Vai alla Scheda Paese »There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.
— John Fitzgerald Kennedy
WASHINGTON:US trade talks with the European Union and Britain have stalled in part due to suspicions of poor American food standards, Washington's chief negotiator said Wednesday.
Neel Kashkari, who leads the regional bank based in the city where George Floyd died, took to Twitter to discuss the killing and why the United States needs to address underlying racism.
The United States on June 17 imposed sanctions on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s wife and dozens of others as it vowed a vast pressure campaign under a new law that has already rattled the war-torn nation’s economy.
Senate Republicans also unveil bill to overhaul Section 230 after Trump orders review of the law
In a crisis that demands solidarity and sacrifice, within a society based on true democracy, it's clear which political frameworks will deliver – and it's not what historian Yuval Noah Harari is selling us
Israel stands before one of the most difficult periods it has ever known, from a coronavirus economic crisis to Netanyahu's assault on the rule of law. But his annexation plan could lead us to the precipice of war – and beyond
La ministra degli Esteri spagnola, Arancha Gonzalez Laya, preme perché il fondo Ue per la ripresa sia operativo al più presto, mentre sul Mes dice: «Ogni Paese decida senza pregiudizi: può essere utile ma oggi la Spagna non ne ha bisogno». E sul commercio globale: «La Wto deve essere riformata ...
Retail sales bounce, Fed interventions and news on Covid-19 drug combine to cheer investors
Biggest monthly gain on record is more than double economists’ expectations
(Teleborsa) - "Finché il Paese non sarà sicuro che la pandemia Covid-19 è stata contenuta, è improbabile una completa ripresa" dell'economia negli Stati Uniti.A dirlo è il governatore della...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The recent surge in stock markets, despite the global economy in tatters, raises questions about whether or not the highs are detached from reality. Last week, the Nasdaq composite index hit 10,000 points for the first time in history, even after the Federal Reserve (Fed) ...
Un lavoratore non può essere licenziato perché gay o transgender: lo ha deciso la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti, stabilendo che la legge federale deve proteggere da ogni discriminazione sul lavoro
O presidente do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), Gustavo Montezano, disse hoje (15), durante seminário online sobre a retomada do crescimento por meio de investimentos em infraestrutura, que as medidas de proteção social são necessárias, mas é importante alavancar recursos que possam por em andamento os projetos de infraestrutura. O ...
Foreign Minister Ashkenazi says 'no place for violence in Israeli society' after Ismail Khalidi, who has advocated for Israel in San Francisco and London, files complaint against guards in Jerusalem's central bus station
O Índice de Comércio Exterior (Icomex) da Fundação Getulio Vargas, referente a maio, divulgado hoje (15), confirmou tendência já sinalizada nos meses anteriores de aumento das exportações brasileiras pautadas em commodities (produtos agrícolas e minerais comercializados no mercado internacional) e destinadas para o mercado asiático, com redução para outros destinos. Segundo a ...
Federal civil rights law prohibits employers from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation
New Jersey provides a model for authorities trying to reform law enforcement after Floyd protests
This moment is a uniquely testing time for us all. The speed at which Covid-19 has spread across the world and the severity of the disruption to the global economy have been unprecedented.
LEADERSHIP : According to a 2019 executive summary on poverty and inequality by the National Bureau of Statistics, 40.1 per cent of the population in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and the largest producer of oil in Africa, is classified as poor. A UNICEF report states that over 10 million ...
Israel stands before one of the most difficult periods it has ever known, from a coronavirus economic crisis to Netanyahu's assault on the rule of law. But his annexation plan could lead us to the precipice of war – and beyond
LEADERSHIP : The United States of America is a big country. It has a population of 330 million people, formidable GDP of 21,4 trillion USD (15,8% of the global result) and ambitions that are in commensurable with those of any political entity in the human history. We live in an ...