alcuni prodotti
Instituições financeiras consultadas pelo Banco Central (BC) aumentaram a estimativa de inflação para este ano, pela sétima vez seguida. Também subiu a previsão para o crescimento da economia, no terceiro ajuste consecutivo. A projeção para o Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor Amplo (IPCA – a inflação oficial do país), desta ...
Development finance chief warns Beijing’s infrastructure investments will shatter economies
The news of a trade deal between China and the United States last week cheered markets and lifted the economic gloom -- even though it is only tentative and limited.
It is clear now that the rise of protectionism and the current US tariff war against China and the rest of the world have led to a slowdown in global trade and demand. Since most export-led economies in Asia Pacific depend heavily on demand from China, any slowdown there is ...
Sull’onda del regolamento europeo GDPR, operativo dal 25 maggio 2018, anche la California introdurrà, il prossimo Gennaio 2020, il CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), muovendo così i primi passi verso la tutela dei dati personali. Applaudita da molti consumatori e sostenitori della privacy, la legislazione impone nuovi requisiti e restrizioni ...
A dysfunctional dance between business and politics is at the root of the country’s woes
The board of directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM), included Nicaragua in its Country Limitation Schedule[...]
Russia’s foreign minister insisted on Sunday that a flagship project to pipe natural gas to Europe would be finished, despite the United States slapping sanctions ...
Non-US figures underscore challenges facing digital publishers