Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
NEW YORK: Fiat Chrysler and the United Auto Workers union have reached a tentative labor agreement calling for billions in new investments and thousands of new jobs, the UAW announced Saturday.
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Entrepreneurs from FIRJAN (Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro) on Thursday afternoon, November 28th, handed President Jair Bolsonaro a study that underscores the need for R$40.4 billion (US$10 billion) investments in infrastructure for the state of Rio de Janeiro to resume ...
NEW YORK: Oil prices tumbled Friday on expectations Opec next week won't take aggressive action to boost oil prices, while global equities pulled back on trade war worries.
David Krejčí rozhodl v odpoledním utkání NHL gólem o výhře hokejistů Bostonu 3:2 v prodloužení nad New York Rangers po ideální přihrávce Davida Pastrňáka, jenž předtím v řádné hrací době vyrovnal na 2:2. Bruins zvítězili pošesté za sebou a posunuli se do čela tabulky celé soutěže.
Positive trade balance for September could affect America’s ties with allies
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Amidst the growth in mandatory spending, investments - spending on construction and purchase of equipment - accumulated a drop in 2019. According to figures released yesterday, November 28th, by the National Treasury, investments totaled R$30.888 billion (US$7.722 billion) from January to October, a 16.3 percent ...
Depois de leiloar US$ 34,4 bilhões das reservas internacionais nos últimos meses, o Banco Central (BC) venderá mais US$ 7,5 bilhões no mercado à vista em dezembro. O anúncio foi feito hoje (28) pela autoridade monetária após o fechamento dos mercados. Com impacto nulo sobre o câmbio, os leilões não estão ...
Depois de uma sequência de recordes, a moeda norte-americana caiu pela primeira vez em cinco sessões. O dólar comercial fechou esta quinta-feira (28) vendido a R$ 4,216, com recuo de R$ 0,043 (-1%). Ontem (27), a divisa tinha fechado em R$ 4,259, o maior valor nominal (sem a inflação) desde ...
A Petrobras prevê investimentos de US$ 75,7 bilhões nos próximos cinco anos, a partir de 2020. O novo plano de negócios foi aprovado, ontem (27), pelo Conselho de Administração da companhia. Segundo a estatal, 85% dos investimentos serão alocados no segmento de exploração e produção. “Essa alocação está aderente ao nosso ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Wednesday, November 27th, Telefónica announced a profound and quasi-revolutionary organizational change in its structure as a multinational group. The operator will unify all its businesses in Latin America in a single independent subsidiary (spin off), with the purpose of selling it or taking it ...
U Jiříka nastaly bezprostředně po očkování neurologické změny a dostavily se těžké epileptické záchvaty, které mu trvale poškodily mozek. Chlapec je upoután na invalidní vozík, jeho neurolog potvrdil, že změny jsou důsledkem očkování. Další články k tématu:Stát odškodní rodiče, jimž zemře dítě po povinném očkování. Poslanci schválili zákonChřipka ročně usmrtí 200 ...
(Teleborsa) - Un piano di promozione straordinario per proteggere l'agroalimentare UE e italiano in particolare, tra i più colpiti dai dazi USA in risposta alla sentenza Wto sulla controversia...
Draft law aimed at cracking down on waste comes amid backlash against US-imported shopping ‘frenzy’
De 83-jarige Hattie Wiener uit New York, die wereldberoemd werd nadat ze via datingapp Tinder in acht maanden tijd vijftig seksafspraakjes had geritseld met veel jongere mannen, is per direct gestopt met die manier van daten. Volgens de krasse dame is ze de gestage stroom wisselende contacten zat. ,,Ik wil ...
Il presidente americano ha firmato due provvedimenti a sostegno dei manifestanti di Hong Kong. Dura reazione del governo cinese che ha convocato (due volte in una settimana) l'ambasciatore Usa per chiedere di non interferire. Più difficile il cammino dell’accordo commerciale tra i due paesi
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "Latin America will never be the same again," proclaims former Guatemalan Vice President Eduardo Stein. As Venezuela's special representative to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), he is in charge of coordinating efforts to address an ...
(Teleborsa) - Le proteste di Hong Kong entrano a gamba tesa sui rapporti tra Stati Uniti e Cina, rischiando di compromettere l'intesa commerciale in via di definizione tra le due superpotenze, il cui...
Trump decision to pass human rights law reminds China there will be no reset with US
More than 200 bonds in junk-rated index are trading at levels implying severe strain
The US ranks just ahead of New Zealand as the top market in the world for women entrepreneurs, while Thailand moved up five places from last year to 14th in the latest annual survey by Mastercard.
Plummeting cranberry prices and the country’s ongoing trade wars have America’s cranberry industry eying a possible new savior: solar power.Some cranberry farmers in Massachusetts, the ...